What to say if someone confesses their love to you? How to react to a declaration of love? What should I do if he confessed to me?

Greetings to all readers of my blog, today is the fourth of January and I have only now been able to find some time to write another post. First of all, I want to congratulate you on the past New Year and the upcoming Christmas! And this time I would like to talk about a declaration of love. How to react to it correctly?

It seems that the question is simple, and you don’t need to invent anything special to answer it. This may be so, but it turns out that not everyone knows what to do if you are told: . For some, these words are long-awaited, but for others, it’s the opposite, so let’s figure it out.

There are two options for the development of events. The first and also the most pleasant: when your feelings are mutual and it is absolutely no difficulty for you to respond in kind. A person, as a rule, is overwhelmed with emotions at this moment, especially if he was not expecting it. Just say how you feel, don’t get lost, love is an integral part of our life, which will bring only good things into your life.

There is also a second option: a person you don’t love confesses his love to you. This is a relatively unpleasant and rather awkward moment when you hear these words, but you don’t know how best to respond so as not to offend. The best thing is not to rush, because people expect a positive answer at such a moment.

If this development is unexpected, say that you haven't even thought about it and communicate your decision later to give yourself time to collect your thoughts. Naturally, you can say categorically no, but then there is a high probability of not only losing contact with the person forever, but also ruining your relationship with him.

Also, there is a possibility of revenge on his part from unrequited love, do not discount this point, even if you are sure that this is impossible, people can sometimes be very unpredictable.

It also happens that you no longer want to see a person, but he suddenly decides confess your love. Then you don’t need to violently express your emotions and pour out all the negativity. Just thank him for his attention and tell him that you don’t feel anything like that and there are no chances in the future either.

Otherwise, you know how it happens: they tell you that they love you and at the same time they ask you whether you feel even the slightest sympathy, and whether the person has at least a small chance of reciprocity. In my opinion, this is not a completely correct question, it seems to me that there are only two answers: either you love it or you don’t, and there is no third answer. It can’t be that you seem to feel something, but you’re not sure about it, although... After all, most often women have to react to declarations of love, and which of us men can confidently say that the third option is not possible.

In conclusion, I will say that your reaction to the words: I love you should definitely be positive and positive, and my advice to you is not to rush with a yes or no answer, once you give it, you can’t take it back. As they say: a word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

Are you worried that your lover still hasn’t told you those very cherished words? But do you really want to find out the whole truth about his feelings? Don’t be sad, because some people find it difficult to talk about their love because of the panicky fear of being rejected. Perhaps your man has simply never uttered these words before. Here is a list made up of several signs by which you can confidently judge that he loves you.

1. His kisses are long and passionate

Many people like romantic solitude with endlessly long kisses. But if your man initiates them continuously and his passion never seems to end, that means he really has deep feelings. This behavior cannot be attributed to banal lust, and it is more than excitement associated with your presence.

2. His friends love you

He tells his friends so much about you that they involuntarily begin to trust you. They instantly accept you into their company and feel confident that you can make their friend happy.

3. Your partner tries to be as close to you as possible.

Sometimes people get irritated by someone's presence, and no one likes it if a stranger violates the boundaries of personal space. All this stops working when we fall in love with someone. From now on, we want to be as close to each other as possible, even if we interact in public.

4. After a kiss, a smile appears on his face

Of course, a kiss can bring a smile even without deep feelings between partners. However, if a person is in love, then after the kiss he will simply shine with happiness. Watch him and you will find out for yourself.

5. He is ready to listen carefully to you

Perhaps your partner is still a man of few words. But when you talk to him, he doesn't sit with a neutral expression, just indicating his presence. Your partner greedily hangs on your every word. Your words are really important to him. Sometimes he leans closer to hear you better, nods in approval, or asks again. This behavior is telling.

6. He straightens up when he sees you.

People slouch their back so often. It’s as if they are unable to bear the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. But when someone wants to impress the lady of his heart, when he sees her, he certainly puts on an air of dignity.

7. He squeezes your hand

Your hand ended up in his hand. Now you feel how your lover involuntarily squeezed it. Know that his feelings for you are deep.

8. He calls or texts for no reason.

Your partner does not want to part with you even in moments of separation. That's why he always calls you or writes sweet SMS messages. This means that he thinks about you throughout the day and feels comfortable with you in any environment.

9. Your partner is always nearby

What is the difference between casual sexual relationships and true romantic attachment? Real feelings are not based on carnal pleasures. People want to spend time with each other and do all sorts of things. Does he enjoy going shopping with you and choosing food for dinner? Do you prefer to cook together? This means he is showing true interest in you.

10. He often looks into your eyes

Are you at a bar with friends or are you in different parts of the room where each of you is doing your own thing? At the same time, you often catch a gaze or a fleeting smile. Eye contact between people indicates a strong emotional attachment. Even if you are doing different things now, he still cares about you.

11. He pulls his hair

When people are nervous, they lose control of their fingers and often run them through their hair. It may look too romantic in close proximity to each other. Or your partner is planning to say something important, but just can’t bring himself to do it.

12. He copies your behavior

Your partner will happily follow you to lunch or coffee. And when you go for a run in the park, he immediately puts on his sneakers. By displaying your behavior in the mirror, he involuntarily demonstrates to you that you have become much closer to each other.

13. He buys you gifts with meaning.

When we mention meaning, we do not mean the cost of gifts. It's just that your lover really thinks about things that could improve your existence. For example, he can load you with socks, knowing how often you rub your feet to the point of blisters.

14. Your partner laughs a lot in your presence.

So often he finds you funny and giggles when you do something stupid. It may seem strange, but the more often he laughs, the more serious his level of interest in you becomes.

15. His touch is spontaneous

When you are in a public place, your partner may touch you unexpectedly. He may touch your hand, put his arm around your shoulders, or draw a sign on your back with his finger. This casual, spontaneous intimacy shows you that your lover wants to maintain contact with you even outside the bedroom.

Adolescence is a wonderful time when girls and boys turn into young women and young men. During this period, first love often happens, which is remembered for a lifetime. That's why many girls may have a question - what to do if a boy confesses his love? What to do if you like a guy? How to behave and what to answer if you don’t want to meet him? How not to offend a young man?

Declaration of love is a bold step worthy of respect

If someone spoke words of love to you, believe that this person showed courage. In fact, doing this at a young age is quite difficult. Teenagers are highly influenced by emotions, vulnerable, and are frightened by the thought of rejection. If a young man was able to overcome embarrassment and excitement and still plucked up the courage to confess his feelings to a young lady, he is unlikely to be lying. Perhaps he confuses infatuation with love, but he definitely experiences feelings, and sincere ones at that. Taking this into account, you need to respect the boy who confessed his love to you, and try to give an answer in such a way as not to hurt his feelings. What should be the answer? It all depends on your attitude towards this person.

If the sympathy is mutual

If your feelings are mutual or you feel sympathy for this young man, then you should tell him about it. However, you can first mention that you are grateful for his sincerity, because you understand how much courage it took for him to open up. Do you need to immediately show your cards and admit your reciprocal feelings? Even if you are deeply in love with this boy, do not say a loud “I love you.” This word has a very deep meaning and is different from falling in love. Love is based on mutual respect and deep affection. Just tell the guy that you like him too, and you would like to spend more time together, chatting and going out to get to know each other better. Over time, you will be able to open up to him, saying the cherished “I love you.”

What to do if a boy asks you to date?

When accepting a declaration of love and an offer to date, a young girl should not think that she is now obliged to enter into an intimate relationship with her boyfriend. Some girls are afraid of exactly this. They believe that a young man will expect this from his girlfriend. However, the situation should be clarified. By agreeing to date, you don't owe anyone anything. Your consent only means that the young man can count on your attention and communication, during which you both can learn each other’s habits, views on the future, and find common interests.

If a guy asks for more than just communication

If a guy insists on sexual relations, you have the right to refuse him, explaining that you are still too young and not ready to bear responsibility for the consequences that sex leads to. During adolescence, boys find it very difficult to control their ardor when they are attracted to a girl. However, physical attraction is not a reason to blackmail your friend and persuade her into a close relationship if she does not want it. When a young man says that he will find someone else if you do not give in, this is a sure sign that he does not experience true love.

Sexual relationships between teenagers are not uncommon now, but is it worth starting at that age? I think that no, it’s not worth it. They can bring disappointment and heartache to both partners. At a young age, likes often change, and hormones play, so there is a high probability of being left by a guy after several romantic dates. It will be heartache. To protect yourself and protect yourself from disappointment, it is better not to rush into intimacy - everything has its time.

And what will such early sexual relations give? Do they have positive consequences in the future? Ask older friends about whether people among their friends who started having sex early stayed together?! I think that in 99% of couples there are no such couples. Next question.... Will the guy be able to answer for his relationship if something happens if you get pregnant? Does he make money? If not, then the girl risks not getting a decent education due to the fact that she will be raising a child when she herself is also one. Who will buy diapers for the baby? Go to the store and calculate how much they cost, how much baby food you will need per month. Perhaps these numbers will force someone to correctly understand reality.

How to refuse a gentleman in love?

After listening to a reverent confession from a boy, you have the right to say “no” to him if you do not feel any sympathy for him. Some girls, out of awkwardness and fear of offending a person, sometimes mislead him. They ask for time to think or agree to meet, thereby giving reason to hope for reciprocity. Some people do this only in order not to lose a boyfriend while looking at their girlfriends. When a gentleman counts on attention every day, invites her for walks and showers the girl with declarations of love, these actions gradually begin to cause irritation.

It’s better to remain honest with yourself and the guy, without giving reason to hope. However, in this case, you should be tactful and thank the boy for his attention and sincerity. If someone confesses their love to you, never tell all your friends about it, otherwise you risk being branded as a dishonest and unreliable person. Such actions show disrespect towards the boy who opened his feelings to you.

So, the boy confessed his love and proposed dating, what should I do? Accept his words and allow him to spend time with you if you care about him. Thank you and tactfully refuse if there are no reciprocal feelings and are unlikely to appear. Being not ready for an intimate relationship, tell your boyfriend this directly, and, when faced with manipulation on his part, draw the appropriate conclusions. Don’t be afraid to refuse, don’t be afraid to offend the boy; if the gentleman was preparing to confess his love, he understood that he could receive a refusal. No need to prevaricate, be honest, know how to say both “Yes” and “No”!

A declaration of love from a guy or from is a very delicate situation that sometimes arises extremely unexpectedly and takes us by surprise.

The man said he loved me! What to do if someone confesses their love to you? How to behave in such a situation?

What does recognition oblige you to?

And the delicacy of this situation lies in the fact that it is not always mutual, and the person who confesses his love to us may not evoke reciprocal feelings in us.

The most important thing to remember in this case is to declare the love of another person completely does not oblige you to reciprocate.

A man or a woman is not allowed - everyone should know this.

Nevertheless, such a situation obliges us to at least treat with understanding the one who opens our souls and pay appropriate attention to him.

How to react?

Naturally, the person who opens his soul to us hopes for your reciprocal feeling. How to properly respond to a love confession? Especially if the person is not likable?

You need to answer in such a way that don't hurt someone, because at the moment he is in an extremely vulnerable situation.

Try to behave calmly - after all, the intensity of feelings will still be present.

And in any case, you must make sure that the person I wasn't offended by your reaction.

Is it possible to just remain silent?

What adds piquancy to such a situation is that etiquette does not allow one to remain silent in this situation.

A person reveals his feelings to you - and your silence will be, at least, tactless.

It can become painful for a person - there is nothing worse than the unknown. What to do in response to a romantic confession?

What to do if a guy confesses his love to you? Tips in the video:

What to say?

How to respond to a love confession? What to do next?

If the love is mutual

This situation she will find a solution for herself.

If you love someone who confesses his love to you, your feelings will help you dot all the i’s, and your excitement and joy will hardly be hidden from your admirer.

Do not try to speak in complex phrases at this moment.- after all, in fact, a person expects very little from you - to hear in response “I love you too.”

If the feeling is not mutual

This option is not as beautiful as the first one. How to express your reaction correctly? What words to choose to let a person know that he shouldn't expect love from you?

You can answer directly that you do not have mutual romantic feelings. You have every right to do this.

However this should not sound mocking, humiliating, should not be a sentence- say calmly about what you don’t like - maybe you feel respect, but - no matter how hard it may be for your fan or admirer, the most important thing at such a moment is sincerity.

Make it clear to your failed partner that you do not want him to be deceived and harbor empty illusions - after all, even a small chance of reciprocity strengthens the belief that the person experiences reciprocal feelings, and the resulting disappointment will be even more painful.

What should you not do or say?

What actions or words should you avoid if a person confesses his love to you? What should not be done in this case?

At the moment, the person is very dependent on you and your words. And your attention can significantly improve the morale of your fan or fan.

A man confessed his love and disappeared: what does this mean?

What to do if the guy disappeared after? What could this mean?

And this possible in both situations- and if you reciprocated, and if you said that you do not feel reciprocal feelings.

In the first option, perhaps the person is recovering from stress and wants to calm down a little after the excitement he has experienced.

He can also wait for your response, attention to yourself.

Meet him halfway, call, write, pay a visit - you can even without warning - because at the moment the person really needs you.

If you did not reciprocate, and the person suddenly disappeared, this may mean that he is stressed. You should not take this lightly - love is a very strong feeling, and unrequited, it can push a person to terrible, rash actions.

Try to find this person through friends, acquaintances, parents. If possible, it is worth staying with him at these moments, as he really needs support.

It should be remembered that you don't have to reciprocate anyone, however, the person who loves you is very dependent on you, and your words mean a lot to him.

What should boys and girls do after declaring their love? Recommendations in this video:

Many people cannot quickly understand a non-standard situation. Unless you're a showbiz superstar with crowds of fans following you around, chances are you don't hear confessions of your feelings every day. When someone says words like that, when they share their true emotions with you, you need to know exactly how to respond to “I love you” so as not to hurt the person. This article will help you understand this situation and not get confused at the most crucial moment.

Traditionally, it is believed that men should be the first to declare their love. Of course, every girl is very pleased and even flattered to hear such words, even from someone she doesn’t particularly like. In this case, you should not humiliate a man with stupid common phrases like: “I love MYSELF too,” “I’m happy for you,” “Thank you,” and so on. Such answers can simply kill a person who, probably, for a long time did not dare to open up to you, stepped over pride and fear of being rejected.

Someone who doesn't give a damn about a friend's feelings will never do that. So how do you respond to “I love you”? If you do not have reciprocal feelings for a person, then you should not give him hope of starting a relationship. You need to say everything directly, but choose words that will convince him that he is important to you, that you do not want to lose him just because the love is not mutual. Of course, you can say that you are not very worthy of him, that with you he cannot be truly happy, but these words are more like an excuse than a desire to reassure the person. Unflattering words addressed to yourself indicate that the man was mistaken in talking about his feelings, because you are actually worse than he imagined. It’s already hard for a person who wasn’t told what he expected to hear in response, so there’s no need to finish him off. Now you know how to respond to “I love you.”

If a woman talks about her feelings, then it is even more difficult to refuse her tactfully. As you know, girls are more emotional than young people, so refusal for them is a personal tragedy, a huge disappointment in themselves and in the representatives of the stronger half of humanity as a whole. such sincere words from a sweet girl who may be close to you in spirit, but does not evoke reciprocal emotions? Do not remain silent under any circumstances, do not laugh at her. You can’t even imagine what efforts she had to make in order to confess everything to you. “Women should not say this phrase first” - this is precisely the attitude that representatives of the fair sex receive from childhood.

In fact, there is no one hundred percent recipe for how to answer the question: “Do you love?” It all depends on the individual psychological characteristics of both the person who refuses and the person who is refused. The main thing is to remain polite and be sincere towards the one who says the most beautiful words in the world to you.

If you have mutual feelings for a person, then the question of how to respond to “I love you” does not even arise. Say that the emotions are mutual and be happy!