How to make an adult cowboy costume. Cowboy costumes How to sew a vest for a cowboy costume

We offer the best DIY costumes for the New Year 2019 for boys! New Year is considered one of the most favorite holidays. Many parents are faced with the problem of how to make a New Year's costume for boys on their own, because the child's mood and the ability to stand out in the crowd depend on the outfit.

Not everyone can afford to buy a ready-made suit. In addition, an outfit made independently will stand out with its originality and its own design. Many people think that New Year's costumes are presented only in the form of bunnies - this is a mistaken opinion. Thanks to imagination and creative inspiration, it is possible to create amazing works.

New Year's costumes for boys

Costumes for children for the New Year

Choosing an outfit for a children's party is very difficult. Many parents don't know which option to choose. Most importantly, when creating a costume, you should take into account the age of the child.

At the New Year's party in preschool age, you can pay attention to simpler models. Already in school years, it is best to give preference to more mature characters.

This way the boy will be able to demonstrate his character and will be like his favorite hero.

Gray wolf costume

It’s not difficult to make for 4-5 year old boys. A little patience and the original costume will be ready.

For work you need to prepare the following materials:

  • felt in black, white, gray, yellow colors;
  • a gray jacket, preferably with a hood;
  • glue gun;
  • needle, thread.
  1. For convenience, you need to prepare paper templates. Use them to cut out the necessary parts from felt.
  2. Fasten them together, attach the cleft palate and nose to the hood.
  3. Place the eyes under the hood.
  4. Attach claws to the inside of the sleeves.
  5. Glue the ears on top. The wolf is ready, you can try on the outfit.

Step-by-step photo of creating a costume


The favorite costume of many boys. Each parent will be able to make their child’s dream come true and turn the matinee into a real holiday.

Batman costume for boy

For work you will need the following materials:

  • black fabric;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • needle.

Execution sequence:

  • Before starting work, you need to measure the distance from the fingertips of one hand to the fingertips of the child’s other hand.
  • calculate the length of the cut.
  • Using the obtained parameters, cut out a rectangular shape, fold it in half, and make a neckline.

Costume cutting details

  • Bend the strip at the top inwards. The width of the stripe and sleeves must match.
  • form the cutouts in a semicircle. The result will be bat wings.
  • Form sleeves from the folded strips and sew them to the fabric.
  • It is possible to complement the costume with black clothes and a mask.
  • creating a mask is also not difficult. To work, you need felt and an elastic band. A little imagination and your super hero costume will be ready.

DIY Batman mask

Snowman costume

Any parents can create an unusual outfit for their baby. It’s quite difficult to make New Year’s costumes for boys with your own hands using patterns - the work is troublesome. However, every craftswoman will cope with the task and will be able to surprise not only her baby, but also the rest of the children in the garden.

Snowman costume

Materials for work:

  • fleece in white, blue or red;
  • filler;
  • white turtleneck;
  • threads

Execution sequence:

  • The first step is to prepare the parts. The pattern is not as scary as many people think. You can get details using the child's things. Simply attach them to the fabric and trace them. There is no need to outline the sleeves. You will need a pattern for a jacket and pants;

Pattern pattern for costume parts

  • It is best to sew the vest so that the clasp is in the front. For this reason, when cutting out it is worth adding a few cm on one side;
  • cut and sew finished elements;

Suit pants

  • also stitch the sections of each part;
  • Tuck up your pants so you can pull the elastic in;
  • start preparing the vest, sew on Velcro. Cut 3 small circles from blue fleece. Fill the circles with filler, sew, attach to the vest;
  • cut a scarf from the fabric, the end should look like noodles;
  • Cut a bucket from the material and sew the parts.

Snowman costume details

Christmas tree

What holiday could there be without the main decoration - why not make a Christmas tree costume? There are models for boys: a luxurious jumper in the shape of a spruce tree will be a wonderful outfit.

To complete the work, you need to prepare green and red material, tinsel, ribbons, decorations, fishing line, and filler.

Christmas tree costume for a boy

Execution sequence:

  1. The first step is to remove the necessary parameters. Record the obtained values ​​on paper and make patterns.
  2. The result will be 2 parts for the jacket, 2 for the sleeves, 5 for the hat, 1 for the cape.
  3. Sew the received parts.
  4. Fold the edges of the cape under and stitch. Sew ribbons on the sides, they will act as ties.
  5. Sew the elements of the hat.
  6. Cut out a star from scarlet material, fill it with filler, and sew it to the hat.
  7. Sew the turned edges so that the distance from the edge to the seam is more than 1 cm.
  8. Thread a fishing line into the folded part, giving the edges a triangular shape.

Blouse pattern details

Brave cowboy

It is possible to make New Year costumes for boys with your own hands; a 6-year-old child wants to be bold and courageous. With the help of this costume you will be able to show your character and masculinity.

To work, you need to prepare the following materials: 1.5 meters of suede, thread, jeans, a checkered shirt, accessories.

Cowboy costume

Accessories should be given special attention; they will help complement the overall look. They can be a pistol holster, a hat, or a scarf around the neck.

Cowboy costume, back view


  1. Take the fabric, fold it 4 times, attach the pants, outline. It is important to retreat 5 cm from the edge. Cut out the resulting part.
  2. Mark the belt at the top and make the bottom rounded.
  3. Mark a strip about 6 cm from the belt, create a straight line, cut it out.
  4. Form a 7 cm wide strip of the material and create a fringe on one side. Cut out 5 stars of equal size.
  5. Fold the strips in half and stitch.
  6. Place fringe on the trouser leg, cover with another trouser leg, and stitch.
  7. Sew stars to the bottom of the pants.
  8. Sew the product, make a belt.
  9. Using a shirt, create a vest pattern. No sleeves needed.
  10. Cut the front part, make a fringe, and attach it to the product.
  11. Sew a star to the back. Apply fringe in the same way and stitch.
  12. Sew all the elements.

Step-by-step photo of creating the costume:

Pirate costume

The sea robber outfit is one of the most popular. It won’t be difficult to create a New Year’s costume for boys with your own hands; a 7-year-old child will happily try on the outfit.

Variety of pirate costumes for boys

The most common option consists of a bandana, vest, eye patch, and hat. Tattered pants will perfectly complement the look.

To work, you need to prepare the following: black felt, fabric, patch, thread.


  • start creating a bandage. Take felt, cut out an oval, create 2 slits, pull in the elastic.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a pirate headband

  • next make a hat. First, measure the circumference of the child’s head and create a pattern.
  • the headdress will look more neat if the part is made slightly curved.
  • As a result, you will get patterns for the fields, bottom, and crown. Sew the elements.

  • Fold the fields, attach with pins, stitch, turn inside out. Iron the edges, insert crowns, sew on.
  • turn the hat inside out, sew on the brim, stitch it down.
  • attach the patch, raise the margins up, and hem. The pirate cocked hat should come out.

The pirate hat is ready

Superhero costume

Every mother tries to please her child. Buying a New Year's suit for 10-year-old boys is not difficult, but a homemade product looks much more impressive. The child's age is quite interesting. The boy no longer wants to be in his usual outfit, he will have to make every effort to make the holiday memorable for many years.

Superhero costumes

Superheroes are the idols of boys. Among them there are different characters: Batman, Superman, Spider-Man. You can make any outfit based on the child’s preferences and the parents’ capabilities. In any case, the work will turn out to be unique and original.

To complete the costume, you need to prepare the following: thick material, mask, shirt, super hero logo. It is best to give preference to thin felt.

DIY superhero costume for a boy

Execution sequence:

  1. You should definitely prepare a mask. It is best to purchase a ready-made one. With the help of this accessory you can remain mysterious and maintain a mysterious image throughout the holiday.
  2. Start making a shirt. This is the main detail of the costume. It is made in the same way as a T-shirt. The most important thing is that the shirt is loose.
  3. Create a super hero logo. It can be made from felt or paper. If possible, it is better to buy a ready-made patch. Attach the logo to the shirt.
  4. Felt sleeves will help complement the look.
  5. You can choose any pants and shoes. The most important thing is that the suit is not only attractive, but also comfortable. The child should feel freedom. This option is easy to create. In addition, putting it on will not be difficult. In just a minute, the super hero will be ready for new exploits.

Astronaut costume

What boy doesn't dream of being an astronaut as a child? The matinee will make your dream come true. Many parents create New Year's costumes for boys with their own hands; you can create a stunning outfit quickly and without a pattern.

Astronaut costume

Not everyone has sewing skills, but you still want to give your child the best. Even from scrap materials you can create incredible work and stand out at the New Year's party.

The astronaut suit is very easy to make. For work you need to prepare the following: tracksuit, silver stripes, fabric, foil, wire, papier-mâché, plastic bottles.

DIY costume


  1. Sew pockets from fabric; you will need a lot of them. Attach ready-made pockets and stripes to the tracksuit.
  2. Start making a helmet. It is best to make it from papier-mâché and decorate it with foil. Use wire to create an antenna; it will fit perfectly into the image.
  3. An important part of the costume is a backpack with cylinders. They can be plastic bottles. To create a cosmic effect, the bottles should be painted with silver paint and wrapped in foil.
  4. The cylinders are attached with the neck down; they need to be placed side by side, pressing against each other.

Kitten costume

Many children love animals and happily try on their pets' unusual outfits. New Year costumes for boys are quite varied; making them quickly is not difficult.

Costumes can be completely different - the main feature is the creation of makeup.

Kitten costume

A nose and mustache drawn on the face makes the image more natural.

To make a costume, you need to crochet a hat, ears, and tail. Attach the parts to the clothes. In general, the outfit can be selected from existing items. A gray turtleneck, tights, and shorts will help complement the overall look.

Mask for kitten costume

Fly agaric costume

The highlight of the outfit is the mushroom cap - it’s quite simple to make. It is best to take an old hat with a large brim. Fill the free space with foam rubber and cover the hat with red material. Be sure to attach white spots on top and insert an elastic band.

Otherwise there shouldn't be any problems. All that remains is to choose the outfit as a whole. A white turtleneck, shorts, and tights will help complete the look. For shoes, you should choose sandals, but also white.

Fly agaric costume for a boy

As you know, in 2019 the dog comes into its own. You cannot offend the symbol of the New Year - you should definitely pay attention to the costume with this character. Making a dog costume is easy, it is created in the same way as a cat costume. Differences may lie in some details and colors.

And now also a master class by Yulia Shevlyakova on how to sew DIY cowboy costume for a boy.

“What costume should a child come up with for the New Year if he has already grown out of the role of a bunny or a bear? There aren't many options. If your 6-8 year old boy likes a cowboy theme, then the costume is just right for him. And the fastest and most inexpensive way to dress a child in a cool hero costume is to sew it yourself. This will require simple and affordable materials, about 1 hour of time and, of course, mother/grandmother’s ingenuity.

DIY cowboy costume

What you need for the costume:

  • child’s jeans, best classic ones: blue and frayed;
  • large check shirt;
  • the child’s vest to measure her;
  • 50-70 cm of artificial leather (you can easily find it in fabric stores, the price is about 700 rubles per meter). Take the one that is tougher;
  • scissors,
  • pencil (or felt-tip pen, piece of chalk),
  • needle and thread.
  • Any bright bandana,
  • cowboy hat(we took it from friends, it costs about 200 rubles in the store),
  • belt with large buckle
  • And holster with pistol.

We also had a holster, but sewing it from the same leatherette was not at all difficult. You just need to fold a triangle of leather into a little bag, sew it up along the long edge, and cut 2 parallel slits in the holster on the inside to thread the belt through.

Cowboy costume ready! Happy New Year to you and your children!

The little hooligans may not know what a Western is, but they know very well who cowboys are. Where they are, there are adventures and shooting games. The boys will not refuse such an adventure. Even if it only lasts one New Year's masquerade or themed party.

A DIY cowboy costume consists of several main parts. The material for most of them is rough leather, suede, and denim. Only at first glance it seems that it is not easy to realize the image. In fact, this is not true at all. You can make a costume with your own hands from different materials.

Cowboy costumes for boys

To make a cowboy costume, rummage through your closet and pull out:

  • jeans;
  • bandana;
  • checked shirt;
  • belt with a large buckle.

It’s good if you have a piece of suede or artificial leather. If not, then you can do without them.

Tip: If you don't have a plaid shirt, any other colored shirt will do. Be sure to tuck it into jeans.

But you can’t do without a cowboy hat. You will either have to make it out of paper, or take it from someone you know, or buy it in the fancy dress department. Almost everything you need for a cowboy costume is ready. All that remains is to cut out and sew a vest from a piece of suede or leatherette. You need to make a fringe from a long strip of material and sew it to the bottom edge of the vest.

Tip: If you don’t have leatherette, a denim vest will do. And the more worn the material, the better.

We cut out patches from pieces of leatherette and sew them onto the jeans. If the boy doesn’t have a sheriff’s badge in his toys, then cut out a star from cardboard and cover it with foil. Take your dad's belt with a large buckle.

We put on a carnival cowboy costume for our boy. From clothing, the main details are a shirt, a vest with fringe, jeans with patches. Accessories and additional details include a sheriff's badge and a belt with buckle. A toy gun in his belt, a bandana in a contrasting color around his neck, a cowboy hat, a lasso. For shoes, choose rough boots or boots.

Tip: Fringe can be used to decorate not only a vest, but also sleeves, jeans on the sides or boots.

If you have time and desire, you can make a horse for the boy. You can make a horse's head out of paper or foam rubber, paint it and attach it to a stick. Perhaps you already have such a horse-on-a-stick toy at home.

Not all girls dream of being princesses for New Year. If your daughter is fidgety, she will love a cowboy outfit. It is no different from a cowboy suit for a boy.

Jeans can be successfully replaced by a skirt or denim dress, which can also be worn with a vest. It is worth paying attention to the hairstyle. Slightly tousled braids or wavy, flowing hair will look good in a cowboy look.

Not only children, but also adults don’t mind trying on cowboy attire at a costume party. The set of clothes is no different from a child's one. Only you will have to choose a larger weapon or replace it with a knife with a carved handle. The girl's costume includes the same wardrobe details.

It's easier for adults to find suitable shoes. These are leather or suede boots with slightly tapered toes. Modern models may already be decorated with spurs. The cowboy boot should not fit tightly to the foot. Lightly worn shoes will do. The same applies to denim clothing items. A cowboy is always looking for adventure. His clothes had long since become frayed and his shoes were worn out.

Now you know how to easily make cowboy costumes for a boy and a girl, for a girl or for a guy. Don't forget about the mood that matches the image. Cowboys are real daredevils who are not afraid of risks and adventures. You should behave confidently and then everyone will believe that you are a real western hero.

The Harlekino online store offers to buy a cowboy costume for a child for a matinee or other celebration. Your child will look impressive in a high-quality, bright, comfortable outfit purchased from us. A wide range will make it possible to find clothes for every taste and color.

A costume for a boy will create a colorful image of a strong, brave hero. You can choose an option with a fringed vest, pants with holsters, a neckerchief, and a hat. There are offers for little cowboys and cowgirls. Accompanying accessories and original makeup will add expressiveness to the image.

The carnival style is suitable for a theatrical celebration, New Year's masquerade, or a costumed birthday party. Such clothes for your baby will help make your dream come true - to feel like your favorite hero. This will have a good effect on the development of the child, you will see joy in the eyes, a smile on the face, which is priceless for a loving parent. A children's cowboy costume will open up the opportunity to live many unforgettable moments.

New Year's holiday for kids is associated with a fairy tale. And it is on this day that children want and can be fairy-tale heroes. In this article I would like to talk about what a cowboy costume for a boy could be like.


It is worth saying that this outfit can be completely different. So, if the budget is very limited, the child can simply wear denim pants, a plaid shirt, boots and a hat. It would be good if it was also possible to choose a vest to match the color of your pants. As an accessory, you can tie a cowboy scarf around your neck. But still, a good cowboy costume should consist of the following details:

  1. Leather pants and leather vest. Alternative: leather vest, jeans and leather pants pads.
  2. Plaid shirt.
  3. Hat with brim.
  4. Neckerchief.
  5. Boots.
  6. Accessories: pistol, holster, belt.


So, let's create a cowboy costume with our own hands. The work must begin with the selection of materials. So, it’s ideal if you can get the skin. It is good if it is brown, light brown or red. As an alternative, you can use leatherette or suede. However, the suit can also be entirely denim. In this case, you will need old denim pants from an adult, from which you can make a vest and cowboy pants for your little hero.


Let's start sewing a cowboy costume. Work can start with preparing the pants. So, they are cut like regular pants. You will need two parts, of which you will need to make four, cutting along the sides along the entire length. This is necessary in order to insert fringe into the sides, which will decorate the child’s suit. It is done very simply. You need to take a strip approximately 7-8 cm wide from the appropriate fabric and a length equal to the length of your panties. The fringe is not cut completely; you need to leave room to sew it into the sides. Once it is sewn in, the pants pieces are sewn together. A belt is sewn on top. It's easier to make overlays on regular denim pants. They will be worn on the cowboy's belt. These pads look like two separate trouser legs; they are attached on the outer sides to the belt. Just like in regular pants, the fringe is pre-sewn into the side. The bottom of the legs can be made rounded to make everything look more beautiful.


The cowboy costume also consists of a checkered shirt and vest. And if there are no problems with the first item of clothing, it will not be difficult to buy such a shirt, but you will still have to sew the vest yourself. This is not difficult to do. The easiest way is to take a vest suitable for the baby’s size as a sample and cut the fabric based on it. It will consist of three main parts: the back (a single part) and two front parts (they will be the same, but mirrored). If you wish, you can add fringe along the back of the vest: cut the part into pieces and simply sew it on. You can do the same with the front parts: the fringe is sewn in at the level of the chest pockets. To decorate the vest, you can sew on a sheriff's star (made of golden-colored fabric).


A cowboy costume also requires shoes. Here again there are many options. If the child is very small, you can use ordinary black Czech shoes as shoes (the children’s costume should be as comfortable as possible). If the child is already extremely mature, boots will be needed. Ideal if they come with pointed socks. If there is nothing suitable, you can wear black rubber boots, having previously decorated them with leather overlays. When creating a cowboy costume for a boy yourself, you can also make boots from old sneakers that are comfortable for a child to wear. So, for this you will need to sew a boot that fits completely over the shoes. For this, it is best to take suede. The boot itself will consist of two parts: the main one (which covers most of the leg) and the front one. The parts are sewn from the middle of the foot to the instep line. Shoes can be decorated using special paints by painting a sheriff's star on them.

A cap

When preparing a cowboy costume with your own hands, you must also make sure that the child has a cowboy hat, it’s good if it’s black. It must have margins. You can either buy it in a store or make it yourself from cardboard or papier-mâché. Cap details:

  1. Fields.
  2. The main one, which is put on the baby’s head (must be created strictly according to the size of the child’s head).

Next we create a New Year's cowboy costume. The cap is glued together at the junction of the two parts. The base is ready. Next, the fabric is glued on top. You can also decorate the hat using special paints, again drawing a regular five-pointed star there.


What could a cowboy costume look like? Photos of kids in similar outfits are very different. After all, there is room for imagination here. So, special attention should be paid to the baby’s accessories. It is thanks to them that the suit can look original.

  1. Neckerchief. It can be anything: plain or painted, checkered or striped. The main thing is that it matches the suit. It is also worth pointing out that a scarf can stand out against the background of a suit, being a bright detail that will attract attention to the child.
  2. A New Year's cowboy costume also requires a pistol and a holster. If everything is clear with a toy weapon, it is easy to find and buy, then most likely you will have to sew a holster yourself. So, for this you need to take black leather. A holster is a simple pocket for a pistol, which may not even have a bottom. It is necessary to sew the fabric on the sides so that the weapon can be comfortably placed in it. This part is attached to the child’s belt with straps specially made for this purpose.
  3. You also need to put a leather belt in your baby’s pants. This will be not only a detail of clothing, but also an element of costume decoration.


As mentioned above, a cowboy costume can be very different (photos of children in similar outfits are proof of this). However, if you need an outfit for the New Year's holiday, you need to think about how it can be decorated with rain. So, it is worth saying that it is important not to overload the suit. To match the holiday, you can buy a thin golden shower and line your vest with it. If the child does not have a belt, you can tie it up with rain. There is no need to decorate this boy’s New Year’s costume anymore.