What will give your girlfriend on February 14. Unusual and surprising: what to give a girl for Valentine's Day

What should be a Valentine's Day gift for a girl, romantic or practical, expensive or symbolic, creative, comic or screaming about feelings? Everyone has their own answer.

According to statistics, only 14% of guys and men ignore the holiday on February 14th. The rest of the male population is puzzling over what to give a girl for Valentine's Day. Moreover, the problem is relevant, regardless of age, presence and duration of relationships.

But it depends on these facts which gift will be appropriate in a particular case. We have collected 100 gift ideas for girls for all occasions.

What to give a girl classmate on February 14

Children are much easier to relate to various themed holidays.

On Valentine's Day in schools, literally everything is full of valentines, hearts and smiles. Moreover, gifts are given not only to girls and girls who like it, but also just to good friends. Presents, which adults refer to as banal, boring, are madly in love with girls.

Therefore, when choosing what to give a classmate on February 14, do not exclude hearts, soft toys, valentines from the list - girls are madly in love with these symbolic gifts. And you can also give a classmate and other not very expensive presents.

School supplies. Such a gift in the form of a pencil case with a beautiful pattern or a beautiful pen does not oblige anything, and the girl will really like it. And it will be used for its intended purpose.

Original photo frame. Despite the habit of storing photographs in electronic form, many girls love to display beautiful photos in their room. Your gift will be very useful if you try to pick up not a boring thing, but an original photo frame in the form of a heart or an unusual shape.

Box with surprises. You can pick up an interesting box or buy a cool tin or plastic box. Just do not give such a gift to a girl empty, be sure to fill the container with sweets or cookies, and other sweets.

Bookmarks set. An original and useful gift for a schoolgirl. Pick up bookmarks with thematic drawings or comic inscriptions.

Phone pendant. It can be an interesting pendant in the form of an angel, a heart, a cupid, an arrow.

Divination book. This book will answer all the questions that concern the girl. Guessing from such a book is insanely interesting.

Antistress toy. The life of schoolchildren is full of worries and stresses. Let special toys help your girlfriend cope with exciting situations.

Loving sheep. In addition to valentines and hearts, sheep are also a symbol of lovers. If you want to hint to your passion about feelings, pick up a keychain, brooch or soft toy in the form of sheep.

Lace gift. This is another symbolic gift for Valentine's Day. Moreover, you can give not only a symbolic scarf, but also a scarf, an ornament instructed with lace.

Rose. If you do not want to give a live flower, beat the idea with a rose. Suitable handmade soap in the form of a rose or a candied rose, a flower in a glass flask.

What can you give a girl friend on February 14

Real friends try to please each other with cute presents, and Valentine's Day is no exception. But a gift for a girl on February 14 from a friend will be especially relevant if she recently broke up with her boyfriend or has been in search of her love for a long time.

To spend Valentine's Day without moral worries, to feel the support of a girlfriend, just the right gifts will help.

Pair of figurines. This is not just a gift, but a symbol that attracts love. Be sure to come up with a beautiful legend and pick up figurines of people or animals, taking into account the energy of Feng Shui. So, swans and wolves symbolize fidelity, doves and dolphins - a successful marriage, and flamingos - tenderness.

Pendant with rose quartz. It is desirable that such an ornament be made in the form of a heart. Then it will not only attract love, but harmonize the life of a friend. Such a gift can also be given to those who have a relationship, as a rose quartz pendant adds romance and well-being.

Painting with flowers. According to Feng Shui, to meet a passionate man, you need to hang a picture with peonies in the room. But the image of poppies will attract a reasonable and calm guy.

Violet in a pot. Violets bring change to life. And if a friend carefully takes care of the plant and shares her innermost secrets with him, many dreams will come true, including in terms of finding her love.

Heart of coffee beans. Such a gift is not difficult to make with your own hands. It is enough to cut out the base on cardboard in the form of a heart and glue it with grains.

Dreamcatcher. Let your girlfriend have exceptionally pleasant and bewitching dreams that will become a reality. A dream catcher will help to attract such dreams. Heart-shaped decorations will help to make it themed.

Herbal pillow. This is a positive aromatic gift that soothes and helps to cope with stress, insomnia. You can sew such a pillow yourself, fill it with herbs: lavender, mint, lemon balm, sage.

Heart cookies. This gift option is suitable for girls who know how to bake. Have a sweet party with your girlfriend while eating delicious cookies and drinking delicious fragrant tea - forget about diets for one evening.

Yoga classes. If the priority is not goodies, but the harmony of soul and body, invite a friend to yoga classes. Just warn her in advance about your plans.

Massage. Or go to the spa together. It's time to relax, and maybe cheer up. Choose the procedure you like. It can be not only a massage, but also a chocolate wrap, an aroma butterfly, and other pleasant, relaxing activities.

What to give your sister for Valentine's Day: gifts for a girl from a brother, sister

Despite the fact that the holiday is called Valentine's Day, do not forget about relatives. Even an inexpensive, symbolic gift can show how much they are dear to you. We picked up ideas of what to give a girl or woman for Valentine's Day from a sister or brother.

Nice notepad. It can be both a book for notes, a diary, and a diary, an organizer. Girls love to keep various records and write plans, secret thoughts.

Stand on the table for a mobile phone. For pens - stands, for notes - holders, even for a knife for cutting paper there is a place. But the phone is usually lost under a pile of work papers or even worse falls on the floor. A special stand will save the situation.

Cosmetic organizer. In such a cosmetic bag there should be many functional pockets.

Pajama jumpsuit. This is a new homewear trend that your sister will appreciate.

Warm foot mat. If a girl spends a long time at her desk, a fluffy warm rug will definitely come in handy for her.

Housekeeper. Your sister constantly loses the keys to the house, car, office - give her a key holder in the form of a cool birdhouse or house. Now she will know exactly where to store the keys.

Kitchen utensils. If it is generally accepted that giving a girl kitchen utensils on Valentine's Day is bad manners, then you can safely give your sister various little things. It can be a flexible board, an adjustable rolling pin, baking molds, a set of vegetable peelers, jars for storing cereals.

Bijouterie. Give your sister an original, albeit inexpensive piece of jewelry. It can be a bracelet made of semi-precious stones or a chain with an original pendant.

Talking soft toy. Let it be not just a meowing kitten or a barking puppy, but a funny toy that can repeat phrases.

What can you give on February 14 to girls at work

Gifts for colleagues on Valentine's Day is a separate issue. Definitely, someone pretends that such a holiday does not exist, while others use it to dilute a boring stop at work.

If it’s customary in the office to delight employees with cute souvenirs for the holidays, why not join this tradition. But even a gift made to the girls from myself personally will not remain without enthusiastic thanks.

Set for growing plants. A great option to please the fair sex. And you can choose a set to grow right at work not only a flower, but also mint, green grass.

Knitted cover for a cup. A cozy cute gift for a girl that will keep the warmth of your favorite drink and will be appropriate at work. You can give such a cover together with the cup itself.

A set of tea bags, cookies, sweets. You can find a sweet kit in the store or make it yourself. Such sets look original in jars, baskets, glasses.

Table fan. Such a device is powered by a USB connector and will definitely come in handy for a girl or woman in a hot summer.

Magnetic calendar. Such a calendar can be placed both at work and at home on the refrigerator.

Business notepad. A stylish diary is the most sought-after office gift. It does not oblige anything, but it is always appropriate.

Valentines. If you need to congratulate several girls at once, for example, in the accounting department, on your own behalf, even an ordinary valentine with sincere words will be appropriate.

Big sweet present. Or you can just give the entire women's department a delicious cake. If desired, complement such a present with champagne.

Money Tree. Not exactly romantic, but rather symbolic gift for work colleagues.

Miniature soft toys. Definitely, such a gift can only be given to girls with whom you have developed friendly relations at work. The boss, even if she is only 25 years old, clearly does not understand your intentions.

What to give a girl for Valentine's Day, if you just started dating

Choosing what to give a girl for Valentine's Day, with whom a relationship is just emerging, is not easy. To give an impersonal trinket - may be offended, an expensive or intimate thing - is misunderstood. Therefore, we give preference to romantic and symbolic presents. Useful gifts will also be appropriate if your girlfriend does not really like trinkets.

Congratulation collage. Write a congratulation or declaration of love on sheets A-4 - one letter on each sheet. Take a photo with each letter that will be in your hands. It is advisable to take pictures in beautiful or your favorite places. Make a cool collage from ready-made photos.

Installation under the windows of the girl. There are many cool options on how to arrange a beautiful performance under the windows of your beloved. Lay out a heart from lit candles, a declaration of love from flower petals, or simply make an inscription in the snow. It remains only to call the girl so that she looks out the window.

Umbrella in the shape of a heart. This is a more practical gift, but not devoid of symbolic notes. If you don’t like the shape of the heart, give the girl a big umbrella for two. Also an opaque hint at the development of relations.

Heart flash drive. Choose a flash drive in the form of a beautiful pendant. It will be not only a useful storage device for information, but also an original decoration.

Phone case with photo. A photo cover is a cool gift that will constantly remind a girl of your feelings. Just don't take your photo on the case. It is better to take a joint photo.

External battery. For modern girls, this is an actual thing. But besides this, the guy will be able to hint that he wants her to always be in touch.

Lace handkerchief or gloves. On the one hand, lace is a symbol of romantic relationships, and on the other hand, things like gloves are a more sophisticated gift.

Same slippers. An original gift for the girl with whom you plan to continue the relationship. No need for extra words - the gift itself will speak for itself.

Bathroom table. Another gift with a hint of the continuation of the relationship. Perhaps it will be possible to experience it right on this beautiful evening.

Flower in a glass container. An original present that will never fade, break, or deteriorate. Girls often keep the first gifts from young people. So let your flower always remind you of your feelings.

What to give your girlfriend on February 14: creative gifts

If you have been dating for more than a month, and possibly a year, all the standard gifts have already been presented. Therefore, you will have to rack your brains on what to give your girlfriend on February 14th. Unless you decide to propose a hand and heart on this very day. This does not mean that you can give joke gifts or prepare pranks. The girl obviously does not understand this approach. So let's be creative.

Culinary gift. Make your own cake or pizza, heart-shaped cookies. If you are “you” with cooking, do not pass by this idea. The main thing is to start. It is enough to cut the ready-made heart-shaped cake layers and grease them with whipped cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate - and the masterpiece is ready.

Valentine's garland. You can make hearts out of cardboard or print out congratulations and stick them on playing cards. It remains only to make holes with a hole punch and string valentines on a ribbon.

Congratulations balloons. Arrange with the girl's parents to decorate her room. If you live together, the chances of making such a gift are much greater. Mark a beautiful compliment in each balloon or tie notes to ribbons.

Flipbook. Place the story of your love in a book, when turning over the figures will come to life, like in a cartoon. If you don’t know how to draw, order such an original gift from craftswomen. Your girlfriend will appreciate such an unusual present.

Joint photo. You can take one photo and place it in a heart-shaped frame. Or make an original collage of several small joint photos.

Calendar for the year. It will not be just a calendar, but a plan for each month. For example, in February you will sign up for a pool together, and in May you will go on a picnic, devote September to walking in the mountains, and in December you will begin repairs. Just remember that such a gift obliges, and only the strict implementation of the plan will bring real joy throughout the year.

Word portrait. To order such a gift, select a beautiful photo of the girl and write as many complimentary phrases as possible. This will be an unforgettable gift for Valentine's Day.

Romantic adventure. Definitely, a horseback ride or a ride in a limousine will appeal to any girl. But you can just go to any city, where to spawn along the streets, enjoy the local cuisine and stay overnight in a private small hotel. The main thing is that you will spend this time together.

Flowers for February 14 for a girl. You will say that this idea is not so creative - every loving guy gives the girl flowers. Try to play with the idea of ​​flowers in an interesting way. It doesn't have to be a fancy bouquet. A live orchid in a pot, a box of rosebuds and French macaroons. Compositions of roses in the form of a heart, toys made of flowers look original.

If it is possible to involve friends in the organization of flower delivery, you can arrange a whole performance. Let random passers-by (your friends) meet her along the way, who will give her a flower each. Do not forget to attach a miniature greeting card to each flower. Your girlfriend will never forget such a gift.

February 14th is known around the world as "Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day". On this day, it is customary to exchange gifts, congratulate your beloved guys and girls. This day is more expected by women due to their romantic nature. For girls and guys, Valentine's Day is a celebration of love, an opportunity to express your feelings to your loved one.

According to sociological research, this holiday is more expected by women. They are receptive natures, waiting for pleasant surprises from guys and confessions of pure and bright love. Therefore, most guys on Valentine's Day are not limited to congratulations, but surprise their chosen ones with original and exquisite gifts.

But all guys know the preferences of their loved ones. Many of them are confused about what to give for Valentine's Day. Most of the guys a week before the holiday "puzzle", "knock down" in search of a pleasant and useful gift. What you can give your girlfriend on Valentine's Day will tell the article.

List of gifts

In order to avoid resentment on the part of a woman, a useful and original gift is chosen. A great solution as a surprise for Valentine's Day - decoration. An original and unusual decoration will please the eye, decorate the neck, ears or fingers of your beloved. Today it is difficult to meet girls who do not like gold and silver jewelry.

Suitable as gifts:

  • Pendants.
  • Bracelets.
  • Earrings.
  • Pendants with hearts.
  • Chains.
  • Rings.

But giving the ring, the beloved may think about the proposal to marry. Therefore, with this gift, you should be careful in the absence of a desire to marry.

If you need to buy a gift inexpensively, jewelry from jewelry is selected. Today you can choose incredibly beautiful jewelry that will organically emphasize the style of a woman. As an alternative, jewelry with stones to match the color of the eyes of your beloved is chosen.

"Cosmetic set" - a standard present for Valentine's Day. It is difficult for a man to guess what cosmetic accessories his woman likes. Therefore, it is better to ask a friend or give preference to another acquisition.

Popular gifts on this day are soft toys. But they return to childhood and not everyone likes it. For mature women, this is a present with a hint of age. But for girls 15 - 25 years old - just right.

Flowers are an integral attribute of this holiday. They are included with the gift. Which one to choose depends on the preferences of the girl. Roses, lilies, daisies are suitable for a romantic holiday. But do not give carnations! These are dead flowers. It is not advisable to give yellow flowers. This is the color of parting.

Original gifts

A gift for Valentine's Day is selected based on the individual preferences of the girl:

  • For fans of IT - technologies, a computer mouse, tablet, mobile phone or flash drive, framed with pebbles and rhinestones, will serve as a gift.
  • Music lovers are given headphones and players. This is a practical gift. But he will please the woman.
  • Certificate for the purchase of cosmetics. Women love cosmetics and perfumes. But it is difficult for a man to choose these attributes. Therefore, it is better to give a certificate. And you will make a gift, saving yourself from the need to choose and make your beloved happy. The presented certificate will relieve you of the worry that the purchased cosmetics will not be pleasant or not suitable.
  • Certificate for a joint photo shoot. In this case, you will have a photo to remember this amazing day.

Gift of memories

Women are sensitive and romantic personalities. They want tenderness, affection, attention, love. Girls in love appreciate care. For such women, a thing reminiscent of the holiday will be an excellent gift:

  • Souvenir. Small copies of Saint Cupids, ceramic and porcelain hearts, angels are given as souvenirs.
  • A memorable gift will be name pillow. These pillows are made to order. Words or phrases are embroidered or printed on them. Every day, falling asleep on such a pillow, the girl will remember her beloved.
  • Umbrella with photos. Order an umbrella with a photo to order. Post joint pictures and in rainy weather "always be close to your soulmate."
  • Bed linen with hearts. On such linen it is pleasant to remember spending Valentine's Day. Bed linen is a practical surprise that will please a caring hostess. Thanks to this bed in the bedroom will become more comfortable.
  • Large portrait. As a surprise, you can order a portrait of your beloved in an impressive size.
  • Keys to the heart. Purchase the key and put it in the mailbox. Taking out the mail, the girl will see a postcard with a key, and understand the seriousness of your intentions. This is a romantic surprise. This is how declarations of love and marriage proposals are made.
fantasy gifts

In a gift you need to invest your soul and desire to make it pleasantly loved. Therefore, it is worth showing imagination and giving something original:

  • Cake made by hand. The girl will certainly appreciate the efforts of the man.
  • A box of gourmet sweets. None of the girls are able to refuse goodies. Tell her that she has a perfect figure and give her a box of chocolates.
  • Breakfast in bed. Prepare your favorite breakfast for Valentine's Day. Even in the absence of culinary skills, heart-shaped scrambled eggs are made and coffee is brewed. With such care, the girl will be amazed and will remember this day for the rest of her life.
  • Handmade postcard. In the absence of a financial opportunity to purchase, a “valentine” is made with your own hands. This is a valuable gift that can absorb all the warmth, love and care.
Surprises by age

Presentations are selected according to the age of the female representatives. List of gifts based on age:

  • Soft toys, flowers, sweets are suitable for fifteen and sixteen year old beauties.
  • At seventeen and eighteen, girls expect a romantic dinner and flowers.
  • From 19 to 25 years old, certificates, cards with love confessions, vacation vouchers, gold and silver jewelry are given.
  • Older women appreciate care and attention. The need for expensive gifts fades into the background. Women in adulthood are difficult to surprise with a gold pendant or earrings. Therefore, it is better to surprise with breakfast or going to a restaurant.

Such different girls are united by at least one common quality - they love to receive gifts, especially for a worthy occasion. And Valentine's Day is undoubtedly a worthy occasion, so the present should be appropriate. If a man, out of forgetfulness or because “this is not a holiday”, does not find a gift for a girl on February 14, then he will provoke, at the very least, a quarrel, or even a break. To avoid such troubles, you need to try to choose the best gift of all, because the chance to make amends will fall only a month later, on March 8th.

A simple solution to a complex problem: what to give a girl on February 14

Beautiful girls love equally beautiful things - for example, gold and silver jewelry. But when choosing a gift, it is better to take into account not only the preferences of the beloved, but also your intentions: if marriage is not included in them in the near future, you should refrain from buying a ring, choosing what to give a girl on February 14. Such a thing, by definition, is perceived by the gentle sex, if not as a direct proposal, then as a signal of readiness to move on to a more serious step. So if you don’t want to give such signals yet, choose from less binding categories: pendants, bracelets, chains, earrings…

Does your favorite belong to the category of girls that are not uncommon in our time, who love their computer more than a mirror? You can also give her a precious gift - for example, a flash drive with rhinestones or a gilded mouse with pebbles. In general, with such companions, the dilemma of what to give a girl for Valentine's Day rarely arises. You can buy cute pink headphones for a romantic person - there are even copies trimmed with fur. However, gadgets do not have to be "precious" - a camera, mobile phone or tablet are excellent gifts in themselves.

Memorable and practical: what to give a girl for Valentine's Day

Women are very sensitive, which should not be forgotten when choosing a gift for a girl on Valentine's Day. Present something that will always remind you of you - she will surely appreciate it almost more than a precious trinket. What kind of gift could it be?

For example, an umbrella with your favorite joint pictures - so that even on the rainiest day (and on the eve of spring this is always true), she would find a reason to smile. Or bedding with your photos - after all, she probably at least sometimes has to fall asleep without you, and this gift for a girl on February 14 will help her not feel lonely. And a big photo or a portrait drawn by an artist from a photo will tell her about your love every day.

Unusual and surprising: what to give a girl for Valentine's Day

Not everyone likes secrets, but if your girlfriend is in the category of people who love surprises, break your head and do something that she certainly does not expect from you. For example, when choosing what to give a girl for Valentine's Day, purchase a certificate for spa treatments or a weekend trip together. A great option in this case is a photo session in the style of a love story, everyone dreams about it.

However, in such a gift, the packaging becomes of paramount importance - make a scroll with a seal out of it, put it in a chest or, at worst, in a thematically decorated envelope.

Special for special: what to give a girl on February 14

It should be borne in mind that a gift for February 14 to a girl does not have to have a high cost. This is the classic case where attention is much more important. A cute little thing that will show your attention to the most seemingly ordinary moments in the life of your beloved will make her truly happy.

Her favorite lipstick, favorite mascara, bubble bath with the same smell as her toilet water - such gifts will tell her that you notice everything. If you are in doubt what to give a girl on February 14 from the proposed category, ask her friend, asking her to keep a secret.

Romantic and delicate, girls appreciate accessories of various kinds: preening kits that can be put in a purse, scarves that can be added to a spring wardrobe, phone cases with lovely patterns and other delights. This is just a small part of what you can give a girl for Valentine's Day. Bears, bunnies and pillows in the form of hearts, too, have not been canceled.

Delicious gift for a girl on February 14: show imagination

Even if a girl is on a diet, she is not averse to eating a candy or two sometimes. And if there is no need to count calories, then chocolate will be a win-win gift. But just a box of sweets, even designed in the form of a heart, is still banal, and when thinking about what to give a girl for Valentine's Day, it is better to refuse platitudes. So stop at a tasty figurine - now they sell a lot, from hearts to bears. An unusual candy bouquet will also be accepted with joy.

For an evening romantic tea party, you can order a cake. But it is to order, and not to buy ready-made in a candy store. Let there be words of recognition on it that only you could tell her, something symbolic for your relationship or - they do it! - photo. The main goal is for the beloved to understand that there is no other such confectionery miracle anymore, it is for her and only for her.

However, an edible gift for a girl on Valentine's Day can be savory. If you wake up your beloved with a kiss, and then serve her your own breakfast in bed, this will also be counted. According to many girls, there is nothing more romantic than a man in the kitchen. Make her happy: even if you don't do it the other 364 days of the year, treat your soul mate to at least scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee - she will appreciate it.

Samodelkin: what to give a girl for Valentine's Day

February 14 is a special holiday. Girls expect from him not so much a gift as a feeling of warmth and happiness. And this can be achieved without the help of expensive gadgets and jewelry treasures. Everything is simple: make a gift with your own hands - and it will convey your love.

There are several simple options that are available even to men who are not prone to making art crafts - very often, doubting what to give a girl for Valentine's Day, they refuse such gifts for this very reason. But there are also very simple crafts. For example, you can buy a red ribbon, draw hearts on it and write wishes. How to decorate such a gift is a matter of taste. You can put it in a bottle, wrap it around a basket of sweets, or decorate a bouquet with it.

Put in a chest, a beautiful box or thrown into a mailbox (perhaps specially made for this occasion), the key to your heart will give your loved one not just a thing, but confidence in relations with you. Add a recognition card to this - and the joy of the gift will double. This is one of the most suitable options for what to give your girlfriend for Valentine's Day.

Haven't forgotten school labor lessons yet? You can apply the skills, as they say, in real life - cut out a box, a frame for a photograph. Is your loved one a born cook? Give her a set of cutting boards made by yourself and marked with inscriptions (“For meat”, “For vegetables”, “for bread”, etc.) - your dinners will become even more refined, you'll see. If you are not completely sure what to give a girl on February 14, choose gifts made with love.

Sincerely: what to give your girlfriend on February 14

Valentine's Day is a holiday of the heart, so gifts for February 14 should be given to the girl accordingly - sincere, coming from its very depths, filled with warmth and joy, dictated by love. And what exactly it will be - believe me, is much less important. Taboo, in fact, only one thing - no money. This is a soulless and even somewhat offensive gift for a girl on February 14th. If you want to end a relationship, this is the easiest way.

Everyone knows that February 14 is Valentine's Day or the holiday of all lovers. But not everyone knows that according to one of the legends, Saint Valentine was a field doctor who secretly married men and women who loved each other. When these rumors reached the authorities, Valentine was imprisoned and sentenced to death. In conclusion, Valentine managed to get acquainted with the daughter of the warden, whom he fell in love with and before the execution he wrote her a love note (valentine card).

And according to legend, it was this day of February that became the day of celebration, during which couples in love give each other gifts. If you do not know what to give a girl on February 14, so that it is original and inexpensive, then we will try to help you with this. But first, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the fact that this list may be useful to you.

What to give your girlfriend on February 14

First of all, it is worth recalling that this holiday ... it is romantic and refers more to lovers, respectively, and gifts should be romantic, embodying the highest feelings.

So let's start our list:

  • Pillow in the shape of a heart, such a pillow will remind the girl of your feelings, even when you are not around.
  • Romantic evening, at home or in a restaurant, in a cafe, the main thing is that together. Want to get it cheap? in this case, arrange a "romantic" at home ... or with rose petals in the bathroom, in the best traditions of Hollywood melodramas.
  • Poems, compose a couple of quatrains that your loved one will definitely not be able to resist.
  • Jewelry. The most romantic gift, but not the cheapest, is a piece of jewelry. In less than a month, International Women's Day will arrive, and jewelry will be a meaningful gift.
  • Pendant . More like jewelry. But, since Valentine's Day is a "holiday for two", why not choose a pendant consisting of two halves of a heart.

  • Erotic lace underwear, the gift will be appreciated if you are close enough and know the size 🙂
  • All girls love soft toys, and why not give a big teddy bear 2 meters tall :), we gave the same version of the original gift when we said.
  • Usb heated slippers. This inexpensive gift will be appreciated by the representative of the beautiful half of humanity 🙂 on cool winter and spring evenings while at a computer or laptop. (Average cost 600 rub.)

Thanks to the removable heating element, these slippers can be washed and used like the most ordinary home slippers.

  • Recently become popular flip-flop portraits. Even without drawing skills, you can create a unique masterpiece with common efforts, and the end result will amaze your imagination 🙂 (Average cost from 4000 rub.)
  • glass valentine. If you think that a heart-shaped card is too banal, then a glass valentine will definitely surprise your sweetheart.
  • Another of the most original gift options for February 14 is fresh flowers in glass. I think such an unusual bouquet will be an ideal gift from guys who want to confess their love for the first time. Such flowers retain their beauty for 5 years. (Average price from 1500 rub.) This option will also become .

  • PC mouse, of course, an unusual mouse, for example, red and heart-shaped.
  • Selfie monopod. You won’t surprise anyone with this thing, but what if your girlfriend doesn’t have such an accessory yet? As you know, girls love to take pictures of themselves. By the way, by giving such a gadget, you can take a lot of joint photos.
  • Not enough money and picking up an inexpensive gift, but at the same time original? In this case, pay attention to pendant with dried flowers.

  • Projector starry sky. Of course, you can arrange a romantic under the starry sky in February, but it's still too cold for this. We offer to arrange such an evening under the starry sky at home, in warmth and comfort 🙂
  • Massager for head. Or goosebump antistress, a budget gift option, but quite useful at the same time. Such a massager can reduce headaches, improve blood circulation, and also stimulate hair growth.
  • Bouquet of plush toys. If you think that flower bouquets are too standard, then a bouquet of teddy bears will be a very original gift.
  • Sweets, chocolate, in themed wrappers and boxes (hearts)
  • A beautiful box for all kinds of jewelry, which any girl has a lot of.

And remember that no matter what gift you choose, flowers for Valentine's Day will be the finishing touch that will make the holiday truly magical. Flowers-sib service offers to order flowers with delivery throughout Russia, as well as in Belarus and Kazakhstan. It is enough to choose a city, arrange delivery and pay. At the appointed time, your girlfriend will have a bouquet.

DIY gifts

Few will argue that handmade gifts are much more pleasant to receive, because such a present means that you have spent not only your time, but also put your soul into a gift for Valentine's Day. Write your ideas in the comments and we will add them to our list.

  1. First of all, of course, a romantic dinner by candlelight, no matter how trite it may sound, and no matter how standard it may seem, this option will not leave any woman indifferent.
  2. Bouquet of sweets.
  3. Valentine, in fact, the confession itself is written and made by hand.
  4. Remember the movie "P.s. I love you”, if not, then in short… the husband left a note for his wife, having found it, she had to perform some actions in order to find others (in the form of a quest). Why not borrow the idea and also organize a small quest? Leave notes with hints (only not complicated ones, after all they are girls 🙂), which will lead your beloved to the gift itself (necklace, pendant, dinner at a restaurant ...).
  5. Photo collage. If you have a lot of shared photos, make a collage and put it in a nice frame. This gift idea will appeal to most girls.

If none of the presented options suits you, and you still don’t know what to give a girl on February 14, then you should do otherwise. Say that you have already chosen and bought a gift, and invite her to guess it, so you will know what your beloved wants and what she expects :).

We hope you liked our list and found it useful, share it with your friends 🙂

On Valentine's Day, any gift should be decorated with a symbol of the holiday - a scarlet heart. A set of handmade chocolates "Generous Heart" personifies it. The packaging is specially designed for a beautiful date. The meeting of lovers can begin with a tea party, and then, who knows...

The pillow with your name "Love is..." is decorated in the style of chewing gum, which was very popular in the 90s of the last century. Inserts to her many girls opened their eyes to true relationships. Wise quotations dispersed among schools and institutes, making up the golden fund of the youth language. In this case, there is nothing to add to the drawn couple in love. At first glance, it is clear that they cannot live without each other.

On a holiday, you don’t need to train your intellect to design a decorative plate “Love is ...” - everything you need has already been invented before us! Only the name of the girl is missing to make a touching present. It is not intended for serving dessert or a second course. Unusual interior decoration looks great in the living room.

A Spray Grange portrait in any room will be a bright detail. It is better to give it to a girl who is self-sufficient, self-confident, active in life. The artist will draw her image on a graphic tablet, after which he will transfer it to a linen canvas. The finished canvas is stretched on a stretcher and turns into a true masterpiece! There is no other like it.

Photomosaic will allow you to arrange a stunning surprise for your beloved on Valentine's Day. Here the leading role is given to the photograph of the beauty. Through complex computer manipulations, it is broken into tiny fragments. If you look at them from a certain distance, then a complete picture is formed.

By the way, Valentine's Day is a great occasion to once again tell your beloved that she is the most beautiful in the world. This can be done in an original way. Having received the Hollywood star "VIP", it is difficult to doubt one's own attractiveness. Only recognized beauties were honored to get on the famous Walk of Fame. Let the second half have no doubts: this tile is ready for installation on the pavement!

No less girls want to become the face of a fashion magazine. It is unlikely that a well-known tabloid will make them just anyone! The cover photo is an amazing gift for her. You can accidentally put the finished copy on the table or, making surprised eyes, tell how you walked past the kiosk with periodicals, and there ... In general, the holiday will turn out great!

Modern technology works wonders. The image you like is applied to any material in the blink of an eye. Thanks to this, unique things are obtained. Case for iPhone with 3 photos "Round Collage" the girl will fall in love at first sight. This is both protection for her electronic boyfriend, and a reminder of a friend of the heart. It remains only to pick up bright talking pictures. Selfies, couple portraits, vacation photo reports are welcome.

You can’t put a thermo glass with your photos “Bright Collage” in your pocket, but it will not be superfluous to have it at work. It is pleasant to drink coffee any day, and when the boss requires an urgent report, the drink can be closed with a lid. For several hours, it will remain just as hot, fragrant and attractive. If there is a desire, then a commemorative inscription will be made on the body. Three magic words will never lose their relevance.

Presenting a mug with your photo will not be a sign of bad taste at all. Let this be the most common present, but it is one thing when it is presented by colleagues, and quite another - a loved one. When ordering, do not pay attention to banal inscriptions, logos, hackneyed solutions. Choose your style, compose a special congratulation. The method of application guarantees the safety of the print even after washing dishes in an automatic machine.

Vase "Heart" is perfect for a festive day. The girl will certainly want to place a bouquet in it, which you will present to her in the near future. Exquisite design captivates with simplicity, and laser engraving is needed in order to make a thing memorable. She will never fade!

Honey series Peroni Honey "Naturel" will delight lovers of delicious. No matter how much the girls talk about preserving the figure, they still strive to eat something harmful to her. This set includes four jars of white honey soufflé. This is a delicacy for true gourmets! In addition, the natural product is good for health. Bee collection reduces fatigue and increases efficiency, relieves anxiety and minimizes the effects of stress.

Delicious help "For women's happiness" has a wider range of activities. If you give a bottle for Valentine's Day, then the lady of the heart will look better than her friend, learn to park the car the first time, feel the power of her own smile, make men lift heavy boxes upstairs. Indications for the use of the "drug" are not fully described. Give it a try and send your feedback to the creators.

The girl will take care of the plant in the Named Forget-Me-Not bank like a small child. Do not try to be jealous, it is better to help deal with the landing. Specially fertilized soil is already available. Fertilizers and minerals have been applied, so loosen the soil with the included stick and put in the seeds from the bag. Blue flowers will bloom by the beginning of May!

Personalized bamboo board "I love you" on Valentine's Day will "call" the chosen one to the kitchen. In the end, she needs to cook something, set the table, organize a romantic evening. The gift is ideal for cutting products, because this tree does not absorb moisture, repels unpleasant odors, and just looks attractive. Inscriptions in different languages ​​are understandable without translation. The name of the girl, of course, is inscribed in Russian.

Table-tray "Romance" on February 14 can lie on the sidelines. But the next morning, the second half will be convinced of its usefulness. When folded, this is a roomy tray. If you tilt the legs, you get a stand for breakfast in bed. It's hard to come up with something more symbolic to please your girlfriend. She will certainly thank you with a gentle kiss.

By the way, the mini-pan "Heart" will help you prepare the most romantic scrambled eggs in the world for any day! You don’t need to have Vanga’s abilities and foresee her some special taste. It is enough to look at a cute heart with a yellow eye, as a serious appetite will play out. The Teflon coating ensures that the product does not have to be torn off with a knife. In this case, its ideal form is the key to success.

The box "Paradise Apple" will help a girl remember Valentine's Day for life! It is difficult to imagine a more symbolic offering for this holiday. It instantly takes us to the time of Adam and Eve - the first people who were inflamed with passion for each other. The product made of natural amber looks incredibly beautiful. It seems to glow from within, shimmers with mysterious colors. Such is the nature of fossilized resin of almost biblical age! It is worth taking an apple in your hands, and the heart begins to beat faster. Inside it is allowed to store jewelry, costume jewelry, ladies' trinkets.