How to cleanse your energy of negativity. What happens to a person after cleaning the biofield. We remove the evil eye and external suspensions of foreign energy

Cleansing and restoring human energy is a labor-intensive process that must be taken seriously. There are several effective ways that will help improve human energy.

In the article:

Restoring human energy

Each person uses two types of energy: vital (physical) and free (creative). There are various ways to increase energy. For example, if your physical energy level has decreased, good rest (healthy sleep) and good nutrition are necessary to improve the situation.

If we are talking about free energy, increasing it is a longer and more painstaking process. There are some tips that can improve the situation.

Firstly, you need to give up bad habits. People who often drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs live much shorter lives, which is not surprising: bad habits not only have a detrimental effect on health, but also reduce the amount of vital energy of the individual. People fade away, burning through their energy reserves in a very short time.

Secondly, you need to free yourself from . There are people who happily feast on the power of others. By going through, you can find out who from your immediate circle is an energy vampire or donor.

Having learned that there are vampires among your friends and relatives, you need to limit communication with them so that life changes for the better. You need to get rid of negativity.

An essential way to restore and improve human energy is get rid of envy, anger, irritability, jealousy, regret and fear. These emotions unbalance the individual, making the person weaker and draining energy.

Do breathing practice. According to reviews, this not only increases the flow of oxygen to the brain (which has a beneficial effect on health), but also has a positive effect on energy balance.

Perform energy exercises. There are special exercises that will help you connect to the energy of the Cosmos. The lesson is held on a sunny day. You need to position yourself where no one will disturb you. You should stand up straight, facing the sun, stretch your arms forward.

You need to close your eyes and imagine that through your hands the energy of the sun is pouring into the body, filling it, charging you with strength. It is necessary to feel how a person is renewed, saturated with new energy. A few minutes of relaxation a day is enough. After completing the manipulations, you should definitely thank the source of life.

How to cleanse human energy

Energy cleansing is an important manipulation that will help restore energy and remove breakdowns and deformations in the energy field.

The exercise is suitable for people who are just learning to feel the body and energy. Each individual has two main energy flows running along the back. You need to take a comfortable position, sit on the floor, level up and relax.

You should feel the first flow passing through the crown and exiting through the legs. After this, you need to feel the second flow, which is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone and rises to the top of the head. In the first stages, you only need to learn to feel these flows, and with regular training you can even control them, speeding up or slowing down.

If there is a feeling that the power of the flows is increasing, this indicates the cleansing of the energy field and the destruction of various blocks. Subsequently, your well-being improves and vitality begins to flow.

The second popular and systematic method of cleaning human energy is communication with nature. There are many vampire trees that are capable of pumping negative energy out of a person: aspen, poplar, linden.

Nature will help cleanse your energy, you just have to try

You need to go up to the tree, hug it, and stand there for a few minutes. Having completely cleared yourself of negative energy, you can go to maple, birch or oak - donors that can charge you with positive, creative energy.

For people who are no longer beginners and have a good connection with the subconscious, a very popular and widespread method of cleansing is suitable - .

Using this practice (especially combining it with), you can get rid of negative energy. The more often a person meditates, the easier it is to find areas of accumulated negative energy and get rid of it. It is recommended to imagine that the black spots of negativity are washed off with clean water and go into the ground.

Cleansing human energy with salt

Salt is an important attribute that is often used during rituals. This is the only natural substance that is used in its original form and concentrates the energy of the earth.

The amazing properties of salt have been known since ancient times. People revered her and valued her like gold. In ancient times, 1 ounce of salt was equal to 1 ounce of precious metal. In Rus', guests were not welcomed without salt and bread - this product was considered a symbol of well-being. In ancient China, cake coins baked from salt dough were even used as money for some time.

Salt is capable of capturing, storing and transmitting energy and information. Has strong energy that can absorb negativity. It has cleansing properties and is therefore used to eliminate negative energy. There are three methods that will help cleanse human energy.

In the first case For 21 days, in the morning or evening, you should arm yourself with a large container of rock salt, stand there with your bare feet and trample it. At this time, you need to imagine that the negative goes into this salt. Manipulations last no more than 15 minutes. After completing the ritual, the used product must either be washed off with water or buried.

Everyone knows the power of salt

Next method Suitable for people who are constantly forced to communicate with the crowd and experience information overload. This method is also suitable for those suffering from insomnia.

You need to place a small container (preferably made of clay) near the bed and pour salt into it. The vessel should stand near the bed until the product begins to darken - this is a sign that it is necessary to replace the salt with new one.

Many decorations absorb the energy of the owner, taking away negativity. This is especially true for amulets and jewelry with magical precious stones.

Charms must be cleaned regularly (

Energy cleansing is a session aimed at restoring your energy, eliminating breakdowns and field deformations that arise as a result of stressful situations, after surgery, due to strong negative emotions (resentment, fear, hatred), as well as foreign influences (which are popularly called damage , evil eye, curse, etc.). In addition, sessions cleanse ancestral and reincarnation karma, eliminating negative programs and vows passed down by genus (this is one of the key areas, since we all bear the ancestral burden and often it is this that prevents a person from living “his” life, without the need to work off the “sins” of the family).

Energy cleansing allows you to remove even “irremovable” effects, including ritual damage to death and Voodoo magic. In addition, sessions cleanse the chakra spheres, eliminate unnecessary attachments to people (former sexual partners and people from the past who interfere with the present), clear the karma of the family (it happens that a number of problems are passed down through the family from generation to generation), and the patient’s personal karma.

Very often, as a result of energy restoration, overall well-being and health improves. Energy cleansing releases a large amount of energy, which helps in human development and awareness of true goals in life. Sessions provide an opportunity to start living differently and look at the world differently.

We conduct energy sessions as in person, so remotely. An important condition for remote cleaning is to have a recent photograph or attend at least one in-person cleaning. Remote sessions are no different in strength from in-person sessions, because... work is done with a person’s energy phantom, and it is always alone, no matter where the person is located geographically. In energy terms, in general, there is no concept of distance. To carry out remote cleanings, it is desirable to use Skype or any other means of communication so that recommendations can be given after the cleaning is completed.

The cleaning session is carried out without contact. Masters work with streams of energies that work through the field and subtle bodies of the patient layer by layer, where the first cleansing is superficial, and subsequent ones penetrate into deeper energy layers, cleansing the ancestral karma and outdated influences of both the patient and his family (paternal and maternal). ). At the last session, protection is installed, which continues to work with the field for another two months, cleansing its structure and protecting it from any kind of energy attacks.

Sessions are often conducted by two masters, where usually one of the center’s therapists begins the cleansing, and 2-3 cleanses from the course are done by Sergey or Laura. It happens that some patients need more masculine or feminine energy, then the cleaning sessions are performed by the right master. Working in this way, the cleansing goes much stronger and deeper. If a patient wants a personal course of cleansing only with Laura, or only with Sergei, then the cost of such a course will be higher than the cost of a course in the center.

The time for a session varies from 35 to 50 minutes. Cleaning sessions should be carried out daily, without interruption. As a last resort, a day of rest is allowed, but only in the middle of the course - not earlier. The number of sessions is determined based on the patient’s energy problems and their severity. On average, a cleansing course lasts about 6-8 sessions. During the course you should not consume meat or alcohol. The amount of water (drinking water without gas) should be at least 1.5 liters per day to facilitate the body's removal of toxins and waste.

What should you be prepared for during and after cleaning?

1. That there can be completely different reactions of the body: from drowsiness to unusual vigor; from mildness to nausea and frustration; from hypersensitivity (when the patient feels every current on his body) - to a completely normal state (when the person does not feel anything unusual); from warmth, tingling and heat in certain places - to cold and painful sensations in some parts of the body. All reactions are purely individual.

The most common reactions are:

  • Heat, tingling, numbness, or coldness in some parts of the body;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the upper body;
  • State of sleep or complete relaxation (meditative state);
  • Rapidly passing pain in some parts of the body;
  • Involuntary twitching of the body (when the most outdated energies are released);
  • Feeling of body being divided into two halves.

The body's reaction depends on:

  • Your individual sensitivity (people with a closed heart chakra always feel much less than open people).
  • The degree of contamination of your field and the body as a whole (the more serious the impact on you, the more painful the cleansing can be, the more polluted your body is, the stronger the cleansing symptoms can be).
  • Your psychological mood (the more a person tenses and thinks about everything that is happening during the session, the more he closes himself off from feelings. The more logic and desire to put everything on shelves, the more mental tension and less sensory sphere).

2. That during the course people from the past with whom you have not kept in touch for a long time (but with whom there were energetic connecting threads) may make themselves known.

During the course, it is advisable to limit yourself from communicating with such people and try to spend more time alone with yourself, without showing emotional outbursts among other people.

For example, if a neighbor or friend starts suspiciously persistently asking you to come into your house, you shouldn’t let him in, at least until the course of cleansing is completed.

3. That people who should not walk next to you evolutionarily, or those who drain energy from you, may fall away from your life.

Purges tend to speed up events that were bound to happen anyway. A tooth can hurt for several years, tormenting its owner, or it can hurt for a week and fall out. Sessions arrange events in the most favorable way to solve any life problem and everything that happens always happens for the better.

4. That you will begin to realize those things that you were not aware of before and you may want to change your life, up to a complete change of activities and environment.

This happens if a person did not live his own life and not according to his own desires (but according to those imposed by someone). After cleansing, awareness increases greatly and a person begins to understand what he really wants from life.

5. That the result of cleaning may not be an instant result, but the construction of a series of events in the direction so that your problem is resolved as favorably as possible.

Very often, after completing energy cleansing sessions, a person opens up new prospects and opportunities for resolving a painful problem. For example, there was a case with a patient who suffered from atrophic ulcers on her legs and suffered greatly from pain. After a course of cleansing, amid a general improvement in her condition and vigor, she miraculously met a doctor who finally made the correct diagnosis (it turned out that the disease was psoriasis, not ulcers, and this despite the fact that the patient had been treated incorrectly for about 30 years). As a result, her problem went away, but not as a result of instant healing during sessions, but as a result of building the correct series of events with the help of higher powers.

Today we will talk about how important energy cleansing is and why you need to start observing it. What is cleaning? Cleaning is the removal of negativity that interferes with a person’s life. How can he interfere and what kind of negativity is this? First of all, we clean the internal clamps, blocks that impede the flow of energy in the human body. Ideally pure people can be counted on one hand, and these, perhaps, will only be saints who constantly pray, and thereby purify their energy, keep themselves and their bodies clean. All other people need to cleanse their body periodically to prevent various diseases, including colds.

Imagine that ours consists (on the energy plane) of many different energy channels. The thickest energy channel is in our spine. The main flow passes through it, directed both from us to space and from space to us. If this main channel is clogged, then a person develops serious illnesses. Most often, the disease occurs precisely from the presence of negativity, various blocks. Blocks appear from stress, fears, evil eyes, damage, in general, all the bad things that humanity has managed to invent over thousands of years. To remove all this, energy cleansing and various cleansing are carried out. There are a lot of them, including those that use both Christian and Scandinavian egregors, that is, runes, elemental energies, etc.

If a person who decides to engage in, in particular, extrasensory perception, or the development of energy management skills, has not removed energy blocks, then he may experience unpleasant sensations called diseases. That is, this is a feeling of pressure in the head, temples, various parts of the body, some kind of incomprehensible spontaneous pain.

What does this come from? A person is trying to develop the ability to pass a large amount of energy through himself, but he has a block on one of his channels and the energy that moves along the channel cannot penetrate through it. It (energy) begins to accumulate in this place and the organ located next to this place becomes uncomfortable and begins to hurt.

Techniques for human energy cleansing

What simple cleaning techniques exist that you can use for yourself in everyday life. The simplest thing is express cleaning, which breaks off various bindings. This is a breathing practice that is carried out as follows. As soon as you feel any discomfort, do the following: completely exhale the air from your lungs, hold your breath to the maximum. That is, an indicator that you are more or less clean is that you were able to hold your breath on a full exhalation for seventeen, twenty seconds or more. If you were able to hold your breath for less than twelve seconds, it means that something is already on you and with this breath you are breaking off some bindings from yourself, removing them, making your condition easier using the express method.

Cleaning must be done constantly, since any visit to large crowds of people gives a coating of a certain amount of negativity on the biofield. The next thing you can do without even leaving your place, if, say, somewhere at work you feel unwell after communicating with some bad person, or in a crowd on the street, or in transport, is to memorize some simple Christian . For example, “Our Father.” Read this prayer at least mentally and it is advisable to also baptize yourself mentally. There are also short prayers for cleansing - these are “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”, “Life-giving Christ”.

Candle cleansing scheme

Next, cleanse yourself with a candle. This pattern is called a "spiral". A fairly simple cleansing regimen that you can do in the evening if you're feeling under the weather. The diagram shows that it is first carried out over the human body in a spiral from head to toe, then rises vertically, then drops down and again rises upward in a spiral. At the same time, you need to read a prayer. When you read the prayer three times and carry out all the cleansing manipulations with the candle, let it burn out. This cleansing removes weak everyday evil eyes that occur from quarrels, stress or from one’s own negative emotions.

Rules for keeping your energy pure

Keeping yourself and your home clean. After you come from somewhere, for example, from a store, a long trip, or just going out to take out the trash, you must come and wash your hands. Washing your hands washes away not only germs, but also negative energy that your hands could pick up from everywhere. It would also be good to wash your face. It was not for nothing that there was a custom in Rus' when, after a journey, a person, a merchant, always came to the bathhouse and first washed himself off the path, and then went about his business.

The second rule of energy hygiene is to try not to become emotionally attached to the situation. That is, if you feel that a tense situation is arising, which can later be reflected by the presence in your biofield, then try to detach yourself. That is, you are here, but the situation is somewhere there and it does not concern you. It's like you're watching it on TV. Even if this situation concerns you directly and let’s say your bosses are standing in front of you and scolding you for something, just imagine that you are looking at all this from the outside. It will immediately feel much easier for you. You will be able to control your words, your emotions, react correctly, calm down.

If there is an opportunity to avoid negative problems and situations, then take advantage of this opportunity. Try to remain silent rather than say a bad word, because the spoken word already has power and will affect you if the person you offended harbors a grudge against you.

If you are going to visit a place where there are a lot of people, try to protect yourself by getting yourself some kind of protective equipment, or using mental protection. For example, when moving among people, imagine that you are constantly under a waterfall. A large stream of water pours over you, constantly washing and cleansing your body. This will help you develop your visualization, the power of thought, and you will also be able to simply protect yourself. The more often you visualize this, the better this will work. You can also imagine that you are in a mirror sphere, which is mirrored outside of you. And everyone who looks at you sees not you, but only themselves. And whatever bad they think about you, they will think about themselves accordingly. All the negativity directed at you will come back to them.

There are also protective words that would be good to know and say at a time when they wish something bad to your face. For example, there are such simple phrases that are easy to remember: “Your speeches are on your shoulders,” “There is a circle around me, it was not me who drew it, but my Mother of God,” “I have twelve strengths, you have five.” These help very well in acute moments of disputes and quarrels.

All people should know these basic energy cleansing rules and methods of protection in order to keep themselves constantly in good shape, keep their lives positive, good events and just be happy.

The subtle bodies of a person, like the physical body, need nutrition. In addition to nutrition from the physical body, the foundation of the body in the initial stages, they are saturated with energy from space during breathing, absorbing it through the chakras and distributing it through channels between all systems, absorbing through the shell, if the place is “charged,” as well as emissions from other people.

Every thought, every action leaves an imprint on us. And emotions are nothing more than energy. And energy moves through channels. Bad thoughts clog the channels. The negative influence of other people does this too, even if you are not in direct contact - they still have an energetic impact.

Therefore, you need to start clearing with thoughts. Understand yourself, who you are and what your goals are, what your worldview is. In general, the task is this: to restore order, to create a structure for your worldview. In other words, reduce the chaos in your thoughts to a minimum. If possible, avoid using internal dialogue when it is not needed.

With order in your thoughts comes order in your emotions. Don’t take people’s word for it, don’t be deceived, strive to understand everything and get to the bottom of the truth. Develop independent thinking; without it there is nothing to do in esotericism. At the same time, it is extremely important not to fall into illusions (this is a separate topic). Strive to experience positive emotions: joy, love. Love the whole world.

Then we move directly to practice. To implement it, you need to feel the energy.

Increased sensitivity to the subtle worlds

Pranic Breathing
Focus on your breathing. Breathe slowly, try to feel how, together with the air, you are saturated with the power that nourishes you, passing through the channels from the nostrils almost to the tailbone. You should feel a build of strength in your abdomen.

Inhale - saturation.
Exhalation - distribution.
Inhale deeply and slowly (5-10 seconds).
Exhale freely, without effort.
There should be no break between inhalation and exhalation.

Saturate yourself until you feel like you've reached the limit. Now imagine how energy spreads evenly throughout the body until there are no areas left where there is more or less of it relative to the general state. You can spend part of the energy on strengthening the nearest layer of the aura and protective cocoon, concentrating on it.

As you practice, you will notice that you are almost constantly experiencing power saturation when breathing. When this begins to happen often by itself, you can move on.


A person has 7 main chakras:
Muladhara - base of the coccyx;
Svadhisthana - approximately 3cm above muladhara;
Manipura - just above the navel;
Anahata - in the middle of the chest, at the level of the heart;
Vishuddha - middle of the neck;
Ajna - between the eyes;
Sahasrara - middle of the skull;

At the same time, the bindu chakra is noted, located a few centimeters closer to the back of the head from the sahasrara. There is also a chakra on each foot, and a chakra in the middle of the palms.

Energy moves from bottom to top: it rises from the legs to muladhara, and flows through all chakras to sahasrara. Chakras can be opened both together and separately. Flows can arise between them: for example, only muladhara and ajna are active, energy rises from muladhara to ajna, the chakras lying between them are not active, freely passing the flow of energy without activation. A current from top to bottom is also possible, which is pathological and can lead to serious problems, so it should be avoided.

Chakras are perceived as vortexes, spinning clockwise (relative to the person himself) - to saturate, counterclockwise - to suck energy into the surrounding space.

They supply the body with energy by absorbing and processing it. Therefore, the chakras must be in good condition.

Use pranic breathing, concentrating on the chakras. Try to feel them, open them to a state that does not cause inconvenience (too strong activation of the chakras can cause harm). Feel how they communicate with each other. Try to create an upward flow (from bottom to top).

You will also feel how energy flows through the channels through your hands into your palms and out through your fingers.

Concentrate on feeling the energy throughout your body. Imagine that it spreads over him from the chakras.

Do not abuse this practice by opening the chakras to an uncontrollable state and raising the kundalini (a powerful upward current). When the time comes, everything will appear on its own. One day you will simply realize that you are capable of more, and you will begin to activate your chakras more strongly.

It is important that you feel filled with energy that you can then use, rather than just passing it through your body.

Concentrate on your palms, try to tune them into your body and further cleanse it.

Foreign inclusions

You may feel tension in some parts of the body, and then push out some lumps from there, or feel various kinds of “scraps”. This is someone else's energy that caused the damage. Evil eye, damage, love spell or some other negative magical effect.

Try to push out all such inclusions and saturate the places where they were with energy. After this, concentrate on the aura around the body and push out everything unnecessary from there, compacting it. You can use your hands if you feel more comfortable.


They feel like chakra cords. Concentrate on the tourniquet, mentally ask the question “is it artificial?”, try to feel the answer. If yes, then break it at the level of sensations, after restoring the attachment point, or visualize yourself cutting it off with a knife or scissors.

Bindings are created magically to create a pull towards an object. They are also created naturally between people, connecting them emotionally (energy is transferred between them along these threads).

This is always negative, as it creates a permanent attachment that affects emotionally, and emotions affect the mind. In the normal course of events, flows without attachments arise between people, or their shells merge.

Chakra breakdown

This is damage to the chakra in such a way that it cannot work normally, a gap appears in it through which energy is lost. There is a feeling of cold in the chakra, and this cold spreads throughout the body.

This type of damage is quite serious and cannot always be repaired on your own. Try to pump this place with energy, concentrate on the fact that the chakra goes into saturation mode, how the hole in it closes up and it begins to work normally.

These are suckers on the chakras and feel like foreign implants. Saturate yourself as much as possible so that you become denser than them, and then they can be squeezed out. This is the topic of a separate article.

The whole Universe, the whole world consists of many different energies. At the same time, both living and non-living nature, as well as artificially created objects, have their own energies. People, animals, trees, land cover, houses, cars, etc. have their own individual energy.

All energies are positive (positive) and negative (negative). Positive energies have a beneficial effect on people, animals, and the environment. Negative energies have the exact opposite effect. They take away strength and health, worsen mood and well-being, lead to various troubles and create many problems in life.

A person may not know that he has been subjected to negative energetic influence, but he can feel and understand it precisely by his condition. There are many ways to determine whether a person is negatively affected, but that is a separate topic. Today, many are concerned about the issue of cleansing their own energy from any possible influences.

To cleanse your own bioenergetic shell and the energies flowing through the body, there are many complex methods that you can learn. There are also the simplest and most accessible options for every person to cleanse their energy. Let's look at a few of them.

Method one. To carry out this option for cleansing your energy, you will need one of the smallest church candles (a candle that burns out in 20-40 minutes), a basin of warm or hot water and table (rock) salt.

Add three tablespoons of table salt to a basin with warm or tolerably hot water for your feet, light a church candle on the table (in a candlestick, on a saucer or somewhere else) and sit opposite the candle at the table, immersing your feet in warm salty water. And constantly, without interruption, we read the prayer “Our Father” until the candle burns out completely.

Here the influence of all four elements occurs when cleansing human energy: the Element of Fire - a lit church candle, the Element of Earth - this is salt added to water (salt represents the earth according to the elements), the Element of Water - the water itself in which your feet are dipped, the Element of Air - everything we breathe atmospheric air. The Word of God is also used here, that is, the powerful prayer “Our Father”, which Jesus Christ gave to all people during his coming.

How does energy purification occur using this method? Everything is very simple. You read a prayer, turning to God himself, and with the help of this prayer the negative comes out of your energy into the water with salt where your feet are lowered. Salt and water completely neutralize and destroy all negativity, dissolving it. Also, with the help of prayer and a burning candle, which you need to look at during the entire cleansing process, another part of the negative that has not gone into the water is burned out.

Method two.
To carry out this cleansing option, you will need holy water (from a church or from a holy spring) and natural village milk (at least 3 liters). You need to pour warm or tolerably hot water into the bath, pour 3 liters of natural milk into this water (store-bought milk will not work, as it contains many different additives and at the time of sale it is processed and ceases to be alive), and then add it to this water with milk crosswise three glasses of holy water with the words: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

You need to lie down in this bath and try to plunge your head into the water with milk at least three times. At the same time, in your own words, you need to ask milk water to cleanse you of everything bad, heal illnesses and give you strength and energy. Holy water sanctifies the water for your bathing and helps in cleansing the energy, and milk and energy cleanses and heals diseases. Together they also fill you with energy.

Method three. I assume that many people know this option for cleansing their energy. Nevertheless, I will tell about it to those who do not know about it. To carry out this cleansing procedure, you need half a kilogram of natural sea salt without any additives. This salt is the cheapest and can be bought in pharmacies or some stores.

Pour warm or tolerably hot water into the water, dissolve sea salt in this water (the whole package weighs 0.5 kg) and lie down in this water. You can also try to plunge your head into this water several times. While you are lying in the water, ask the water to cleanse you of everything bad. As mentioned earlier, salt can cleanse and neutralize negativity and sea salt performs the same function.

For those who do not have the opportunity to take a bath, but have a shower, you can wet yourself with water from the shower, rub yourself completely with sea salt, do not wash off this salt for a while and ask it to cleanse you of everything bad. And then wash it all out of the shower. With salt and water, all negativity will go away.

Method four. This method is quite simple and consists in regularly attending church and defending the services there in full. If you come to church at any time and just light a candle there, this may not have any effect on your cleansing of negativity. It is necessary, if possible, to attend church at least twice a week during services held there. Try to get to the morning and evening services and be there from the beginning to the end of the service. This helps in cleansing your energy.

However, when visiting church, another very good addition for cleansing energy would be confession and communion. For three days before this, you can eat only plant foods and it is strictly forbidden to eat animal foods (including dairy products, fish and eggs). On these days, it is necessary to read certain prayers.

Before confession and communion, it is imperative to read the penitential canons and the canon for communion from the prayer book. In this case, your energy is cleansed, the karmic vessel is cleansed (sins go away and are forgiven) and you also receive a powerful charge of energy.

Method five. This method can be easily implemented by anyone on January 19th. On Epiphany of the Lord, all water, including tap water, magically becomes holy and structured. It is on this day that you can cleanse yourself of negativity by bathing in holy Epiphany water.

At the same time, not every person is able to swim in cold water (+4 degrees). Frankly speaking, I myself decide to bathe in holy springs only in the summer, and I don’t have the courage to do it in the winter. The way out in this situation is this: pour warm or tolerably cool water into the bath at baptism and plunge into it headlong. If you have doubts that this water is also holy Epiphany water, then you can add Epiphany water brought from the church to the bath. In the same way, you can douse yourself with cool water in the shower.

All Epiphany water can cleanse a person’s energy of negativity and charge it with additional energy.

Use any method convenient for you to cleanse yourself of negativity, improve your health, and recharge your batteries. May everything be fine with you! And God help you!

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