Diary oval napkins thick crochet patterns. Crochet oval napkin: diagram with description. General description of knitting oval napkins

Crocheting is one of the most common and enjoyable types of needlework. A pleasant hobby provides an opportunity not only to show creativity, but also to create a good mood. You can make many beautiful, useful things necessary in everyday life with your own hands, and creating a crocheted tablecloth for a rectangular table (the diagrams presented below) has become a favorite pastime for needlewomen. An openwork product of different sizes on the table always looks festive and creates coziness in the interior of the room.

Before you begin, you need to decide on the meaning of the tablecloth. The choice of threads and tools depends on the purpose for which it will be created. For everyday use, synthetic yarn is best.

For a festive tablecloth, it is best to use thin fibers made from cotton, linen and iris.

Yarn is usually sold in skeins, which indicate its purpose. The main element when creating an openwork product with your own hands is a hook. The working tool must strictly correspond to the thickness of the yarn and slide well over it. To do this, you need to know its size, length, diameter and the material from which it is made.


Depending on the material of manufacture, hooks are:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bone.






You can easily purchase crochet hooks that suit all parameters. Having chosen the material and tool, you can start working. The yarn must be even in thickness and strong so that the knitted piece is beautiful and durable. The surface of the hook should be smooth, the head should not be very round and sharp. By stretching several loops of yarn for the planned product, you can choose the right tool.

Recommendations for choosing a crochet hook

Technique for crocheting a rectangular tablecloth on a table

The method of knitting lace consists not only in the choice of loops, hooks, yarn, but also in a variety of techniques and patterns. Having mastered the techniques of crocheting, it becomes possible to create original fabrics by combining different openwork with each other. The tablecloth is knitted from individual motifs that are joined together. For weaving openwork fabrics with your own hands, the most common ones are:

  • Bruges lace technique (knitted ribbons connected with air loops);
  • fillet knitting technique (double crochets, air loops form a mesh on which the openwork is knitted in parallel).

Bruges lace

Sirloin knitting

For a rectangular tablecloth, a pattern made using the fillet knitting technique is well suited. This is the simplest and most accessible motif for beginning needlewomen; it is not difficult to learn; it will require a little attention and patience. An example of a tablecloth fillet lace pattern pattern can be found below.

You need to start working with a chain of main loops and continue according to the pattern. The knitting should be tight, so the hook is chosen one size smaller in relation to the thread. A pattern of empty or full cells is formed, forming a loin grid.

Sizes and shapes

Next napkin you need to knit in the round up to 32 rows, then knit one “candle” each on the right and left and then knit in the round again, tie with a border.

Size 30x50 cm. Crochet number 1.6.

Tie a chain of 8 chains into a ring. loops

  1. First r. 1 air lifting loop, 15 st. single crochet into the ring. Finish the row with a connecting column.
  2. Second r. Knit 8 arches from 5 air. loops, securing them st. Single crochet through 1 stitch of the row below. In the first case, knit instead of st. without crochet 1 air. lifting loop. Finish the row of 4 connecting posts.
  3. Third r. 1 air lifting loop, 2 tbsp. single crochet in the last 2 loops of the arch of the previous row, * 3 air. loops, 3 tbsp. Single crochet in the last 3 stitches of the next arch of the row below*. Finish the row with a connecting column.
  4. Fourth r. 1 air lifting loop, 1 tbsp. without crochet, *4 air. loops, 4 tbsp. single crochet in the last 2 airs. loops of the arch of the row below and 2 tbsp. without crochet*, knit from * to *, finish 2 tbsp. single crochet and 1 connection. column.
  5. Continue working as indicated in the diagram.

Few people think about how to crochet an oval tablecloth: patterns and job descriptions, since the number of oval tables is in the minority compared to square or even round ones. But there is a lot of information for them on the Internet, although all of it is scattered in small fragments. This article contains the basics of knitting oval tablecloths with various patterns.

Tablecloths, napkins, and curtains are most often knitted with fillet mesh with some kind of pattern. Anyone who tries this method will be captivated by it for a long time and seriously. This type of knitting is easy to do, the main thing is to be careful and choose the right threads and hook, and the result is a simply stunning looking product, elegant and noble.

The threads should be cotton, of the same thickness along the entire length, well starched. The hook should be of such thickness that a tight knit is obtained, the thread should be pulled into the loop quite elastically.

Most often, for a more even and regular shape of the pattern, a mesh with two air loops is knitted.

Tablecloth with a peacock tail pattern

This tablecloth looks great due to its openwork pattern, which requires some knitting skills.

Description of work

  1. To work, we collect a chain v.p. of 80 pcs. If there is a need for larger or smaller sizes, then we change the number of VPs, the main thing is that it is a multiple of four.
  2. At the end of the chain for lifting we knit another 9 ch. and wrap it in a ring.
  3. Next, we knit a chain of the same size in reverse order, connecting to the first one every three loops with a half-column.
  4. At the edge we again make a ring of 9 ch.
  5. Now we will knit in circles.

2 r. - 5 ch, 8 tbsp. with three double crochets in a ring, then st. with three yarn overs under an arch made of v.p. chains of the first row and 3 v.p. between them.

  1. In the second ring at the end of the chain, work 9 treble crochets.

3 r. - we knit chains of 4 chains, connected by half-columns with arches of the second row.

The same pattern can be knitted using a slightly different pattern.

There is no need to knit long chains, and the work is done in groups of stitches with two crochets coming from each other:

  1. 6 v.p. close it in a ring,
  2. We knit 4 ch, 2 unfinished sts. with two yarn overs, joined together, 3 ch, 3 unfinished sts. with two yarn overs, joined together.

The number of such groups should be a multiple of six; the length of the napkin depends on them.

Then we knit in the round according to the pattern.

Oval tablecloth

This pattern seems complicated in appearance, but is knitted quite simply and is suitable for beginner knitters.

The scheme consists of two parts. Internal pattern.

And the outer pattern.

Tablecloth with a leaf pattern

This pattern can be used to knit both oval and round tablecloths.

The photo shows a set for an oval table measuring 1m x 2m, consisting of an oval napkin and eight round ones. If necessary, the size of the napkin is increased to the desired size, increasing the number of rows connected by the mesh.

A tablecloth measuring 2.3 m x 1.3 m requires 600g. yarn and hook number 1.5.

Flower tablecloth

Separately knitted motifs are combined and can give the tablecloth the desired shape.

The scheme is quite simple; it will take more time to assemble the product.

Tablecloth with a pattern of "daffodils"

The base knit for this pattern is a simple fillet pattern that creates an interesting look on the table.

Unfortunately, there is no description for it in Russian, but for experienced needlewomen it will not be difficult to complete the work according to the scheme.

Tablecloth “pineapples in a net”

We collect a chain of 35 vp. and close the circle. Next we knit in a circle.

1 rub. - 3 v.p. lifting, 3 unfinished st. s.n., connected in one vertex, 3 v.p., 3 unfinished st. dc, connected in one vertex, 3 vp, 15 dc, *3 vp, 3 unfinished dc. s.n., connected in one vertex*, repeat from * to* 3 times (4 in total).

Knit the next row in accordance with the pattern up to 31 rows inclusive. If necessary, you can increase the number of motifs, and thereby increase the size of the product.

After the work is completed, the finished product looks wrinkled. To level it, it should be straightened carefully, covered with a damp cloth and allowed to dry in this condition. Then it will be smooth and the pattern will not stretch, as can happen if the tablecloth is completely wet.

Hand-knitted tablecloths require a lot of effort and patience, so such work is highly valued. So please yourself and create your own hand-made masterpiece.

Video on the topic

For greater clarity, any novice craftsman will be interested in watching a video collection on how to do the job correctly. Enjoy watching.

I realized that I want more... All that remains is to find exactly the option that I want to knit... It’s not as easy as it seems at first, despite the fact that there are millions of different options for knitted napkins and patterns for them on the Internet...

My most important requirement for a product is the simplicity of its execution... and, so to speak, a laconic appearance - I like simple things!

In addition, there are already several similar things of different geometric shapes at home...

This napkin is nothing more than a napkin knitted using the technique (at least its middle part)

The product is knitted in one piece, in a circle from the center (as if we were knitting a sole for booties).

Each row begins with 3 lifting loops and ends with a connecting post that “closes” the circle.

To start knitting, we cast on a chain of 63 VPs and knit according to the pattern...

The circuit is imported and I often notice that imported circuits are read from the other side, i.e. from left to right, unlike ours (from right to left), but believe me, there is nothing complicated about this either...

The main thing is to knit the first row correctly, and then you will look not at the diagram, but at what you can do and build on that, and just peek at the diagram)))

Knitting a napkin

So, the first row... what's so complicated about it...

After you have cast on air loops (63 VP) and knit the beginning of the row according to the pattern, DC in the 8th loop from the hook, * 2 VP, skip 2 loops - 4 VP *, one more time **, 2 VP…. And then there is something incomprehensible in the pattern... In the center of the columns there is somehow less drawn than there should be... How to knit this???

In fact, everything is again very simple - turn on your head)))

  1. There are fewer columns drawn than the air loops of the bottom row, there is no VP between the columns, which means that if you knit it as it is drawn, we will reduce the loops, but we do not need this in this product.
  2. We knit a napkin using the fillet technique, which provides for the cells to be completely filled with stitches -3DC+1DC passing over (highlighted in the diagram with a blue circle)
  3. In the photo of the original napkin, the holes in the center of the product are not visible

Consequently, either somewhere it is customary to designate a long row of fillet knitting with completely filled cells, or the magazine publishing house saved on printing ink.

Therefore, we will knit 7 cells + 1 crossing stitch, a total of 24 double crochets, and then we will continue according to the pattern, 2VP, skip 2 loops - 4DC, etc. The next point I want to focus on is the strapping, i.e. napkin border

Napkin tying pattern

If you haven’t made a mistake anywhere in knitting the main part, then you can immediately safely knit the binding according to this pattern until the very last row...

But in the last row it is used... So, this is not on the diagram here, but in this case, between the DCs, knit the combination *VP+Pico+VP*, otherwise it will tighten...

Yes, and most importantly, I forgot to tell you about the threads that I used this time and was very pleased with them. To be honest, this happens extremely rarely.

Oval napkin crocheted from COMTEX cotton (mercerized cotton 50 g/200 m)

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To knit Crochet oval napkins using the fillet method is a pleasure: firstly, this technique is very simple and to master it, you just need to know how to knit several types of stitches; secondly, the fillet method allows you to make a variety of patterns that you can even come up with yourself; thirdly, the tablecloth can be not only oval, but also round or square, and even star-shaped.

Oval crocheted napkins with patterns they will decorate your home and become the main family heirloom that you can pass on to your children; next to the coffee table, which is covered with such a tablecloth, you can take pictures with the whole family. This tablecloth will be the best, and you can also choose a themed design: Christmas trees, snowflakes, a snowman.

Crochet oval napkins with description cannot take you by surprise, because there is no need to calculate the number of loops in the base, and pay attention to those places where there should be increases, as is the case when knitting in the round. The fillet method is a French technique, so to understand its essence, you need to pay attention to the translation.

The word “fillet” itself means “mesh”, this is the whole essence of this technique. Knitted this way oval crocheted napkin with patterns is a grid where empty and filled cells alternate, which form the pattern.

The technique itself is very simple, as is Crochet oval napkins, diagrams with descriptions Even a novice needlewoman can take it apart. As a rule, the fillet technique does not use lush or convex stitches, and the main elements are double and single crochet stitches, as well as air stitches. pet.

Beautiful oval crocheted napkin can be with a very simple design, but at the same time be elegant, as if taken from films about Victorian England. Many needlewomen have already heard about loin knitting more than once, but they associate it only with simple borders that decorated curtains in rural houses; in fact, with its help you can create real works of art, repeat bold patterns and ornaments.

Crochet oval napkins

Many Crochet patterns for oval napkins were borrowed from the technique of fillet lace, which was for many centuries a popular type of needlework among French aristocrats. Fillet lace is embroidery on a grid, where the cells are filled with threads and, thus, a pattern is formed. In the fillet technique, the necessary cells are filled as the fabric is knitted.

In addition, such patterns repeat one-color cross stitch on canvas, so any pattern you like can be taken as a basis when we crochet an oval napkin. Even the simplest design can be decorated with an interesting and openwork border. A cross here will indicate filled cells, and the entire white field will represent empty cells, which are knitted like this: double crochet, two chain stitches, dc. Accordingly, where the cell is filled, instead of chain stitches there will be two more double crochets.

How to knit oval crocheted napkin with diagrams and descriptions, can be found in any craft magazine, but you should always try a new technique from a small piece, you need to choose a simple ornament that will allow you to “fill” your hand.

When you master simple ornaments, you can move on to paintings and plot canvases. Start knitting a pattern according to the pattern for the sample, so that in the future you can figure out what size this or that will be. Crochet oval napkin, pattern it can produce fabric of different sizes depending on the selected threads or yarn and hook. If you don’t imagine the size of the fabric, you can start knitting a napkin for the coffee table, and as a result you will end up with a huge tablecloth for the dining table, while the one or two day task will stretch over weeks or months, depending on the amount of free time you have .

One of the most popular topics for such needlework is the Easter holiday, when you can line a basket with pysanky and Easter cakes with such a handmade towel, and children can make others.

Crochet oval napkins

So if we crochet oval napkins, patterns you need to choose simple ones, reminiscent of cross stitch with filled and free cells. Then you need to choose the right thread and tool for knitting, for example, the thinner your thread and the smaller the size of the tool, the denser your fabric will be, which means the smaller the size of the cage and the tablecloth itself. Be sure, before you take on big work, train your hand so that the grid is even and the cells are square. By the way, you can try several options for cells, experiment with the number of loops in between.

As always, it starts with a set of VPs crochet, oval napkins will expand towards the middle, and at the beginning the number of loops should be slightly less than in the center. It is necessary to correctly calculate the number of loops so that their quantity is enough for a certain number of finished cells.

If you decide to create it yourself Crochet oval napkins, diagrams with descriptions in Russian It will be clear to you if you understand one simple rule: for one cell you need three air loops of the base. But in order to form the first square of the first row, you need to cast on six loops: three lifting loops, which will imitate the first DC, and three more for the square; another DC is knitted into the third loop.

If counting the loops of the base is tedious for you, then knit them for future use, and then undo the extra ones after you have knitted what is necessary for your tablecloth. In order to connect such Crochet oval napkins, patterns in Russian you may not need it, because everything can be seen from the picture.

If you don't understand how it fits Crochet oval napkin, video The master class will become the main assistant for a beginning needlewoman, and you can always look at diagrams for inspiration.

When deciding how to decorate their home interior, women most often give preference to knitted napkins. True connoisseurs do not consider this a relic of the past and strive to bring to life both classic and the most daring solutions. Napkins are used to decorate dining tables, chests of drawers, and shelves on walls in living rooms and bedrooms. Oval crocheted napkins are a bold decision, because an oval as a geometric figure does not fit into every interior. But an oval shape does not always imply precise outlines - it is enough to take this geometric figure as a basis. The binding can be lace, combining pointed edges and symmetrical “hollows” on opposite sides.

A circle is most often taken as the basis of an oval napkin; later, by adding additions, it acquires an elongated shape. Knitting an oval napkin can also begin with a chain of air loops tied on both sides. The product is knitted in the round - this can be seen from the patterns below. The further the knitting progresses, the longer it takes to complete one row. Knitting patterns for oval napkins include flowers, squares, patterns and other unique elements. More often they are not sewn into the finished product, but are obtained by changing the pattern on each row in accordance with the pattern. We have selected crocheted oval napkins for you to suit every taste, including from foreign sources. Choose and go for it!

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Napkin with pineapple pattern

The material is from a foreign publication, but it uses standard notations. Knitting begins with a circle, then moves into a pattern in the form of pineapples. The diagram can be supplemented by offering your own harness.

Napkin with pineapples

Another napkin made with a similar design in a different modification - pineapples. It has a sharper shape, in which the oval is almost not visible.

Napkin made of flower motifs

Napkin pattern from a Japanese magazine. Motifs in the form of flowers are knitted and stitched together. The peculiarities of their location give the napkin an oval shape. You can lay out the motifs in your own way and choose a different binding option, ultimately getting an equally beautiful product.

Filet napkin with flowers

The fillet knitting technique is used. This pattern can be considered non-standard, because knitting is carried out not in a circle, but according to a pattern using a special technique. We do not recommend taking up this type of knitting without preparation.

Other patterns for oval napkins

There are a lot more oval crocheted napkins than you might think. There is no point in describing each one. See the selection below. First is an example, below is a diagram or diagram with a description (click to enlarge).

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Option 6

Option 7

Schemes without product examples

There are many patterns for crocheted oval napkins on the Internet, for which it is difficult to find an example of a finished product. But the diagrams are drawn up in such a way that you can see the final result in advance. Below we give examples of such schemes. Maybe they will be useful to you.

A variety of oval napkin patterns gives you the opportunity to choose. Even napkins made in the same style have many modifications. The peculiarity of the choice lies in the quality of the scheme: the presence of signatures, accompanying descriptions, and the quality of the photo. Before you start knitting, make sure that you are happy with everything. It will be a pity to quit your job when faced with unforeseen difficulties.

Any room can be easily decorated with a crocheted oval napkin. The design of such a product can be simple or complex, but the decorative effect is almost always the same: the delight of everyone, especially if it is made with your own hands.

Knitting principles

To start crocheting oval napkins, patterns with descriptions of which are in the collections of many needlewomen, you need to figure out how to get the required elongated shape. If you do not take into account fillet knitting, it is not done in a circle, then you can get an oval in two ways: add additional elements to the sides of a round napkin or immediately start knitting an oblong napkin, rounding its narrow ends.

It is knitting in the round that gives good results. At the same time, there is always an opportunity to correct minor flaws if any occur during the work process.

A crocheted oval napkin would be an excellent holiday gift. The pattern of this product should be clear to the craftswoman who begins to knit it. Therefore, you need to realistically assess your capabilities. If the knitter still doesn’t read patterns well, then it’s better to resort to descriptions. It is also better to choose simple schemes. If they have complex elements or techniques, then it is better to make sure that they are few and will not take a lot of time to master.

Tear-off oval napkin

Let's look at some crocheting patterns for oval napkins. The first of these begins from an oblong warp, similar to the beginning of fillet knitting. The craftswoman should cast on a certain number of chain stitches, from which a ribbon of squares is then formed using a double crochet and chain stitches. To do this, a column is knitted into every third loop of the warp, which is separated from the previous one by a chain of two loops.

Next, we make a lifting chain and begin to knit the third row with fans. They will be the basis of the pattern. We knit two double crochets under the chain, then a chain of three loops and again two double crochets. In the next square we knit a half-stitch to open the fan. Knitting continues in the round until the first stitch.

You need to make extensions at the ends of the napkin. To do this, three fans are knitted in a row without a half-column between them.

This is exactly how the oval crocheted napkin begins, the diagram of which is presented in the article. Skilled craftswomen will most likely make their own changes and improvements to it. Beginners should practice by strictly following the pattern, which continues to consist of alternating chain stitches and double crochets.

Options for changing the scheme

When you have your first crocheted oval napkin, you can start experimenting with patterns. It is not necessary to perform the entire row in one pattern. The napkin can be divided into two parts: long and semicircular. Each of them can be made with its own pattern, which will make the finished product more interesting.

Taking the pattern described above as a basis, try to knit the famous pineapple pattern in the expansion areas. It will naturally fit into the product, since its design initially provides for the presence of expansion.

You can also insert fragments from round napkin patterns onto the expanding edges. But this already requires some experience and artistic intuition, since adding too many loops can cause unnecessary folds, and not enough will cause the napkin to curl.

In any case, there is always room for experimentation. If something doesn’t work out, you can simply dismantle the product or part of it and start all over again, so that you can exactly get an oval crocheted napkin, the diagram for which only one craftsman has.

Pineapple napkin on a round base

The next way to knit is to widen the sides of the round shape to create oval crocheted napkins. Schemes describing such products foresee several thread breaks. This is due to the fact that individual patterns are not knitted in the round, but on the front and back sides.

The base of the product is a regular round napkin. It can be knitted with a dense pattern or openwork. The main thing is that it is divided into eight parts. This particular pattern uses alternating double crochets and air loops, which give a light openwork.

When the required diameter of the base is knitted, you can move on to the second part of the product - the side pineapples. They are knitted separately from each other, due to which the necessary oval shape is achieved. These elements are subsequently connected with a light mesh, on which the last element of the pattern is knitted, that is, the remaining pineapples. Their tops are also knitted separately, which entails breaking the working thread.

Crocheted napkins have long ceased to be an attribute from grandma's chest and are actively used in interior design, for example, in the Provencal style that is popular these days. Even a novice needlewoman can master knitting napkins, since a variety of techniques allows you to choose the work that you can do. With just a few simple knitting techniques, you can create an original decoration with your own hands. Those who have long mastered crocheting can make more complex, fabulously beautiful napkins using patterns or descriptions from numerous magazines.

The most common forms of knitted napkins

Crochet napkins come in different forms:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • radiate;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • diamond-shaped

The knitting method depends on the shape of the future napkin.

Round napkin

We start knitting from the middle. We connect the air loops into a chain. In each subsequent row, you need to make uniform increases, forming a pattern of circular rows.

Oval napkin

We start knitting from the central chain of air loops. All subsequent rows are knitted around this chain on both sides. Knitting occurs in circular rows, but increases should only be made on the rounded sides on both sides.

Radial napkin

As with knitting a round napkin, we start from the middle. We connect the air loops into a chain. We expand the canvas in circular rows, making increases in the same place.

The principle of knitting round, oval and radial napkins is not much different. You can often see how needlewomen knit napkins of different shapes from the same pattern, making various sets.

Square napkin

A square napkin should be knitted, like a radial one, starting from the middle. To expand the circular rows, increases are made in four places, which will become the corners of the square.

Rectangular napkin

Knitting rectangular napkins combines techniques for making square and oval.

We knit a central chain of chain stitches. All subsequent rows are knitted around it on both sides. Increases must be made on four sides (at the corners of the rectangle). But if in a square napkin the increases were made at the same distance, then in a rectangular napkin they are added at the beginning and end of the central chain, thus forming two corners on each side.

Diamond napkin

The diamond-shaped napkin should start from a chain of air loops. Further expansion of the canvas follows the example of a round or radial shape. After knitting several rows, you should make decreases on two opposite sides of the napkin, while continuing to knit the other two sides.

Sometimes, to give a napkin the required shape, it is knitted not in a circle, but starting from one side, as, for example, napkins made with fillet crochet. In this way, you can achieve not only a square or rectangular shape, but also any other.

You can crochet a napkin using a detailed description or diagram. The schemes are image of the future product, made using special icons. Symbols are attached to each diagram.

  1. Start reading the pattern, just like knitting, need from the middle- from the central chain. Sometimes the number of air loops in it can be counted, or it is indicated by a number.
  2. The beginning of each row is indicated by a number - the number of this row. After the number there must be lifting loops.
  3. Sometimes the diagram indicates arrow direction of knitting.
  4. If the icons are connected to each other at the bottom, knit them needed from one point(air loop, column or arch of the bottom row).
  5. The icons connected to each other in the diagram at the top indicate that they have there must be a common vertex.
  6. Each next row should have more loops than the previous one.

It is easier for beginning needlewomen to use a verbal description of the pattern.

Video about how to disassemble and understand circuits crochet napkins with detailed descriptions.

Crochet patterns for napkins using various techniques

Crochet is distinguished by a variety of techniques and ways of making the fabric. Some of them are very simple and accessible even to beginners, as they use the simplest techniques: single crochet, double crochet and chain stitches. Others are “aerobatics” of crochet, but if detailed patterns or descriptions are available, they can also be mastered.

The following techniques are used for knitting napkins:

  • fillet knitting;
  • openwork knitting;
  • Irish lace;
  • modular knitting using motifs;
  • Bruges lace;
  • Romanian (cord) lace.

Simple crochet patterns for napkins

Professionally written pattern descriptions use generally accepted universal abbreviations for brevity.

Cast on 12 air loops (v.p.) and connect them into a circle.

  • 1st row: Perform 3 lifting loops (instead of the first double crochet), then knit 31 double crochets under the ring (st. s/n) and finish with a connecting loop in the third ch. rise.
  • 2nd row: Perform 3 lifting loops then 3 tbsp. s/n, one in each st. s/n bottom row; 3 ch, *4 st. s/n in the next columns of the bottom row, ch 3** repeat rapport *-** 6 more times, finish with a connecting loop in the third lifting loop.
  • 3rd row: Perform 3 lifting loops then 5 tbsp. s/n (first in the lifting loops of the bottom row, one in each st. s/n of the bottom row and one in the ch of the bottom row); 4 ch, *6 st. s/n in the last ch, the next columns of the bottom row and the first ch, 4 ch** repeat rapport 6 times, finish with a connecting loop.
  • 4th row: Perform 3 lifting loops then 7 tbsp. s/n (first in the lifting loops of the bottom row, one in each st. s/n of the bottom row and one in the ch of the bottom row); 5 ch, *8 st. s/n in the last ch, the next columns of the bottom row and the first ch, 5 ch** repeat the rapport 6 more times, ending with a connecting loop.
  • 5 row: Perform 3 lifting loops then 9 sts. s/n (first in the lifting loops of the bottom row, one in each st. s/n of the bottom row and one in the ch of the bottom row); 10 ch, * 10 st. s/n in the last ch, the next columns of the bottom row and the first ch, 10 ch** repeat the rapport 6 more times, ending with a connecting loop.
  • 6th row: Perform 3 lifting loops then 3 tbsp. s/n, one in each st. s/n of the bottom row 10 vp, skip 2 treble s/n of the bottom row, 4 treble s/n in the next 4 columns of the bottom row; 11 ch, *4 st. s/n, 10 vp, 4 treble s/n, 11 vp** repeat rapport 6 more times, ending with a connecting loop.
  • 7th row:* 5 vp, 15 treble s/n under the arch from vp. bottom row, 5 vp, half-column in the sixth vp. next arch from ch.** Repeat rapport 7 more times. Finish with a connecting loop.
  • 8th row:*6 vp, 1 tbsp. s/n, picot repeat 8 times (in each odd column of the bottom row), 6 vp, half-column in half-column of the bottom row**. Repeat the rapport 7 more times. Finish with a connecting loop.

Here is a diagram of this napkin:

Here are some more simple diagrams:

Napkins made using the fillet crochet technique have patterns that contain the simplest knitting techniques: double crochets and chain stitches.

Video tutorials on crocheting napkins

Filet napkin with roses

Oval napkin “Larch”

A simple openwork crocheted napkin. The lesson consists of two parts. The needlewoman explains how you can increase the size of the napkin if there is such a need.

(lesson continuation)

Napkin “Sun”

This original napkin, thanks to its voluminous elements, can serve as a table decoration or a stand for a plate.

All handmade products require proper care. After knitting, the finished napkin is smoothed and steamed to give it the required shape. If you wish, you can lightly starch the product. If the napkin becomes dirty, you should wash it in warm soapy water, do not rub or twist it, just wring it lightly and lay it out on a towel to dry, giving it the required shape.

Openwork napkin patterns are often used for knitting collars, round yokes in dresses and blouses, as well as dress skirts, especially. If you use thicker threads or cord to knit a napkin, you may succeed.

The topic of knitting napkins is very broad and multifaceted. It is impossible to describe everything in one article. If you are interested in the above ideas, please leave your comments. Advice from experienced craftsmen will be especially valuable for readers.

Today we will tell you how to crochet an oval napkin with your own hands using our master class with a diagram and step-by-step description.

Tools and materials Time: 6 hours Difficulty: 2/10

  • fine viscose yarn + cotton - 50 g;
  • hook No. 4;
  • potato starch;
  • scissors.

Not many people know that the first knitting masters were only men - warriors. During their leisure hours, they were engaged in making clothes by crocheting and even knitting. And women only processed and spun yarn. The products created by men were crude and not particularly original, but when women took up knitting a few centuries later, everything changed. Very light and openwork products appeared that shocked with their uniqueness and beauty.

This is exactly what napkins are considered to be. Over the centuries, a huge number of types of napkins have appeared. We will tell you about one of these types in our step-by-step master class.


  • sc - single crochet;
  • dc - double crochet;
  • sp - connecting loop;
  • st - column;
  • s2n - double crochet;
  • s3n - double crochet;
  • VP - air loop;
  • pp - lifting loop.

Step-by-step description of the master class

Step 1: Knitting the central part of the napkin

  • Row 1: 8 ch in the ring, then 5 pp, 2 d3n, 6 ch, 3 d3n, 6 ch, 3 d3n, 6 ch, 3 d3n, 6 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 2: 4 pp, 2 d2n, 3 ch, 5 d2n, 3 ch, 3 d2n, 3 ch, 5 d2n, 3 ch, 3 d2n, 3 ch, 5 d2n, 3 ch, 3 d2n, 3 ch, 5 d2n , 3 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 3: 5 pp, 2 d3n, 3 ch, 10 d3n (two columns in each column of the previous row), 3 ch, 3 d3n, 3 ch, 10 d3n, 3 ch, 3 d3n, 3 ch, 10 d3n, 3 ch, 3 s3n, 3 ch, 10 s3n, 3 ch, 1 sp.
  • Row 4: 5 pp, 5 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n , 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 3 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 c3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 1 d3n, 4 ch, 6 dc3n (two sts in each st of the previous row) and so on until the end, at the end of 1 sp.
  • Row 5: 5 pp, 3 d3n, 5 ch, 4 d3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc , 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 3 c3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 4 dc, 5 ch, 4 d3 and so on, at the end of 1 sp.

Step 2: Knitting the part with uneven expansion of the sides of the napkin

In this part, the napkin must be made in accordance with the rule of distal ends when knitting an oval product. Those. opposite ends should be equal. In accordance with this, a uniform oval appears, which is proportional.

  • Row 6: 5 pp, 3 ch, 4 d3n, 3 ch, 4 d3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch , 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 5 p3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 4 dc, 3 ch, 4 d3n, 3 ch, 4 d3n, etc., 1 sp.
  • Row 7: 5 pp, 4 ch, 8 d3n, 4 ch, 4 d3n, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch , 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 5 s3n, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sbn, 5 VP, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc, 4 d3n, 4 ch, 8 d3n, 4 ch and so on until the end of the row, then 1 sp.
  • Rows 8 to 18: knitting is carried out according to the attached pattern. We cut the thread and fasten it.

We wash the product and dry it in a well-stretched state. Then smooth it out from the wrong side. If the product is still not evenly distributed, it should be starched and stretched again, carefully straightening each row.

This oval napkin is a wonderful example of the craftsmanship and skill of a needlewoman. And also a reflection of her extraordinary thinking and sense of beauty.