Laser hair removal how to understand what you did right. What are the benefits of laser hair removal? And many more interesting things about hair and lasers. Types, capabilities and a brief description of lasers for hair removal

All materials on the site are prepared by specialists in the field of surgery, anatomy and specialized disciplines.
All recommendations are indicative and are not applicable without consulting the attending physician.

A beam of light, before reaching the sensitive cells and further along the nerve path to the brain, is refracted several times in the eyeball. The main site of this process is the lens. How we perceive the object depends mainly on its properties and abilities. Correcting pathological changes in the lens is quite difficult, the most effective way is to replace it - a complex, high-tech operation.

But there is an alternative method - the impact on the cornea. This is one of the layers of the spherical eyeball. It is in it that the primary refraction of light occurs before it hits the lens. Non-surgical vision correction for farsightedness, myopia or astigmatism involves the impact on the cornea with a laser and a change in its curvature.

Indications for laser vision correction

The operation is performed for three main eye diseases:

  • Myopia. This disease is also called myopia. It occurs as a result of a change in the shape (stretching) of the eyeball. The focus is formed not on the retina, but in front of it. As a result, the image appears blurry to a person. Correction of myopia is possible by wearing glasses, lenses, laser and surgical methods. Elimination of the cause of the disease - an altered shape of the eyeball, is currently impossible.
  • Farsightedness. The disease occurs due to a decrease in the size of the eyeball, a decrease in the accommodation of the lens (often happens in old age), insufficient refractive power of the cornea. As a result, the focus of nearby objects is formed behind the retina, and they look fuzzy. Farsightedness is often accompanied by a headache. Correction is carried out by wearing glasses, lenses, laser operations.
  • Astigmatism. This term refers to a violation of a person's ability to see clearly. It arises from a violation of the shape of the eye, lens or cornea. Image focus is not formed on the retina. Often the disease is accompanied by migraine, eye pain, rapid fatigue when reading. It can be corrected by wearing special glasses with different longitudinal and transverse curvature of the lenses. But the most effective is laser surgery.

All these diseases are united under the general name "ametropia". These include ailments associated with a problem in focusing the eye.

Indications for vision correction surgery for the described three diseases are:

  1. The desire of the patient to get rid of glasses, contact lenses.
  2. Age from 18 to 45 years.
  3. Refraction indices for myopia - from -1 to -15 diopters, for hyperopia - up to +3 diopters, with astigmatism - up to +5 diopters.
  4. Intolerance to glasses or contact lenses.
  5. The professional needs of patients, the requirement for special visual acuity and speed of reaction to the image.
  6. stable vision. If the deterioration gradually progresses (more than 1 per year), then you first need to stop this process, and then talk about laser correction.


The operation is not performed in the following cases:

Preparation for laser correction

The patient must stop wearing glasses or contact lenses at least a week before the correction. At this time, it is better to take a vacation. This is necessary for the cornea to return to its natural shape. Then the correction will be more adequate, accurate. Your doctor may choose to extend the time period for you to stop wearing artificial lenses.

Each clinic has a list of necessary tests that must be taken before the operation. Usually this is the absence or presence of certain infections, blood tests, urine tests. The test results have a limited validity period - from 10 days to a month.

For two days you need to stop drinking alcohol, using eye makeup. Before visiting the clinic, it is better to wash your hair and face. It is important to sleep well before laser vision correction, calm down and not be nervous. If the patient feels too scared or agitated, the doctor may recommend mild sedatives.

Varieties of the operation

There are two main methods of correction - PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and (laser keratomyelosis). The first operation allows correcting myopia up to 6 diopters, astigmatism up to 2.5-3 diopters. Both types of laser correction are performed sequentially: first on one eye, then on the other. But this happens in one operation.

Lasik is more often used to correct farsightedness and myopia complicated by astigmatism with a laser. This is because PRK requires a long (up to 10 days) healing time. Each type of operation has its pros and cons, but still Lasik is a more promising direction, so this method is most often preferred.

Photorefractive keratectomy

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor treats the eyelid and eyelashes with an antiseptic. Sometimes an antibiotic is additionally instilled to prevent infection. The eye is fixed with an eyelid dilator and flushed with saline.

At the first stage, the doctor removes the epithelium. He can do it surgically, mechanically and laser. After that, the process of evaporation of the cornea begins. It is carried out only with a laser.

Restrictions on the method are imposed by the required residual thickness of the cornea. To perform its functions, it must be at least 200-300 microns (0.2-0.3 mm). To determine the optimal shape of the cornea and, accordingly, the degree of evaporation, complex calculations are carried out using special computer programs. The shape of the eyeball, the ability of the lens to accommodate, visual acuity are taken into account.

In some cases, it is possible to refuse excision of the epithelium. Then the operations are faster and with less risk of complications. In Russia, the installation of domestic production "Profile-500" is used for this.

Laser intrastromal keratomyelosis

The preparation is similar to that for PRK. The cornea is marked with safe ink. A metal ring is put on the eye, which additionally fixes it in one position.

The operation takes place under local anesthesia in three stages. On the first the surgeon forms a flap from the cornea. It detaches the superficial layer, leaving it attached to the main thickness of the tissue, using a microkeratome instrument - specially designed for eye microsurgery.

laser vision correction: the course of the operation

With a sterile swab, the doctor removes excess fluid. At the second stage he folds back the flap and produces laser vaporization of the cornea. The whole process takes less than one minute. The flap is also covered with a sterile swab for this time. At the third stage the separated piece is placed in its place, according to the marks applied earlier. Washing the eye with sterile water, the doctor smoothes the flap. Suturing is not required, the cut-off piece is fixed on its own due to negative pressure inside the cornea.

The possibility of the operation is determined largely by the anatomical structure of the patient's eye. For its implementation, it is necessary that the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye be of sufficient size. The flap must be at least 150 microns thick. The deep layers of the cornea remaining after evaporation are at least 250 microns.

Video: how laser vision correction is done

Postoperative period, a reminder to the patient

On the first day after laser correction, the following reactions are normal:

  • Pain in the operated eye. With Lasik, it is usually insignificant, it feels like a foreign object getting under the eyelid.
  • Discomfort when looking at light.
  • Lachrymation.

The patient is prescribed a course of antibiotics and corticosteroids to prevent the development of infectious or non-infectious inflammation. Beta-blockers may be prescribed to prevent an increase in intraocular pressure.

In the first few days after surgery, the patient is recommended to:

  • Stay in a darkened room. Light can cause pain, pain in the eyes. It unnecessarily irritates the cornea, which prevents its healing.
  • Avoid touching the eye, especially on the first day. Important! It may seem to the patient that a speck has fallen under his eyelid, no need to try to remove it! If the discomfort is very strong, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. In the absence of cause for concern, he may prescribe drugs that reduce sensitivity.
  • Refusal to shower and wash. It is very important that any chemical agents that may be contained in soap or shampoo do not come into contact with the eye. Even water sometimes has a negative effect on the operated eye.
  • Refusal of alcohol until the completion of the course of taking medications. Antibiotics are incompatible with alcohol. It also impairs the effect of many other drugs.

During the first few weeks it is desirable:

  1. Quit smoking and visiting polluted places. Smoke has a bad effect on the cornea, causes dryness, impairs its nutrition and blood supply. Because of this, it may heal more slowly.
  2. Do not engage in sports that may affect the eyes - swimming, wrestling, etc. Corneal injuries during the recovery period are highly undesirable and can lead to irreparable consequences.
  3. Avoid eye strain. It is important not to spend a lot of time at the computer, reading a book or watching TV. It is also worth refusing to drive a car in the evening.
  4. Avoid bright light, wear sunglasses.
  5. Do not use cosmetics for eyelids and eyelashes.
  6. Do not wear contact lenses for 1-2 weeks.

Risks and consequences of the operation

Separate early and late postoperative complications. The first usually appear within a few days. These include:

  • Non-healing corneal erosion. Its treatment is quite complicated, it requires the consultation of specialists of a narrow profile. Common methods of therapy are the use of collagen coatings of the cornea, contact vision correction (use of soft lenses).
  • Reducing the thickness of the epithelial layer, its progressive destruction. It is accompanied by edema, the development of erosion.
  • Keratitis (inflammation of the eye). It can have an infectious and non-infectious nature. Keratitis manifests itself in redness of the eye, pain, irritation.
  • Opacities in the areas of evaporation of the cornea. They can also occur at later stages of the rehabilitation period. Their cause is excessive evaporation of corneal tissues. The complication usually responds well to resolving therapy. In some cases, you have to resort to a second operation.

The overall rate of late complications in Lasik is 1-5%, in PRK - 2-5%. In the later stages, the following negative consequences of laser correction may be revealed:

Restoration of vision

For the final establishment of the success or failure of the operation, as well as for the stabilization of its results, a rather long period usually has to pass. The recovery period can go up to 3 months. Only after its expiration do they make a conclusion about the effectiveness of the treatment, as well as about subsequent corrective measures.

The results differ depending on the type of surgery, the underlying disease and the degree of visual impairment. The best results are possible with correction in the initial stages of the disorder.

With myopia

The most predictable operation is Lasik. It allows in 80% of cases to achieve correction with an accuracy of 0.5 diopters. In half of the cases, in patients with minor myopia, vision is completely restored (acuity value - 1.0). In 90% of cases, it improves to 0.5 and above.

With severe myopia (more than 10 diopters), in 10% of cases, a second operation may be required. In this case, it is called pre-correction. When it is carried out, the already cut-off flap is raised and additional evaporation of a part of the cornea is carried out. Such operations are carried out 3 and/or 6 months after the first procedure.

Precise data regarding PRK vision correction is difficult to provide. The average visual acuity is 0.8. The accuracy of the operation is not very high. The diagnosis of undercorrection or hypercorrection is made in 22% of cases. Visual impairment occurs in 9.7% of patients. In 12% of cases, there is no stabilization of the result obtained. The big advantage of using PRK over LASIK is the low risk of keratoconus after surgery.

With farsightedness

In this case, the restoration of vision, even with the Lasik method, does not follow such an optimistic scenario. Only in 80% of cases it is possible to achieve a visual acuity index of 0.5 and higher. Only in a third of patients the function of the eye is restored completely. The accuracy of the operation in the treatment of farsightedness also suffers: only in 60% of patients the deviation from the planned refraction value is less than 0.5 diopters.

PRK is used to treat farsightedness only when Lasik is contraindicated. The results of such a correction are rather unstable, which means that quite a serious regression is possible over the years. With a weak degree of farsightedness, it is satisfactory only in 60-80% of cases, and with severe violations - only in 40% of cases.

With astigmatism

In this disease, both methods manifest themselves in almost the same way. Researches of 2013 were published on the Ophthalmological Portal. According to the results of observations, “no statistically significant difference in efficacy [efficacy index = 0.76 (±0.32) for PRK versus 0.74 (±0.19) for LASIK (P = 0.82)], safety [safety index = 1 .10 (±0.26) for PRK vs. 1.01 (±0.17) for LASIK (P = 0.121)] or predictability [achieved: astigmatism<1 Д в 39% операций, выполненных методом ФРК и 54% - методом ЛАСИК и <2 D в 88% ФРК и 89% ЛАСИК (P = 0,218)”.

However, it is worth noting that the percentage of successful operations is not too high - 74-76%. As well as the improvement in vision when using the Lasik method is slightly higher than with PRK.

The cost of laser vision correction, operations under the MHI policy

The question of the possibility of free vision correction is quite controversial. Insurance companies tend to classify such operations as cosmetic ones, which, according to the law, are paid for by patients on their own.

There is information about the possibility of obtaining such assistance for military personnel and their relatives in military hospitals. So, on the website of the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov city of St. Petersburg indicated: “The Academy conducts inpatient and outpatient appointments for military personnel and their families, as well as citizens who have MHI or VHI policies of companies that have entered into an agreement with the Military Medical Academy. Without a policy, the VMA provides services to the population on a paid basis.” The list of medical procedures provided includes “ laser vision acuity correction“. Probably, in general practice, such operations are carried out free of charge if there is an agreement with a specific hospital in the region of service / residence of the military and the technical capabilities of the medical institution.

The vast majority of laser vision correction operations are performed on a paid basis. However, working citizens, having written an application, can return a tax deduction - 13%. Also, many companies provide discounts to their regular customers and some social groups - pensioners, the disabled, students.

The cost depends on the type of operation, clinic and region. On average, in Moscow, PRK costs 15,000 rubles. Lasik, depending on the modification of the method - from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. Prices are for vision correction in one eye.

Clinics in Moscow and St. Petersburg

The most popular and well-known in the two largest cities of Russia are the following medical centers:

To do or not to do vision correction is a question that the patient must decide for himself first of all. This operation is not among the necessary or vital. However, most patients who have undergone laser correction report a huge improvement in their quality of life and their well-being.

Video: LASIK laser vision correction - patient review

Video: laser vision correction - the course of the operation

Laser hair removal is very popular because it can be used to get rid of hair for a long time. Today, several types of laser radiation are used. Among them, the "gold standard" is called the alexandrite laser. I wonder why?

The alexandrite laser got its name due to the alexandrite stone used in the equipment, which has special light-refracting properties.

What happens to the hair at the time of exposure to a laser pulse? Light energy is absorbed by the coloring pigment melanin located in the hair shaft. The hair begins to heat up to high temperatures. The resulting heat reaches the hair follicle and destroys its tissues, blood vessels and nerve endings that nourish the hair root. As a result, the hair stops receiving vital nutrition and, accordingly, dies.

The effectiveness of the procedure

It is worth noting that in the place where the alexandrite laser “worked”, a new hair root will never form again, therefore, a new hair will not appear here either. However, you need to know that during the procedure, you can not remove all the hairs at once, but only part of them. This is due to the fact that the laser beam is able to act only on those hairs that are in the stage of active growth (anagen) and have a direct connection with the hair papilla.

If the hair is in the catagen phase (the death of the hair root) or telogen (the stage of hair loss), the laser radiation cannot reach the hair papilla, so sooner or later a new root is born in such a follicle and a hair grows.

In one session, with the help of an alexandrite laser, you can get rid of only 20-30% of body hair that is in the anagen phase.

In order for the skin to become absolutely smooth, you will need a whole course of several procedures with an interval of 1–1.5 months, depending on the physiological characteristics of the body (growth rate, thickness and density of hair), as well as on the treated area. The number of necessary procedures is also determined by individual characteristics. On average, 6-8 sessions will be required.

Video: the essence of the procedure

Since laser energy is absorbed and converted into heat by melanin, the more coloring pigment in the hair shaft, the more efficiently the light beam is consumed, i.e. the darker the hairs, the more effectively they are removed. At the same time, experts do not recommend using an alexandrite laser to eliminate vegetation on dark or tanned skin, since in this case the skin cells contain a lot of melanin, which will absorb the laser beam, convert it into heat, and a burn may appear on the skin.

Thus, laser radiation most effectively removes dark hair on light skin without the risk of burns.

Light and fluffy hairs are removed much worse. The laser does not affect gray hair at all, since there is no melanin in them.

Equipment characteristics

The alexandrite device generates a laser light beam with a wavelength of 755 nm. Such a wave is considered short, it has a high absorption coefficient by melanin and therefore heats up the hair in a fraction of a second. This allows the use of powers much lower than in other laser systems. Under the influence of a short-wave impulse, the visible part of the hair burns, turning into ashes. The remaining root part falls out a little later.

Alexandrite laser radiation has a frequency of 5 Hz, which significantly reduces the procedure time.

The light beam is delivered to the skin through a nozzle with a diameter of 12–18 mm. Therefore, a skin area of ​​about 2 cm 2 is treated with one touch.

Since capillaries and nerve endings are destroyed under the influence of a light beam, it is easy to guess that laser hair removal can be accompanied by painful sensations. Therefore, alexandrite lasers are equipped with a cooling system. Most of them use patented non-contact cooling. A fraction of a second before the outbreak, a cryogen is injected into the skin, which cools the skin surface, reducing pain and preventing accidental burns.

Advantages and disadvantages

To fully understand why the alexandrite laser has earned the title of "gold standard", it is necessary to consider its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the undeniable advantages, experts and consumers note the following points:

  • the skin after epilation becomes smooth, as the hairs burn out in laser radiation. Both the master and the client immediately see the effect of the procedure;
  • the diameter of the nozzle allows you to work out a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin in one flash, which speeds up the epilation process;
  • flash frequency reaches 2 flashes per second. It also helps to reduce the duration of the procedure;
  • since the alexandrite laser does not require the use of high powers, the procedure is relatively painless compared to other laser systems;
  • non-contact cooling of the skin with cryogen is much more effective than contact systems;
  • the result can last up to 5 years;
  • a short recovery period after the session.

The disadvantages of the alexandrite laser are as follows:

  • relatively high cost;
  • the need for a course of several procedures;
  • inability to remove gray and light hairs;
  • during the procedure, the smell of burnt hair is felt;
  • presence of contraindications.


To exclude the occurrence of unpleasant consequences after hair removal with an alexandrite laser, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • skin ailments (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.);
  • diabetes mellitus in decompensated form;
  • hypertension, ischemia and other cardiovascular diseases;
  • disorders of the central nervous system (eg, epilepsy);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • accumulation of moles, papillomas, warts and other neoplasms in the treated area;
  • tattoos;
  • cuts, scratches, fresh wounds;
  • the presence in the body of a pacemaker, insulin pump and other electronic devices.

There are also relative limitations to the use of an alexandrite laser:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • puberty;
  • menstruation.

During pregnancy and lactation, the hormonal background of a woman is unstable, which can affect the photosensitivity of the skin. Therefore, under the influence of laser radiation, age spots can form on the skin. A pregnant or lactating woman should be aware of the likelihood of such consequences and determine for herself whether it is worth resorting to laser hair removal during this period.

During adolescence, hormonal changes occur in the child's body. And in order for the result after the procedure to be stable, the stability of the hormonal background is required. In addition, alexandrite laser hair removal during puberty can cause even more body hair to appear. Therefore, hair removal at this age is allowed only with the consent of the parents.

During menstruation, the pain threshold of a woman decreases sharply, and pain during the session intensifies. Experts recommend rescheduling the procedure for 5-6 days of the cycle.

Possible consequences

If the contraindications to the procedure were ignored or the cosmetologist violated the technology or made other mistakes during the session, then unpleasant consequences may appear:

  • dryness and peeling;
  • burning and burning;
  • pigmentation;
  • folliculitis.

How does laser hair removal work?

In order for the hair removal procedure to go without unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to properly prepare for it, follow all the instructions during the session and competently care for the skin after epilation.


Two weeks before the procedure, you need to take some steps to increase the effectiveness and safety of the procedure:

  • within 14 days before epilation, the hairs on the treated area can only be shaved off. Other methods of hair removal are unacceptable. This limitation is explained by the fact that when using a razor, only the visible part of the hair is removed, while the hair itself remains in the active growth phase, and the alexandrite laser will effectively deal with it;
  • you need to stop taking medications such as steroids, tranquilizers, antibiotics, as they increase the photosensitivity of the skin, which is fraught with the appearance of pigmentation;
  • tanning and visiting solariums should be abandoned to avoid burns on tanned skin.

The course of the procedure

A qualified specialist must first familiarize himself with the state of health of the client, find out if there are any contraindications for laser hair removal. If no restrictions are found, you can proceed with the procedure.

  1. The master determines the client's skin phototype and hair type and selects the optimal mode parameters.
  2. The specialist treats the client's skin with a disinfectant.
  3. Some cosmetologists draw a grid on the skin in order to exclude accidental repeated exposure of the beam to the same area during the procedure.
  4. The specialist and the client put on special goggles that protect the eyes from the effects of the laser beam.
  5. The master puts a maniple to the skin and directs pulsed radiation. Step by step, the specialist processes the entire skin surface. The duration of the procedure is 5-30 minutes.
  6. At the end of the session, the beautician lubricates the skin with a soothing agent (Bepanthen, Panthenol, etc.).

After the procedure, the remaining hair roots fall out within 1-2 weeks.

Epilation of the bikini area

In the intimate part of the body, the sensitivity of the skin is quite high, because the skin here is thin, and the nerve endings are close to its surface. Therefore, hair removal with an alexandrite laser can be accompanied by significant pain.

Often, local anesthesia of the bikini area is used before the procedure. For this purpose, Emla cream is used.

It is applied in a thick layer to the skin, and covered with an occlusive bandage on top, which prevents the anesthetic components (lidocaine and prilocaine) from evaporating. The agent should be on the skin for 30–60 minutes, after which the application is removed, the remains of Emla are removed with a napkin and epilation begins.

Skin care after the procedure

Care is to follow certain recommendations:

  • within a day after epilation, you can not wet the treated area;
  • when irritation occurs on the skin, it must be lubricated 2-3 times a day with the pulp of aloe vera;
  • since the laser beam dries out the skin, experts recommend moisturizing the skin and observing the drinking regimen (drink 1.5–2 liters of pure water per day);
  • hairs that appear between procedures can be shaved off, but not pulled out along with the roots.

In addition to the listed items of basic skin care after an alexandrite laser, some more restrictions should be followed:

  • in the first week, you need to refuse to visit the pool, sauna and bath to exclude the possibility of skin infection;
  • within 7 days after epilation, you should not wear tight clothes and tight underwear, because during the procedure the skin received microtraumas, and additional friction adversely affects its condition;
  • 2-3 weeks after the session, you can not sunbathe and visit solariums, otherwise age spots may appear.

With the advent of laser technology in cosmetology, many procedures have become easy to perform. The word "laser" is an acronym (type of abbreviation), which in Russian has long been an independent word. Literally, "laser" means a high-energy light source that can be focused and converted into a narrow beam. One of the methods of laser technology in cosmetology is laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is one of the fastest and most effective ways to remove excess hair once and for all. In just a few procedures, you can achieve smooth and delicate skin on almost any part of the face and body. Subject to all the requirements for the procedure, it is completely safe and does not cause harm to health. You can do it in the Lachance network of laser hair removal salons.

Pros and cons of laser hair removal

Under the influence of a laser beam passing through the hair shaft, the cells containing melanin are heated, and the subsequent destruction of the hair follicle. In this case, the skin is not damaged, but slightly heated and quickly cooled. Laser hair removal allows you to remove only those hairs that have grown by 3-5 mm and are visible on the surface, that is, they are in the phase of active growth (anagen). But there are always “spare” or dormant hair follicles that enter the anagen phase after the procedures, so several sessions are required to completely remove unwanted hair.

Like every procedure, this method with its application immediately revealed pros and cons, which you should be aware of before the sessions. The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is the obligatory contrast of hair and skin, so that the melanin contained in the hair, and not in the skin, absorbs laser radiation.

So, for example, in the case of dark hair on dark skin or light (red) hair on light skin, the desired effect is practically not achieved. To obtain the effect, dark (dark blond) hair on light skin is needed, then the laser beam will be absorbed by the hair. But today it is possible to solve these problems, for this you just need to choose the necessary type of laser exposure. Laser systems of the latest generation operate on a diode laser, in the range of which both any skin type and any hair color (except gray hair). Unfortunately, there are not so many centers offering diode laser hair removal services. One of these is the center of hardware cosmetology Epilas.

The relative disadvantage is the cost of the procedure, but given that the effect of laser hair removal is the complete absence of hair, then the disadvantage may seem like a big plus.

What are the benefits?

  • No severe pain during the procedure.
  • No skin damage in the form of scars and scars.
  • Long-term effect after the course (up to 6 years), and in the case of a perfect contrast of hair with skin - getting rid of them forever.
  • A short duration of the epilation session in time.

Preparation for laser hair removal and its implementation

Preparation consists in the fact that the patient needs to grow hair at least 3-5 mm (in areas where other methods of hair removal or depilation were previously used). The choice of a length of 3-5 mm is also not accidental, since it is in this case that the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure can be guaranteed.

Small areas of the skin are irradiated with a laser for a certain period of time. So, for example, the "antennae" zone is processed in only 10-12 minutes, the bikini zone - 10-15 minutes, and so on. The maximum time it takes to treat the surface of the thighs is 1 hour.

In patients with a high pain threshold, laser hair removal can be performed without anesthesia, but there are patients with a low pain threshold who cannot tolerate even a little pain. In this case, the affected area is treated with lidocaine gel.

In addition, modern laser systems are equipped with nozzles, with the help of which the skin is cooled during manipulation, which reduces its sensitivity. During hair removal, the eyes should be protected by dark glasses.

Results after a course of procedures

What undesirable consequences may occur?

Many patients, and especially men, are interested not only in the question of possible pain, but also in the consequences of this procedure. The occurrence of undesirable effects of laser hair removal depends on the susceptibility of the skin and the presence of allergic reactions in the patient. In these cases, hyperemia may occur on the skin, which disappears within a few days.

In addition to redness, patients sometimes complain of swelling or bruising, as well as burn marks in the form of blisters. There are two reasons for this - a recent and intense tan, and the unprofessionalism of a cosmetologist. Both reasons are completely eliminated. Tanned skin has already received a large dose of ultraviolet radiation, and the next stream of light can damage it, so the procedure cannot be carried out after tanning.

In the second case, an undesirable outcome can be prevented if you approach the choice of a salon and a specialist, guided by the experience of the beautician and the level of his professionalism, and not by a cheap and affordable price.

Mention should be made of patients with increased vegetation on the skin caused by hormonal disorders. In order for laser or any other type of hair removal to help cope with the problem, you need to eliminate its primary source, namely, hormonal imbalance. Otherwise, the hair will grow back, even after several sessions. With the help of a laser, only the softness of the hairs can be achieved (with hirsutism).

What can not be done after?

To avoid swelling and redness, the beautician immediately after laser hair removal applies a special agent that reduces skin irritation. It is also necessary to apply a cream or lotion to the skin for several days to nourish and soften it. Even in the case of burn marks (which is very rare), a special healing ointment (bepanthen, panthenol and others) should be used. If all prescriptions are observed, complications disappear after 7-10 days.

  • Sunbathe and visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.
  • Take antibiotics, hormonal drugs, antipsychotics, sulfonamides and other drugs.
  • Peel off the crusts from burns so that foci of hyperpigmentation or scars do not appear.
  • Go outside on a sunny day without wearing sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 units.

Types of lasers for hair removal

The main difference in laser devices used in cosmetology is the wavelength. It is the wavelength that determines the final result and obtaining the desired effect.

  1. Epilation with a diode laser (diode laser epilation). The wavelength of the diode laser is 810 nm. It is used not only for hair removal with any skin type, but also for the treatment of hirsutism (coarse hair) and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth). At the same time, coarse hair becomes soft and invisible, and soft hair disappears.
  2. Laser hair removal with alexandrite laser. Wavelength - no more than 755 nm. Its use is the epilation of blond and red hair, especially if the skin is hypersensitive. Its other use is in areas of hyperpigmentation.
  3. Laser hair removal with a neodymium laser. The wavelength of this laser is 1063 nm, and there is infrared light in the laser beam. Scope - epilation of dark hair on swarthy or tanned skin, as well as the removal of rosacea (network of capillaries), and.
  4. ruby laser. The wavelength is 694 nm. The scope of application is the epilation of dark hair on light skin, as well as the removal of pigmentation and tattoos made with multi-colored and saturated colors.

Frequently asked Questions:

  • Photoepilation or laser hair removal: which is better? Photoepilation is a method of laser exposure, which uses beams of a wide spectrum of waves - from 400 to 1200 nm. The procedures are similar to each other, but photoepilation is a more versatile method and is used where a more intense level of exposure is required.
  • Electrolysis or laser hair removal: what to choose? These are completely different procedures with which you can achieve the desired effect. Electrolysis is more suitable for patients with fair skin and light (red) hair.
  • Is laser hair removal performed during pregnancy? It is best not to carry out any manipulations during pregnancy, including even the most harmless cosmetic ones. This is due to the fact that long-term results after them are not tracked on women and children, and during childbearing, interference in the natural process of pregnancy is traditionally reduced to zero.
  • Is laser hair removal harmful? The procedure of laser hair removal is no more harmful than visiting a solarium.
  • Does hair really disappear forever? Yes, but for this the skin must be light and the hair dark, so that a contrast is formed between them and all the rays are absorbed by the dark hair with a high content of melanin pigment.
  • How many procedures do you need to do for complete hair removal? The number of procedures in each case is determined by the cosmetologist strictly individually. To remove small vegetation, 1 to 3 procedures are enough, and with strong hair growth, 6 to 10 sessions may be required.
  • Which laser is best for hair removal? The type of laser is selected in each case individually, taking into account the type of skin, its color and the condition of the hair.

Video of laser hair removal

Alexandrite laser

Video: Diode laser hair removal

Update: October 2018

Laser therapy refers to physiotherapeutic methods of treatment and is based on the use of optical radiation, which generates a laser. The most important feature of the laser, which determines its efficiency, is the presence of a fixed wavelength, i.e. it is monochromatic light.

The average power of physiotherapy lasers varies in the range of 1-100 mW, the pulse power is 5-100 W with a light pulse duration of 100-130 ns. The energy parameters of laser radiation are selected depending on the mode of operation of the devices and the technique used, as well as indications for treatment.

All laser equipment that exists today is divided into three groups: for surgical, for therapeutic treatment and for diagnostics. Surgical lasers are most often high-intensity, while diagnostic and therapeutic lasers are low-intensity. Accordingly, the latter will be discussed in our article.

An excursion into the history of laser radiation

Physiotherapeutic treatment with artificial sources of light waves was already practiced at the end of the 19th century. This treatment method was developed and implemented by a Danish physiotherapist Finsen N.R., for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1903.

For all the time of studying and developing the technique, it has gone through several successive stages - heliotherapy, phototherapy and laser therapy. On the territory of the former USSR, the technique was recognized as effective in 1974. In 1986, the Institute of Laser Medicine was opened in Moscow, which is currently called the Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, where the mechanisms of action are being actively studied and new methods of treatment are being developed. Today, Russia is considered a world leader in the practical, scientifically based application of laser therapy, the indications and contraindications for which have been studied to the maximum.

In Europe and in the USA, the technique was officially recognized in 2003, which was the impetus for a real boom in the research and use of the laser for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases.


The use of laser therapy requires strict and consistent compliance with the following parameters:

  • method type;
  • wavelength;
  • pulse frequency;
  • power and mode of operation of LILI;
  • exposure time;
  • localization of action;
  • periodicity.

Only in this case, the treatment will be effective and safe. This implies the conclusion that the qualification and professionalism of a specialist working on a laser installation plays a key role. Despite the simplicity of the technology and methodology of laser therapy, one should very clearly understand the features of the application of the method.

Benefits of Laser Therapy

One of the most significant advantages of the method is a very small number of absolute contraindications. Even pregnancy and old age, which are strict contraindications in most other cases, are a relative limitation and must be taken into account when choosing a technique.

Laser therapy is included in the treatment standards of most areas of medicine.

Laser therapy and oncopathology

For several decades, more than a thousand studies conducted in different countries of the world have proven the safety of low-intensity laser radiation (LILI) for the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Moreover, there are more and more clinically confirmed cases proving the promise and safety of laser therapy in the complex treatment of patients with oncology.

At the same time, an unfounded misconception is quite common that laser light can stimulate tumor growth. Most often this is due to the illiterate combination of the term "irradiation" with the technique, which has nothing to do with the laser. This myth is actively supported by a number of unscrupulous companies whose goal is to discredit the method.

At the same time, few people think about the fact that the sun, light bulbs, flashlights and other devices are also sources of light that “irradiate” us almost every day and hour. At the same time, only LILI is capable of normalizing physiological processes, as well as activating them if necessary. The main difference between LILI and other light sources is its monochromaticity (fixed wavelength), which determines the healing properties.

Mechanisms of action of the laser

As a result of exposure to LILR, due to the absorption of light energy, a number of photobiological processes occur. A short-term increase in the concentration of free calcium in cells triggers the following cascade of body responses to exposure:

  • proliferative and metabolic processes are activated;
  • the function of the immune system is normalized;
  • the condition of the vessels improves, in particular, the expansion of the vascular walls occurs;
  • there is an analgesic effect;
  • cellular and humoral immunity is corrected;
  • increased indiscriminate resistance of the organism;
  • improve the rheological properties of blood;
  • microcirculation is enhanced;
  • the oxygen-transport function of the blood is normalized;
  • increases the antioxidant and proteolytic activity of the blood;
  • hematopoiesis is stimulated;
  • metabolic processes are improved;
  • tissue regeneration is activated;
  • there is a detoxification, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, as well as a number of other positive effects.


Indications for treatment with laser therapy are very diverse, since the technique is not specific. Here are just a few of them:

  • nonspecific and specific inflammatory processes in acute and chronic course;
  • sepsis;
  • inflammatory processes after injuries and operations;
  • diseases of the extremities of a thrombolytic type (obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis 1-3 tbsp.);
  • phlebothrombosis and various localization in acute and chronic course;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency chronic;
  • diseases of the lymphatic vessels of various etiologies;
  • acquired;
  • immunodeficiency of a different course and nature, provoked by operations, diseases, etc .;
  • autoimmune processes (bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • allergies;
  • acute and chronic;
  • and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • dermatosis;
  • burns;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • Trophic ulcers.

With a preventive purpose, the technique is shown to prevent:

  • complications after operations, injuries of the abdomen, chest and limbs;
  • recurrences of neurodermatitis and psoriasis, ulcerative colitis, bronchial asthma;
  • infections in persons with hemoblastoses;
  • immunosuppressive conditions after radiation or cytostatic therapy.

With a healing purpose, therapy is indicated for decreased performance, loss of strength, frequent colds, etc. In cosmetology, the technique is actively used to rejuvenate the skin, get rid of scars, stretch marks, wrinkles.

Contraindications for laser therapy

Absolute contraindications for laser treatment are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • poor blood clotting and a tendency to bleed.

Relative contraindications, which are resolved in a positive or negative direction, are severe vascular and heart diseases, cerebrovascular accidents, hepatic and decompensated, benign and malignant tumors, chronic tuberculosis (without isolation of bacteria).

Basic methods of laser therapy

When conducting laser therapy sessions, preference is given to emitters that operate in the red and infrared regions of the spectrum. Recently, light sources of other waves have also been actively introduced. Skin non-invasive exposure is the most popular method, which is carried out by applying the emitter to the projections of diseased organs.

Method Exposure / Mode of exposure Wavelength/nm (Frequency) Power Air time per 1 zone/min
Local 365, 405, 445, 525, 635, 780, 904
10-100 mW - continuous,
5-20 W - pulse
On the projection of the internal organs Outdoor / Pulse 635, 904
15-100W 2-5
On the projection of immunocompetent organs Outdoor / Pulse 904
10-15W 1,5-2
Acupuncture, through a special nozzle Outdoor / Pulse and continuous 635 - continuous, 904 - pulse
2-3 mW - continuous,
5-7 W - pulse
Paravertebral Outdoor / Pulse 904
10-15W 1,5-2
Intracavitary exposure Intracavitary / Pulse and continuous 635, 904
10-100 mW - continuous,
5-10 W - pulse
Intravenous blood illumination Intravenous / Continuous 365, 405, 445, 525, 635 2-20 2-20
External illumination of blood Outdoor / Pulse 635, 904
15-100W 2-5

The process of laser therapy

As we have already noted, the patient does not experience any objective sensations. Special preparation before treatment is also not required. Most often, treatment is carried out without hospitalization, and after the procedure, you can go home.

With the help of a special sensor, the effect on the skin or the projection of an organ is carried out: at a distance, with a touch on the body without compression and with compression. With the acupuncture method, 3-5 points are selected that correspond to the pathology, each of which is affected for 1-3 minutes.

The duration of the procedures and the frequency of treatment is selected individually.

Devices for laser therapy

The first apparatus for mass use was created in the early 70s. The principle of operation and sources of laser light in many devices are the same.

The most common are devices using:

  • helium-neon, argon, nitrogen and other lasers;
  • semiconductor lasers generating pulsed and constant light;
  • multi-color radiation, generating waves of different ranges.

There are combined devices that act with a magnetic field and a laser.

Before working with patients, the equipment must be individually adjusted, checked, and specialists must strictly follow the safety instructions.

Laser treatment of gynecological diseases

Laser therapy in gynecology is used quite often due to its high therapeutic efficacy, externally (on the projection of organs) and intravaginally using a special sensor.

The treatment is painless, well tolerated by patients and is indicated for chronic inflammatory processes, menstrual dysfunction, ovarian dysfunction, endometriosis in mild and moderate course, endocervicitis (not in all cases), as well as to improve the course of the postpartum period.

The laser is especially widely used for, especially for the treatment of young, nulliparous women, from day 5 to day 7 of the cycle.

As for contraindications, a number of experts do not recommend laser treatment in the presence of cysts, fibroids, mastopathy, acute inflammatory diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Laser therapy for ENT pathology

The impact on the ENT organs is carried out by low-intensity lasers of a special design, which produce special flashes of light with different frequencies.

- the main indication for the appointment of laser therapy for children. The treatment avoids complications and relapses, and, despite the duration of the course (10-15 sessions 1-2 times a day), it proves high efficiency at stages 1-2. Unlike traditional resection, laser treatment is painless. Often laser therapy of the nose is performed for chronic and vasomotor rhinitis - 10-15 sessions leads to a complete cure in 90% of cases.

During the procedure, a point effect is made on the affected tissues, which allows you to remove swelling and inflammation. After the procedures, you should follow the doctor's recommendations (refusal of hot food, rest, etc.). To consolidate the result, laser therapy for adenoids in children, as well as for chronic and vasomotor rhinitis, is carried out 2-3 times a year.

Laser therapy for joints

This procedure for the joints is indicated for arthritis, primary and secondary arthrosis of the shoulder, knee joint, etc., as well as for injuries of the joints and ligamentous apparatus.

Often, therapy is prescribed in the rehabilitation period after operations on the joints - light therapy helps the fastest recovery and healing of tissues.

Laser for the treatment of somatic pathology

Intravenous laser therapy is a technique that has the widest range of indications, including cardiovascular diseases (angina

Complications of the laser

  • Increased pain syndrome. It often occurs when the technique of laser therapy is not observed and in the presence of individual characteristics in the patient.
  • Headaches, dizziness. Possible in case of device breakdown, violation of individual sensitivity.
  • Hyperthermia against the background of the active release of hepatic toxins into the bloodstream and their removal from the body. As a rule, such a reaction is passing, therefore, does not require discontinuation of treatment.