How to make a heel mask at home. The best masks for heel skin against cracks and dryness

A heel mask is not just a composition that helps keep your feet in perfect condition. Some remedies are aimed at getting rid of fungus, and therefore are an alternative to medications.

The benefits of heel masks are as follows:

  • Cleanse. If your heels are very rough, it can be difficult to wash them, even with a pumice stone or brush. Due to the porosity of the skin, dirt becomes embedded in it and has to be scraped off. Masks help soften dry epidermis and quickly remove impurities.
  • Soften. The most common skin problem on the feet is hardness. Due to constant contact with uncomfortable shoes, the skin on the heels becomes rough, dries out and cracks. Masks help soften the skin, which prevents it from cracking.
  • Makes heels less vulnerable. That is, soft skin is less prone to mechanical damage. Wounds on soft feet appear less frequently.
  • Remove corns. With regular use of masks, dry calluses soften and can be easily removed with a brush.

Contraindications for applying masks to heels

Heel masks are useful procedures that will give your feet beauty and relieve fatigue. But there are a number of conditions in which it is not recommended to do them.

Contraindications to the use of heel masks:

  1. Individual intolerance. When choosing ingredients for preparing medicinal mixtures, consider possible allergic reactions. Do not use products to which you are allergic.
  2. Phlebitis. This is a disease that is associated with insufficient functioning of the veins. Masks can increase blood flow in the lower extremities, which will cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  3. Open wounds. It is not recommended to use foot masks if you have cuts, abrasions, or open wounds on your heels or feet. This may cause infection.

Recipes for heel masks

There are many traditional medicine recipes that help cope with rough skin on the heels. Paraffin, sea salt, and glycerin are often used for applications. All these components help soften the skin and prevent the formation of cracks.

Heel masks with aspirin

Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, which is a soft organic substance. This acid is quite weak, but its action is enough to dissolve rough skin. Aspirin is often combined with fruits and vegetable oils. Taken together, these tools give excellent results.

Recipes for masks for cracked heels with aspirin:

  • With peroxide. This is a combination product that helps get rid of rough skin in a short time. Take a plastic container and pour 3 liters of warm water into it. Pour in a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Immerse your feet in the solution and hold for 10-15 minutes. Dry the soles of your feet. Crush an aspirin tablet and pour the powder into the cracks in your heels. Wrap your feet in bandages and go to bed. In the morning, wash your heels in warm water and scrape off dead skin with a pumice stone.
  • With potatoes. To prepare the mask, you need to peel the potato tubers and grate them. Squeeze out the excess juice and add 5 aspirin tablets, after crushing them. Place the resulting mass on a cloth and apply to your heels. Fix the compress and leave for 2 hours. Remove the mixture from your feet and rinse your feet. If necessary, scrape off the softened skin with a file.
  • With vodka. A product for “wooden” heels with a huge layer of rough skin. To prepare the substance, pour 50 ml of vodka or alcohol into the vessel. Add a pack of aspirin, crushing the tablets to a powder. Add potato starch to form a paste-like mass. Lubricate your heels generously with the product and put plastic bags on your feet. Leave for 1 hour. Now scrape off the softened layer of skin with a pumice stone or brush.
  • With salt. Sea salt is widely used to prepare foot baths, but you can also use it to prepare a heel mask. Pour 30 g of sea salt into a container and add powder from 5 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid to it. Pour lemon juice into the dry mixture and stir. Lubricate your heels with a thick mixture and wrap them with bandages or a clean cloth. Leave for 30 minutes. Wash your feet with water and gently scrape off the dead skin.

Heel masks with glycerin

Glycerin is an emollient that is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. With its help you can soften rough heels and make your legs more attractive.

Recipes for heel masks with glycerin:

  1. With bread. Take the crumb of black bread and soak it in water. After this, squeeze out the liquid and remember the mixture with your hands. Add 20 ml of glycerin and carefully average the mixture. Apply a homogeneous mass to the heels and secure with cloth or bandages. Leave for 1 hour and rinse with warm water.
  2. With grapefruit. This mask combines oily medium and fruit acid. These components perfectly nourish very dry skin. Take it? grapefruit and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 25 ml glycerin and 30 g sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and treat the heels with the composition. Cover the feet with film and keep the mixture for a third of an hour. Rinse off the mixture in warm water and treat your feet with cream.
  3. With chamomile. Prepare chamomile infusion. To do this, pour boiling water over 20 g of dried flowers and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain the mixture. Mix half a glass of liquid with 30 ml of glycerin. It is better to prepare the mixture in a bottle so that you can shake it vigorously. After mixing, apply a little liquid to a cloth and apply to your heels. Wrap your feet and leave the compress on overnight. There is no need to wash off anything in the morning. Carry out the procedure daily before going to bed.
  4. With potatoes. Boil the potatoes with their skins on and crush them. It is not necessary to remove the skin. Pour 20 ml of lemon juice and 30 ml of glycerin into the resulting puree. Apply a thick layer of mashed potatoes to the soles of your feet and cover with plastic. The mass should be warm. Wrap with a towel and leave the application for a third of an hour. Gently remove the mixture and rinse your feet with warm water.
  5. With yolk. The yolk perfectly nourishes dry skin, so it is advisable to use it to moisturize the heels. Mix the yolk with a spoon of honey and lemon juice in a bowl. It is better to warm up bee nectar a little before using. Add 30 ml of glycerin to the mass and carefully average. Take a paper napkin and crumple it up. Soak a cloth in the mixture and apply to the heel. Wrap the application area and leave for 1 hour.

Clay heel masks

Clay is known for its antiseptic and moisturizing properties. In addition, it prevents the formation of edema. Masks with this substance do an excellent job of treating rough skin on the heels, especially in the summer, when dust gets clogged between the layers of the epidermis.

Recipes for clay masks:

  • With mint. This mask refreshes the skin and cools the heels after long walks and work. It is recommended to do it after a working day, before going to bed. Take 20 g of blue clay powder and pour some warm water into it. It should be a paste. Add a few drops of mint oil to the mixture. Mix the mixture and generously lubricate problem areas. This product can be applied to the entire foot.
  • With butter. Mix 25 g of blue clay powder with warm water to form a porridge. Add 20 ml olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice. Actively mix the paste and generously lubricate your heels with it. Wrap your feet in cellophane and bandages. The application should be kept on the heels for 40 minutes.
  • With kelp. It is necessary to mix kelp powder and blue clay in a 1:1 ratio. After this, pour warm water into the mixture in a thin stream. The consistency of the paste should resemble liquid puree. Take a brush and apply a thick layer to your heels. Wrap with film and leave the application for 1 hour. Wash your feet thoroughly.
  • With honey. Honey is often used in cosmetology and folk medicine. This substance nourishes the skin well. To prepare the product, 30 g of blue clay powder is mixed with warm water until a porridge is obtained. After this, 10 ml of liquid honey is added to the mass. After averaging the mixture, it is necessary to generously lubricate problem areas with it. The exposure time of the mass is 1 hour.

Heel masks with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is actively used in medicine to disinfect body surfaces. This is a strong antiseptic, but, in addition, this substance acts as a strong oxidizing agent, which softens rough layers of skin.

Recipes for heel masks with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. With bodyaga. Freshwater bodyaga is a common remedy for the treatment of corns. Together with hydrogen peroxide, you get a universal means for express foot care. It is necessary to mix 50 g of peroxide with 20 g of bodyaga powder in a bowl. Leave the resulting porridge for a few minutes. It is necessary that bubbles appear on the surface. Apply the mixture to the heels and wrap with wet bandages, the exposure time is a third of an hour.
  2. With potatoes. Boil a handful of potato peelings until soft. After this, turn the peels into a puree and add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide to it. Stir the mixture vigorously and place the mixture on your heels. Wrap with bags and then with cloth. Application time - 30 minutes.
  3. With bread. Soak the bread crumb in water, and after soaking, squeeze it out. Add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the wet crumbs. Apply the mixture to your heels and rewind. It is recommended to leave the compress for 30-40 minutes. The mixture should be washed off with warm water and a rich cream should be applied.

Zucchini heel masks

Zucchini is used quite often in folk medicine. With the help of these vegetables you can get rid of worms, liver diseases and even cure dry calluses on the heels.

Recipes for heel masks with zucchini:

  • With olive oil. It is necessary to peel the fruits and bake them in the oven or microwave. After this, grind the mixture in a blender to make a puree. Add 20 ml of olive oil to the puree and stir. Apply the product to your heels, wrapping them in cellophane and wrapping them in a towel. Leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • With kefir. To prepare the mask, choose young fruits with small seeds. Peel the fruits and boil. Prepare zucchini puree and add 50 ml of kefir to the mixture. Apply the mixture to a cloth and apply it to your heels. Application time is 30 minutes. Rinse your feet thoroughly with water.
  • With chamomile. Prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers. Peel the zucchini and boil in chamomile broth. Grind the vegetables using a blender. Apply the paste to your heels and leave for 30-40 minutes. Repeat twice a week. It is advisable to apply moisturizer to the skin after using the product.

Heel masks with vinegar

Vinegar is an organic acid that can combat dry heels. This substance is successfully used in the preparation of heel masks.

Recipes for heel masks with vinegar:

  1. With bread. Soak a piece of stale bread in water and grind it. This can be done using a fork or a blender. Add 20 ml of 9% vinegar solution to a handful of crumbs and mix. Apply a little product to a clean, damp cloth and wrap around your heels. Leave for 25 minutes.
  2. With orange. In a small bowl, mix 30 ml each of orange juice and vinegar, add flour to form a dough. Lubricate the heels with the resulting dough and wrap with wet bandages. Application time is 1 hour.
  3. With tomatoes. Take a ripe tomato and puree it using a blender. Add 20 ml of vinegar and stir. Apply the mixture to a cloth and wrap a compress around your heels. Leave for an hour and rinse your feet with water.
  4. With strawberry. Take a handful of strawberries and puree them using a blender. Add 30 ml of vinegar and average. After this, apply the liquid paste onto a cloth and apply to dry heels. Wrap it in cellophane and put on warm socks. It is necessary to leave the mixture on the heels for 30 minutes. Rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

Method of preparing heel masks

Heel masks are quite simple to prepare, but you need to follow a few recommendations.

Features of preparing heel masks:

  • Prepare the mixture immediately before application. Storing funds may adversely affect their quality.
  • If your mask contains fresh fruits or vegetables, choose fresh fruits. It is necessary to remove the skin from the zucchini. Give preference to young fruits with small seeds.
  • First mix the solid components of the mixture or powders, and then pour in the liquids in a thin stream. This way you can prepare a mask without lumps.
  • When preparing masks with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, use glass containers. Aluminum pans oxidize and can release toxic substances into the product.

Rules for applying a mask to the heels

Typically, heel masks are an addition to baths. It is recommended to steam your feet before applying them and remove the top layer of rough skin.

Rules for applying heel masks:

  1. If the mixture is very thin, there is no point in applying it directly to the skin. It is best to lubricate a cloth with it and apply it to the rough areas.
  2. Masks with acids are applied for a maximum of 2 hours. This time is enough to soften and not damage the skin.
  3. If your heels have cracks, choose masks that are applied throughout the night, this will allow the components to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. This way you can completely scrape off all the rough skin and get rid of cracks.
  4. After the mask, it makes sense to scrape the skin with a pumice stone or a file, if before that you did not take a bath and did not remove the top layer of coarsened epidermis.
How to make a mask for heels - watch the video:

Heel masks are effective manipulations for softening and moisturizing. With their help, you can make hide-and-seek, like a baby, in just one procedure.

Any woman tries to pay attention to her beauty and health, but it happens that some details may be overlooked and very often this invisible detail becomes the skin of the heels. And it requires the same careful and regular care as facial skin. This publication contains the most popular masks for heel skin and useful tips for caring for your feet at home.

Rough skin on heels: why?

Rough skin on your heels can have many causes, and lack of hydration or care are not the only ones. Women who are faced with hormonal problems and disruptions of the endocrine system often complain about a similar problem. In addition, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often leads to the appearance of cracks in the skin of the heels.

Cracks and dryness in the heels also occur due to such a phenomenon as poor blood circulation in the lower extremities. This is especially pronounced in varicose veins of the legs, when blood constantly stagnates in the veins. Poor nutrition and “love” for all kinds of diets can also cause the skin on the heels to become rough, cracks and an unpleasant roughness of the feet appear. This is due to the fact that a lack of nutrients and vitamins leads to dry skin.

If dry heels are not a consequence of any disease, then it is quite possible to cope with this problem at home, regularly using heel masks and not neglecting daily care and hygiene.

The Basics: Proper Care

Preventing the appearance of rough skin on your heels is quite simple at home: the main thing here is regular and proper care. A very important place is occupied by everyday foot hygiene, the use of moisturizing soap, as well as the periodic use of an exfoliating foot scrub, which removes dead epidermal cells and renews the skin, preventing the roughening of its top layer.

Try to choose for your feet, and heels in particular, a good moisturizing cream that you use daily, and a nourishing cream or balm that can be applied several times a week, for example, at night.

In addition, to prevent cracks and dryness on the heels, you need to give your feet a bath at least once a week and, of course, do a pedicure.

In addition to regular cosmetic and hygiene procedures, the basis for proper heel skin care at home is proper nutrition, with which the body must receive a sufficient amount of essential nutrients, microelements and vitamins. Consuming at least 1.5 liters of water every day is one of the components of the normal hydration balance in the skin. And often pay attention to natural masks that can save even the roughest skin from dryness and cracks.

Effective and simple recipes

Folk recipes that help restore and maintain the softness of the feet number in the hundreds, if not thousands. Natural ointments, herbs, oils, vegetable and fruit pulp and many other products really work wonders. We bring to your attention ten golden recipes for heel masks that each of you can use at home.

Take a rich baby cream, add 10 drops of lavender and chamomile essential oils to it, mix thoroughly and lubricate your heels every evening at night. The result of using such a mask will be noticeable within three to four days.

Lightly heat the olive oil and apply it to the skin of your feet, put on soft socks and leave the product on overnight. By morning, all the oil will be absorbed, and the heels will become noticeably softer. Olive oil contains a large number of substances beneficial to the skin and is one of the most effective remedies against dry, rough skin and against cracks.

Ripe apricots have proven to be the best for natural foot care at home. Just mash a few fruits and apply the resulting pulp to your heels, after 30-40 minutes, rinse with warm water and treat your skin with a nourishing cream.

Blue clay takes a well-deserved place in the collection of golden recipes for the skin on the heels. You can use it by diluting it with warm water to the consistency of very thick sour cream or by supplementing the composition of water and clay with various oils, for example, olive, chamomile, sage. The mask is applied until the clay dries.

Use a mask of apple pulp and aloe juice, applying it in a thick layer on the heels and covering with cling film for 25-35 minutes. Use foot cream afterwards. A good result comes from using a mask of one yolk, the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of starch. Apply a thick paste to the skin of your feet and wait 35-40 minutes. Then rinse it off and lubricate your feet overnight with a mixture of olive oil and herbal essence of lemon or sage.

A “delicious” mask for your heels at home can be prepared from banana and honey mixed in arbitrary quantities. Thanks to the honey it contains, this mask not only perfectly softens, but also heals small cracks and wounds.

Not very fragrant, but quite effective, a mixture for too dry and rough heels consists of grated onions, which must be applied in a thick layer to the skin, securely wrap the top of the foot with cling film and put on socks. In the morning, a 15-minute bath with essential oils of lemon, lavender, rose, and orange will help get rid of the smell of onions.

The last mask consists of boiled potato pulp and warm milk. Potatoes can be replaced with the pulp of fresh zucchini with great success. This mask can be used every day; it is very effective against peeling and cracked heels.

Bath compositions

Finally, here are several options for baths that need to be done for dry feet every two to three days. The best products and means for this are:

  • green tea;
  • chamomile and string;
  • marshmallow root decoction;
  • milk;
  • baking soda and soap;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • warm white wine and linden blossom decoction;
  • starch;
  • mint and cornflower;
  • St. John's wort, nettle and coltsfoot.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk about heel care. I will share with you interesting recipes for masks.

I think everyone can choose a mask they like. This is both care and benefit. Taking care of your feet and heels is very important, just as important as taking care of your hands, face and body. Self-love means taking care of your body. In summer, our heels especially need care. To keep your heels tender, soft and smooth, you need to spend time with yourself. You can, of course, get pedicures regularly. But also take extra care of your heels. Moreover, summer is a wonderful time, the time for berries, fruits and vegetables; so many things can be used directly from the garden for both the face and the heels.

How to properly care for your heels?

The most important thing is that care should be provided both in summer and winter. After all, it happens that with a lack of vitamins, heels can crack even in winter. Although in fact, there are quite a few reasons for cracked heels. Various means are used to care for the feet: herbal baths, oils, emollient creams and heel masks.

And the most important thing in proper care is to remove rough skin. I’ll say right away that you shouldn’t use a razor or blade for this. This procedure can lead to negative consequences, from wounds to infection.

The basis of proper care is applying masks to the skin of the feet and heels. Masks can be made from natural and fresh products. Such masks soften the skin, promote healing of cracked heels, and saturate the skin with vitamins.

A very important point. You should have a separate towel for your feet, as well as for your face. And after using a foot file or pumice stone, use a heel sanding file.

It is also recommended to steam the skin of your feet before applying masks. Most often I use warm water and baking soda. You can use soda-soap or herbal foot baths. Then clean your skin with pumice and start applying masks.

Homemade heel masks

Foot masks are very easy to prepare, the most important thing is to spend a little time for yourself. Masks made from berries, fruits and vegetables can be used as vitamin masks. After all, if notches appear on the skin, this may also indicate a lack of vitamins.

Lemon for heels

Another interesting recipe for heels. Feet should be washed and dried with a towel. Cut off a slice of lemon. We use half a slice on one heel, and half a slice on the other. Rub your heels with lemon, or your feet. Then be sure to pat your feet dry with a towel and apply cream to the skin.

Lemon eliminates unpleasant foot odor, nourishes and softens the skin. Lemon is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. But if you have deep cracks or wounds on your heels, then you should not use lemon.

Orange masks for heels

The orange needs to be cut in half, some of the pulp removed and placed on the heels like “caps”. Leave for about 15 minutes. Then rinse your heels with water and clean with a pumice stone. You can grind orange pulp and apply it to your feet and heels.

Strawberry mask for heels

The strawberry mask perfectly softens the skin. The acids contained in strawberries soften the skin and are very easy to remove with a pumice stone. To prepare this mask, fresh strawberries need to be mashed and applied to the skin of the feet and legs. You can put bags on top. Leave the mask for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Clean your heels with pumice stone. This mask helps to naturally remove the rough layer of cells on the heels.

Well, don’t forget to lubricate your skin with foot cream. A manicurist and pedicurist shared this wonderful recipe for a strawberry foot mask with me today. I think that I will definitely try this foot mask as soon as strawberries appear en masse.

Potato mask for heels

A very interesting version of a potato mask. The mask softens the skin and promotes the healing of microcracks on the heels. For the mask you need to take one potato, wash it and peel it. Grind finely into a paste. Add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of olive oil to the chopped potatoes. Mix the mask and apply to your heels and feet.

You can prepare a double portion of the mask. Leave the mask on for about 15-20 minutes. Apply the mask after a foot bath. And also don’t forget to use nourishing foot cream.

Flax seed masks

Flax seed also has a healing effect. This mask promotes the healing of microcracks on the heels. Flax seed can be bought at a pharmacy. Pour a couple of teaspoons of flax seed into 200 ml. boiling water and shake until it becomes a thick jelly. Strain and add a spoonful of natural honey. Lubricate your feet and heels with this liquid, leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with water. Don't forget about the cream.

Mask with olive oil and honey

You can prepare a wonderful mask for your heels, which consists of natural honey and olive oil. Moreover, you can replace olive oil with any other (sea buckthorn, rosehip oil, St. John's wort oil, calendula oil, etc.) these oils have an excellent healing effect.

Mix natural honey and oil in equal quantities. Apply to your feet and heels and leave for fifteen minutes, maybe twenty. After this, rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water.

Mask with yolk

A mask with yolk has a wonderful effect. Only eggs are best used from the village. Separate the yolk from the white. We only need the yolk. Add a spoonful of any vegetable oil and a spoonful of lemon juice to the yolk. Apply the mixture to one and the other heel. You can wrap it in cellophane and top it with a bandage. Leave for fifteen minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Remember that if there are cracks in the heels, especially deep ones, masks should not be used. I recommend using creams and ointments that promote heel healing, and then you can make masks.

Homemade heel masks are a good alternative to store-bought heel products. After all, all the products are very simple and affordable. The skin on your heels after the masks will be smooth and soft.

Nadezhda Sergeeva | 08/21/2015 | 90698

Nadezhda Sergeeva 08/21/2015 90698

Rough, dry heels do not make our legs look good. How to make your heels soft at home?

Due to constant friction and stress, the skin on the heels quickly loses its smoothness, especially during the season of open shoes. And rough, rough heels are far from an aesthetic sight. In addition, a cosmetic problem can develop into a medical one: calluses and calluses quickly form on damaged skin.

The secret to smooth heels is regular care

Make it a rule to spend a little time on your heels every evening. You don't need to do anything complicated:

Don't overuse rough pumice and under no circumstances cut off dry skin on your heels with a blade! If you clean your heels this way, there is a high risk of infection and serious problems.

Do not rub steamed, wet heels with a pumice stone or an abrasive grater. You can damage the healthy layer of skin and further increase dryness.

Pamper your heels with warm baths a couple of times a week. A heel bath with soap shavings and sea salt is especially good (dissolve 0.5 cups in a small amount of hot water).

After the bath, enhance the effect with a heel scrub from ground coffee and vegetable oil, mixed to a thick paste. The skin will become smooth and moisturized.

Get a massage every day, rubbing any heel product into the skin - a regular moisturizer or oil.

To keep your heels smooth and soft, wear comfortable shoes, and in the warm season, often walk barefoot on textured surfaces.

There are many ways to make your heels soft at home. We have chosen the three most effective and simple ones.

Make your heels soft in 10 minutes

This recipe has been tested by our readers and received a lot of rave reviews. So:

1. Spread clean and dry (not steamed!) heels with cream (any emollient, maybe baby cream).

2. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

3. Now arm yourself with a file or a rough grater for the heels, lightly wet it with water.

4. Rub your heels with gentle and quick movements. Within a minute, you will see the dead, dry skin peel off and fall off.

5. Continue cleaning the heels; when the file dries out, moisten it with water again.

6. When you polish the skin completely, wash your feet and again apply cream to the cleaned areas.

7. Put on cotton socks and let your feet rest for a while.

If you do this procedure at night and go to bed in socks, the next morning you won’t recognize your heels! They will become pink, smooth and soft, like a baby's.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Vinegar for heels is a very useful remedy. It not only removes dryness and softens the skin, but also kills fungus. And in combination with glycerin, the effect is enhanced several times.

To get rid of rough heels, make a compress of apple cider vinegar and glycerin at night.

1. Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

2. Soak pieces of gauze in the mixture and apply to the heels.

3. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on soft socks.

4. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash your feet and apply cream to your heels.

You need 3-4 such procedures, but the result will be visible after the first use. This method helps even with shallow cracks in the heels.

Hydrogen peroxide for soft heels

A bath with hydrogen peroxide for your heels will help, even if your feet are completely neglected and the soles are very rough.

1. Take a small basin or bowl and pour 1.5 liters of hot water into it. The temperature should be such that you can tolerate it.

2. Add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and stir.

3. Submerge your feet in water and steam them for about 10 minutes, depending on the condition of your heels.

4. Use a soft pedicure brush to remove any white, dry skin from your heels.

5. Apply cream to your heels and massage thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent substance, so you should do this heel bath no more than once a week.

These methods will help you quickly get your feet in order. If you know other effective measures to clean your heels and make them soft at home, please share them with us.

Foot care allows you to maintain their functionality and is an inseparable part of cosmetic care for the whole body. From morning to evening, throughout our lives, our feet bear the weight of our body, so the skin of the feet needs special care. Without care, the skin on the heels cracks, and then it becomes painful to walk. An anti-cracked heel mask can get you back on your feet in no time.

Causes of cracked heels

Skin cracks due to:

  • excessive dryness;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • physical irritations;
  • chemical irritations.

But still, the vast majority of cracks in the soles are formed due to wearing uncomfortable shoes or poor hygienic foot care. Significant thickening of the skin of the feet due to the growth of the stratum corneum should not be allowed. Much attention should be paid to shoes; they should be soft, comfortable, not too loose or tight, and not with rubber soles. Cracks that cannot be treated at home should be shown to a dermatologist, as they can be a concomitant sign of many skin diseases.

The feet should be constantly ventilated. At least try to walk barefoot at home. Stockings and shoes should be changed every day, even if you only have two pairs of shoes - this will allow them to be ventilated and prevent your feet from becoming deformed.

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Comprehensive cosmetic care for the skin of the feet

Foot care involves washing them daily with warm water and soap or shower gel. After a hot bath with soap, the feet are treated with pumice and lubricated with foot cream, preferably with vitamin A. Here are a few more useful rules:

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Foot mask recipes

The main problem of the skin of the feet is lack of fat due to a lack of sebaceous glands. Masks help normalize the fat balance, make the feet smooth, soft and thereby avoid cracked heels. If cracks have already appeared, antiseptic and medicinal products - herbs or medications - are added to the mixture for the mask.

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Therapeutic masks for painful cracks

For people with pronounced thickening of the skin on the heels and extensive advanced cracks, an old recipe will help. In a water bath, you need to heat equal parts of paraffin, beeswax and 10% salicylic acid. Heat the mixture and apply it to the skin of the heels using a cotton swab, let it dry, then apply another 2-3 layers. You need to keep this film on your feet all night (you can wear socks or bandage it), and in the morning wash your feet in a soap-soda solution and rub your heels with a pumice stone. The procedure is repeated several times (usually 2-3) until the desired effect is achieved.

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Preventive agents

Routine care, consisting of hygiene procedures and the daily application of nourishing and moisturizing foot creams, is usually quite enough to keep the skin of the feet in good condition. Masks for healthy heels are more of a luxury than a necessity, but a very pleasant luxury. If you ruined your feet at the dacha by walking barefoot on the ground, or dried out your heels on the beach until a network of small cracks appeared, in these cases masks will also come in handy.

Here are a few simple recipes that make your heels “silky.”