Painting-panel made of papier-mâché using the paper art technique. DIY papier-mâché for beginners: instructions and recommendations Papier-mâché paintings from toilet paper

Torn paper - this is how papier-mâché is deciphered in French. The technique originated in ancient China, which is considered the birthplace of paper. The approximate dating of the oldest product is the 3rd century BC. After this kind of crafts began to be made in Persia and Japan, and only by the 17th century, papier-mâché began to be used in the interior in Europe.

You can do anything with papier-mâché, you just need a little imagination and a lot of patience

The stone frame in this photo is made of papier-mâché

At first glance, the figure seems to be made of non-ferrous metal, but in fact there is paper inside it

Decorative interior elements, bowls, vases, photo frames and much more are made from a mixture of paper and glue.

The papier-mâché technique uses “paper dough” consisting of glue and soft paper.

The most common techniques for making papier-mâché products:

There are no special issues with the first and last options, but preparing a mixture for paper products requires more careful consideration.

The machining technique allows you to create thin and durable things

Recipes for preparing papier-mâché mixture

There are as many craftsmen as there are so many options for preparing a mass of papier-mâché. Below are the most popular posts that were liked by many needlewomen. Prepared mixtures should be stored in sealed plastic bags or plastic containers. This will help keep the material moist. Containers must be placed in the refrigerator.

Softened paper can be prepared in advance, but glue must be added immediately before work.

First option

We will need:

  • approximately 60 grams of dark toilet paper;
  • dry chalk;
  • potato starch;
  • clay, but it can be excluded;
  • PVA glue;
  • Bustilat glue.

Source materials

The unwound paper is placed in a bowl of water to swell, after which it is wrung out and crushed into flakes.

Ground mass

At this stage, the weight of the mass should be 280 g. Next, add stationery glue (50 ml) and 3 tablespoons of Bustilat, mix with a mixer. Add 3 small spoons of clay and starch and mix again until smooth. Bring the papier-mâché mixture to readiness by kneading with the addition of dry ingredients.

The finished mass can be stored for quite a long time, depending on humidity

Second option

Porcelain papier-mâché is not the cheapest to make, but is distinguished by its quality and slight translucency. Previously used to make dolls or kitchen utensils.
It requires high quality toilet paper (white), cold-pressed flax oil (1 tbsp.), wallpaper glue (2 tbsp.).

The mass according to this recipe is more plastic

The best papier-mâché ideas

The use of papier-mâché in the interior, ideas for which are easy to come up with on your own or to spy on in posts liked by numerous network users. Products made using this technique are lightweight, but quite durable. It will make an adorable Easter bunny or even wall decor.

Things made using the papier-mâché technique are quite durable, lightweight, and most importantly – unique

Vases made using papier-mâché technique

A correctly selected vase can decorate any room design and become its highlight. DIY papier-mâché decor allows you to bring any idea to life. Such things will be carriers of the creator’s positive energy.

You can’t tell right away that this vase is made of paper.

To create it you will need:

  • newsprint;
  • packaging paper;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • not a natural brush;
  • primer or acrylic paint;
  • finishing paint;
  • decorative elements;
  • petrolatum.

To work you will need an old vase as a base.

Before pasting with cut pieces of paper, the form must be treated with Vaseline so that it can be easily removed. The scraps are glued in layers, alternating layers of newspaper and thicker paper. You need to make at least six of them. Let the workpiece dry completely.

The newspaper is cut into small pieces and pasted in several layers

We cut and pull out the vase from the newspaper shell

After drying, the vase is opened with a white primer, sanded and then covered with a layer of paint that was chosen. At the last stage, the decor is attached.

Be sure to rip the vase with primer

Twine can be used as decoration

Wall decoration

The most common DIY papier-mâché wall decor is brick or stone. To make them, you can use recipe No. 2 for preparing the mass. You will also need a form made of glass or plastic. You can also use cardboard juice packaging, which is covered with a bag.

The cardboard is torn into pieces and poured with boiling water. The cooled mass is thoroughly crushed and dried

The finished mixture is distributed over the mold, making a brick. Allow to set and place on paper until completely dry. If papier-mâché bricks are intended to be used in the interior of a house on curved surfaces or corners, then they should be attached slightly damp to the wall. Completely dry workpieces will not bend, but they can be easily sanded.

The paper pulp is mixed with glue and placed in molds. Dried bricks are fixed on the wall

The bricks glued to the surface are rubbed and primed. After that, you can start painting it in the desired color or several shades. At the last stage, everything is opened with varnish so that the decorative elements can be wiped with a damp cloth.

The final stage is painting

And also, wall decor with papier technique can be used to make elements in the form of an ornament or volumetric flowers. For experienced craftsmen, there are options for making three-dimensional paintings that will be an excellent addition to the design.

African motives

Papier-mâché wall decor includes the making of once popular ritual masks. Such souvenirs will be an excellent addition to the African style, which includes animal prints and an abundance of ornaments.

Before work, you need to draw a sketch of your future face or take a ready-made mask you like as a sample.

To make them you will need:

  • mass of papier-mâché;
  • food trays of the required size;
  • primer;
  • paints.

A mass is applied to the base, covering the entire tray in an even layer. Next, with the help of simple manipulations, the nose, lips, eyeballs and brow ridges are formed. The workpiece should dry well.

A thick layer of mass can dry up to two days

Then the mask is primed and sanded. And the final stage is painting. A loop is attached to the back, from which you can hang the product. The work is completed.

Before painting, the mask must be cleaned with sandpaper and, ideally, covered with a thin layer of wood putty

Such masks are made of any required size and with different facial expressions. You can use natural threads and wooden beads strung on them as hair.

Funny bunnies using papier-mâché technique

Decorative tableware to decorate the kitchen or living room

To make papier-mâché, not only toilet paper is used. Ordinary egg trays can also be a good base. They are crushed and soaked in water, and otherwise the technology is repeated. You don’t have to take a lot of materials and limit yourself to glue and paper pulp. Have fun making papier-mâché decor for your home!

Video: master class on making 3D paintings for the interior

Photo: 50 DIY ideas

Irina Bulatova

Papier-mâché paintings. Addition to my collection

[I bring to your attention new works made from papier-mâché. My collection already has winter-themed paintings, these two are a continuation of the theme I started called: “Sleigh Rushing” and “Animals on the Skating Rink.” The idea for the creation came during the winter holidays, when it was snowing outside and children were playing noisily in the yard. Then I thought, shouldn’t I transfer the story I saw onto the canvas of a painting in a sort of fairy-tale style? For additional details, I used egg cells (Christmas trees, corrugated wrappers for pears and ready-made plot figures. A little creativity - and the paintings are ready, now they decorate the kindergarten.

For this craft we will need: acrylic paints, small parts for decoration, picture frames, glue, papier-mâché mass (you can find the technology for preparing the mass in my previous publications).

Cut the egg cells in half and into pieces so that they look like a spruce “paw”

Preparing details for the painting

Filling the frame space and placing the details on the panel

We fashion figures and fix them on the surface of the picture by smearing

When the parts are dry, cover everything with white acrylic paint.

Now we paint the ponno and varnish it

From the remaining material I made test samples for spring - vases with flowers

Publications on the topic:

Joint activities with children. "Kolobok" for theatrical activities. Work progress: We use a balloon as a model. First.

In modern times, you can use various technologies and materials to create products and toys. I want to remember this old technology.

Paintings from papier-mâché I have already introduced you to the new papier-mâché technology, which was developed by the artist Galina Chayanova. Having met.

PICTURES FROM PAPIER-MACHE. WINTER SKETCHES Winter has come into its own, And Autumn has finished its ball! We are waiting for it to snow soon, December.

"Slow movement prolongs life" (proven by Turtle). Where do all hobbies begin? Probably out of curiosity: - Let me try.

Hello dear guests of my page! I bring to your attention a master class on making mushrooms using the papier-mâché technique.

Margarita Amar offers her master class in which she makes an interesting panel from which decorates the front entrance of one of the kindergartens. This author's papier mache panel consists of four parts, and its basis is the traditional mass of papier mache.

For anyone who wants to repeat the production of this work, you should first prepare: a lot of papier-mâché, cardboard, paper, newspapers, beads and beads of different sizes, pieces of mirrors or CDs, ribbons and laces. In addition, you will need acrylic or gouache paint, mastic, and a base made of boards or plywood.

This work is based on the papier-mâché modeling technique, which is based on a mass of paper with the addition of PVA. The base on which the work will be performed is first coated with glue, after which papier-mâché can either be completely applied to it as a background, or the necessary details can be immediately sculpted. In fact, papier mache paintings are made without any rules, and only your imagination is taken as a basis.

Also in this work, pay attention to how diverse the objects that are used in it are. Various ribbons, ropes, beads and beads, as well as shiny pieces of mirrors and disks, are successfully included here.

In fact, all these nuances can correctly reflect what is planned, and sometimes emphasize the individuality and peculiarity that should be in the work. For example, we used beads to add texture to fish fins, and glass beads successfully replaced the eyes of birds.

A separate accent element can be called drapery, which is also made of paper. To do this, you need to take a fairly rough wrapping paper and moisten it in diluted PVA glue. In this state, it is easy to manipulate and looks like ordinary fabric when draped. In our work, a similar effect was used in the design of the peacock’s tail.

In general, if you use cardboard in your work, then thanks to it you can raise some details above the general level in order to emphasize them and make the work more voluminous. Papier mache is used to fill the area under the lifting part.

After the sculpting and shaping of the entire work is completed, we begin painting the panels.
This rather interesting part of the work must be carried out only after it has completely dried.

First of all, you should apply a primer, the color of which depends only on your imagination. This can be either a dark or light option.

Notice in this work how voluminous some of the details turned out, for which newspaper was perfect. To do this, pieces of newspaper are soaked in diluted glue, the desired shape is formed and fixed in the place allocated for it. In order for the part to stick better, it is compressed well, and pasting it with newspapers will prevent it from losing its given shape.

When the paint work is finished, you can move on to the final layer, which requires either protective wax or regular wood varnish.

In this case, wax mastic was used, which is best applied using a piece of foam rubber. As this mastic dries, it should be rubbed a little to give the surface a shine.

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The word "papier-mâché" is translated from French as "chewed paper" or "torn paper." This technique first appeared in France. Trays, toys, snuff boxes, candlesticks and even decorative stucco were made from papier-mâché.

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There are two ways to create papier-mâché products.


The first is modeling from a moldable mass, consisting of soft paper and adhesive.

The second involves gluing torn paper in layers, this type is also called mashing.

The papier-mâché technique is not at all complicated, but it requires accuracy and patience. The process of making a planned item can take several days due to the long drying time of the material.

But the time spent will not be wasted, because as a result, you can create a wide variety of things with your own hands, such as decorative interior elements, boxes, piggy banks, figurines, masks, dolls, rattles and much more.

Papier-mâché is often combined with the decoupage technique. Such a union makes it possible to create truly real masterpieces.

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The first method is modeling from mass

Usually newspaper sheets are used to make the mass, but this is not important; you can use toilet paper and paper towels.

We tear or cut newspaper sheets into small pieces, put them in a deep vessel and fill them with water. It is best to use a mixer, grinding in small portions. But you can do it yourself; to do this, pour hot water over the torn paper and leave it to soak for about 3 hours.

Then knead with your hands until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Excess water must be drained through a sieve, and a mixture of glue and paste should be added to the resulting thick mixture. Knead until it starts to stick a little to your hands.

If not used at one time, it can be stored in a cool place for several days; do not freeze. During storage, the mass may become liquid; in this case, squeeze it out and add glue.

The mass is prepared with glue and paste, because when using only glue, it is difficult to sculpt, and paste alone does not provide the necessary strength. To increase the strength, you can add small sawdust.

The paste for the mass can be prepared as follows:

Mix flour and water in a ratio of 1:3, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

Place on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring continuously.

Then remove from heat and let cool.

The paste is stored in the refrigerator for several days, tightly wrapped in plastic wrap.

The product must be painted with tempera, alkyd or oil paint. Gouache and watercolor are not suitable due to the fact that they get dirty and wash off.

To make gouache more durable, add a little PVA glue to it. Cover the painted product with colorless varnish. Before painting, the product must be sanded and primed.

The second method is mashing (sticking pieces of paper)

Masching involves pasting a prepared form with pieces of paper. The paper should be soft; newspaper sheets are also suitable for this.

The most ideal option is mixed pasting: Apply a first layer of colored or white paper, coat the surface with glue, then cover it with a second layer using contrasting colored paper or scraps of newspaper.

This is used in order not to get confused in the number of layers. In any case, the last layer must be made of white paper. You need to make at least 8-10 layers. Allow each two coats to dry before applying the next two. It is necessary to ensure that the pieces of paper overlap each other slightly when pasting, lie flat and do not wrinkle.

Paper for printing should never be cut with scissors., exclusively tear into small pieces by hand. In this case, the edges are thin and well smoothed in the finished product.

Depending on how the papier-mâché was made, mashing can be internal (pasted from the inside) and external (external). If you expect that the pasted form will remain inside the product, lubricate it with glue before work. But in case of subsequent removal, cover the mold with Vaseline or greasy cream.

Wallpaper glue is very suitable for mashing, which can be replaced with homemade paste.

The paste is prepared in the same way as when working with papier-mâché mass, but you can also make it as follows:

starch is diluted with water at room temperature and stirred until sour cream thickens.

Continuing to stir, add boiling water in small portions until you get a clear, thick liquid similar to jelly.

After cooling, the paste is ready for use.

It cannot be stored for a long time; it is better to prepare it fresh every time.

Casein glue is also used for work, which is sold in construction stores.

Small parts are completed with a mixture of scraps of paper and glue. It must be remembered that when dried they greatly decrease in size. If this happens, then after complete drying, cover the parts with torn paper to the required size.

The product is dried at room temperature for approximately two days.
Drying on a radiator is contraindicated, as it may crack.

The finished, completely dried workpiece must be removed from the mold and treated well with sandpaper, trying to achieve an even surface. Then prime. To do this, it is better to use a water- or latex-based primer. The primer is applied with a flat brush. Before applying the next layer, let the previous one dry.

The completed item is painted and varnished, just like a product made from papier-mâché.

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