What to wear under a cold fur coat. What to wear with a mink coat? Choosing shoes for a fur coat: rules for combining

Any woman wants to look beautiful and sophisticated even in winter, when it’s 20 degrees or higher outside. How to create a fashionable look if outerwear is required? People in down jackets or warm sheepskin coats look more like koloboks or colorful fat men. Men are not too concerned about their own appearance, but women want to maintain style and stand out. Fashionable fur coats help. They are warm, beautiful and there is always a huge selection. What to wear with a fur coat without a hood, how to complement the look? Is it necessary to wear a hat or is it possible to wear something else?


In winter, people need to think through several looks at once. First, choose a suit or dress that you will actually wear in everyday life. This is outerwear (a luxurious fur coat), then this is a headdress, and below are warm, comfortable shoes. When a fur coat has a hood, ladies rarely take hats or scarves. Fur hoods perfectly warm your head and protect you from the piercing wind. However, if your fur coat does not have its own hood, it’s okay.

When the temperature allows, girls walk like this, without matching a hat to their fur coat. It doesn't matter whether it's a hat or a warm scarf. At the same time, the hairstyle remains intact. However, such days are rarely seen in winter. Normal weather is 20 degrees. There is no need to risk your health for the sake of beauty. It is better to choose a beautiful and warm hat.

What to wear with a fur coat without a hood - options

For young girls, a scarf or winter bandana is suitable. They often choose lightweight, youthful models of fur coats, which are easy to match with different hats. It looks impressive, unusual and will definitely highlight your style.

Do you want something not flashy and comfortable? Does your head feel cold all the time in the cold winter? Then you should choose a knitted hat. There is a truly huge selection of models. It is advisable to choose a knitted headdress in a classic style for a fur coat without a hood. Not knowing what to wear with a mink fur coat without a hood, it is better to take a photo of it or put it on before looking for a hat. This makes it easier to imagine the finished image. Luckily, with the arrival of the winter season, there is a wide variety of hats to choose from.

Hats and classic berets make women's looks more elegant, adding additional charm. When you really want to stand out among a dozen people wearing multi-colored down jackets and warm hats.

You can also choose a fur hat to go with your fur coat. Typically, this option is preferred by mature women who want to emphasize their own status. Often women order such a headdress directly from the place where they bought the fur coat. Then the hat is selected in a similar style. The main thing is that the headdress is made of the same material as the fur coat. The finished image will look like a single ensemble. Some women believe that a fur hat is a sign of a mature lady? No. Stylists' advice will help you create a fashionable look.

The perfect fur hat

It doesn’t matter what kind of fur coat: it will be from a muton, from an arctic fox or from a mink. When choosing a headdress for it, you need to look at the color. Looks good when the hat is lighter. Preferably 2-3 tones or more. If the hat looks like an addition to the fur coat (the fur is the same, the color is the same), the image will not be memorable.

When the fur coat is ordinary in a classic style without frills of patterns or stripes, you can take a more intricate hat. For example, with buboes or braids, original leather or fabric inserts, ponytails. When choosing what to wear with a fur coat without a hood based on the photo, you can consider youth hats with rhinestones and other decor.

Blondes have no need to wear light yellow hats. Dark hats are more suitable for brunettes. When the headdress itself is close in color to the hostess’s hair, it is ugly. The whole image merges.

Fur coat material without hood

Fur coats have become popular, where there is not one, but several varieties of fur. The owner should find out how many types and what quantity were used for her particular fur coat. Then choose a hat from “rare” fur, which is the least on its product.

A knitted hat is certainly a very warm and comfortable headwear. Nowadays they make double hats or with inner fabric lining. These hats are warmer. The knitting style, patterns, and shape of the product are also different. However, stylists advise: knitted hats are more suitable for young girls. True, such restrictions will never become law for outrageous people. After all, choosing an original knitted hat will not be difficult.

Important: if the hat is bright, there is no need to complement it with other accessories. The remaining accessories (gloves or scarf) should only shade or emphasize it. This look looks great with a mink coat.

What to wear with a fur coat without a hood if you like a hat rather than a hat? Spectacular, felt, with wide brims and a clear outline? Now there are many insulated models of such hats. If necessary, some enterprising ladies wear scarves underneath them. Plain colors so as not to stand out too much.

A wool scarf is an excellent, most importantly warm option. After all, in winter, in addition to beauty, you need to think about convenience and health. Especially when the owner of the fur coat leads an active, social life and has to travel a lot. Moreover, the scarf will simultaneously perform two similar tasks: hats, and at the same time a scarf. The collar of a fur coat does not always save your neck, especially when it is very cold outside in winter.

What are the advantages of a scarf:

  • There are no age restrictions. The scarf looks great on a young girl or an elderly lady, depending on which one you choose;
  • the scarf will match any type of fur coat;
  • performs two tasks: with a scarf and a scarf is no longer needed;
  • colors and patterns of scarves will allow you to create classic or youth looks;
  • protects ears and neck from cold.

Moreover, a woolen scarf protects the chest and shoulders, if you take a large one. This is relevant when you need to think about what to wear with a fur coat without a hood and collar.

Shoes, trousers or a skirt are selected taking into account the length and model of the fur coat. When the fur coat is long, you need to choose suitable shoes. After all, only a fur coat is visible from the outside. Tall, impressive boots, skinny, fashionable jeans or warm pants look great with a short fur coat. A classic trouser suit will look good with a fitted fur coat with a belt.

Choosing accessories for a fur coat

No matter how fashionable a fur coat is, the created image will not be complete without additional accessories. What to wear with a fur coat without a hood? Models of fur coats without a hood go well with almost all types of clothing. You can choose a suitable dress, jeans, pencil skirt. Classic-cut trousers are more suitable for a knee-length fur item. Fur coats are best worn with jeans. And a long fur coat that reaches the floor is more suitable for evening wear.

It is worth remembering that the length of the product should be 5 centimeters shorter than the outerwear.

The choice of shoes is also the main emphasis in creating a fashionable look. Only shoes made from natural materials are suitable for fur products. Shoes should be suede or leather, fully matching fur coats. And you should not skimp on the quality of shoes, even if they are made of high-quality leatherette.

Try to hear me. Wear mink coat- this is an honor, this is a privilege that must be earned. When you look good on the outside and feel great on the inside, you should be ready to challenge the envious people and still remain cheerful and happy.

You have to keep your posture and respect yourself for who you are. A mink coat is the highest manifestation of women's fashion.

When you wear a mink coat, do it right - be bright, cheerful, confident. Do it with dignity, and don’t walk around like a beaten dog with drooping shoulders and drooping eyes.

And it’s always worth remembering a few important rules for wearing expensive sable or mink fur coats. Forlove .com .ua recommends choosing the right events for which you should and should not walk your precious fur coat: appropriateness and taste should be your business cards.

How and with what to wear a mink coat

1. Please do not wear a mink coat to sad events such as funerals. Don't wear fur while you're grieving and not feeling well.

2. However, if you are invited to walk the red carpet, do not hesitate to choose the most expensive furs from your closet (sable, arctic fox, mink, ermine, lynx) and dress accordingly.

When you wear an exclusive fur coat to a social event, make sure that it’s frosty or cold enough outside so that you don’t get 10 sheets of sweat - after all, natural fur warms you up very well!

3. Don't wear a mink coat to the beach if it's warm outside. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your furs are, but the motive to show off and show off is clear to everyone, and therefore unpleasant. So don't put on a show of absurdity.

4. Don't let anyone discuss your fur coat. Even if you get a compliment on a cool fur coat, take it with dignity and move on. Let your friends discuss other things, but not your fur. You don’t have to convince them that your mink coat is the most fantastic here: they have to see it for themselves.

Some women at the same time can only dream of being in your place. Don’t convince them otherwise and don’t focus their attention on this at all: you are magnificent - and let this memory be imprinted in their memory forever.

5. Remember why you wear a mink coat: to look your best and get a lot of compliments. Get it into your head that such a chic fur coat on you deserves compliments - and don’t resist them.

Make sure your skin and hair color matches your fur well. Choose suitable clothes and shoes. It would be great if they told you: “You look stunning!” And it will be much worse if they only praise your fur coat: “Oh! You have such an amazing fur coat!” Do you feel the difference?

Also remember one more rule for elegantly wearing an expensive mink coat: “You are the one wearing the fur, so don’t let the fur wear you.” This means that people should notice you in fur first, not the fur on you.

Also, don’t forget about makeup and personal care: your appearance should match the mink in which you are wrapped from head to toe.

6. Choose a fur coat of the right size. A good fur coat should be a little loose, but not too tight to your figure.

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However, do not choose baggy models - do not go to extremes.

7. What to wear with a mink coat? When wearing a fur coat over a dress or skirt with a blouse, make sure to wear your longest dress or longest skirt in your entire wardrobe.

That is, it is better and more correct to wear a fur coat with a long skirt, dress or trousers: otherwise the whole image may look somewhat funny and disproportionate, you may look like you’ve been shot.

When going to a glamorous party, you can wear such a long floor-length dress that the fur coat will be shorter than it.

But the general unspoken rule for wearing fur is the following: clothes under a fur coat should be 5-10 cm shorter than the fur coat, but at least cover the knees or reach them.

8. What shoes to wear with a mink coat? One that will favorably emphasize the beauty and sophistication of fur. You can try wearing stiletto heels - they will become an advantageous evidence of your elegance and taste.

In any case, flats or mid-heeled shoes are not something that goes well with an exclusive fur coat.

Therefore, if you wear a fur coat made of precious mink, be kind enough to wear stiletto heels or just high heels.

9. It is also very important how you feel while wearing a mink, sable, mouton or other expensive fur coat. Your attitude towards yourself in a fur coat- the most important thing: it is on its basis that people around you will perceive and evaluate you.

Mink coat and car

When a girl wears a mink coat and drives a car, she should remember a few rules.

Not everyone can afford a natural fur coat, but everyone dreams of having this secret feminine weapon in their arsenal. Many people associate a fur coat with wealth and prosperity, and indeed the cost of a fur coat sometimes reaches the level of modest real estate.

The variety of models, riot of colors and various expensive and not so expensive furs excite the imagination. Fur coats are made from rare animal skins or those specially raised for this purpose. Fur coats made from sable, mink, and chinchilla are especially popular. Despite the high cost, a fur coat made from these animals can last up to 20 years. The skin of these animals is not afraid of severe frosts and high humidity.

If you decide to buy a fur coat or already have one, many people wonder what to wear it with. First of all, this concerns shoes.

What shoes to wear with a mink coat (photo)

The mink coat is highly valued due to its expensive fur. And it’s not for nothing that mink coats have thick and shiny pile. You also need to choose shoes for such a thing from high-quality and beautiful material. An important aspect when choosing shoes is the length and style of the product.

Short coat and shoes

Classic high-heeled shoes and high-heeled boots look good with a short youth-style mink coat. Both the first and second options visually lengthen the legs, and a short fur coat emphasizes their slenderness.

As for the shoe material, the best option for a mink coat is genuine leather and suede. Fabric and leatherette will fade in the light of shining mink.

Average length of fur coat

With medium-length fur coats, almost any shoe will work, with stiletto heels or without heels, with a platform or with a slight instep. As for the length, it is better to choose low shoes, ankle boots or knee-length boots.

Long fur coat

Any style of boots, except those trimmed with fur, goes well with long fur coats. This is caused by the cloying nature of the fur, behind which the appearance of both shoes and outerwear is lost.

Classic mid length

A classic medium-length fur coat to the knee usually does not cause difficulties in choosing shoes to go with it. Nowadays, ankle boots and high-heeled boots are popular. For everyday life, knee-length boots on any convenient platform are quite suitable. Shoes should be as close in color to the fur coat as possible. By the way, shoes with a top don’t have to fit your feet; slouchy boots look interesting. As for the accessories on shoes, it is better if there is a minimum of it; all sorts of locks and plaques spoil the image of an independent woman.

Uggs under a fur coat

The latest fashionable novelty of this season, Australian uggs, by the way, will go perfectly with a knee-length fur coat, even if the uggs are decorated with fur on top.

A high heel and platform will visually add height and length to your legs when combined with a short fur coat. And when choosing high heels, there will be no problem in choosing a skirt or jeans.

Ankle boots with fur coat

Ankle boots and ankle boots trimmed with fur will emphasize the elegance of a small fur coat. You just need to be careful in choosing fur; it should be as close as possible to the material of the fur coat.

If the image involves street style, then the choice increases significantly. You can wear the now fashionable sneakers, short UGG boots with or without trim. Even puffy boots with jeans or elk boots in combination with a short fur coat will cause a storm of positive emotions.

If, despite severe frosts, you decide to wear a short fur coat, high boots with natural fur can save the situation.

Since experiments with natural fur coats may not always end successfully, you need to be extremely careful. Extra centimeters of a heel or platform can turn a chic lady into a vulgar girl.

A natural fur coat requires you to choose shoes made from natural materials; natural suede and leather are suitable.

The mouton fur coat itself is very different from fur coats made from other materials. It is made from sheep wool using a special technology, thanks to which the fur of such a product is very thick and short-cropped. When choosing shoes, you should pay attention that mouton fur coats are much warmer than others, both in characteristics and in appearance. Such a fur coat is worn in severe frosts, so the shoes should be just as warm and practical. An ideal option for a fur coat of any length is Ugg boots or high boots. An external trim made of wool is allowed, only with the structure as close as possible to the fur of a fur coat.

Fur coat and shoes without heels

As you know, shoes with heels are not always suitable for everyday life, as they are not very comfortable and warm. But high boots or boots without heels or on a small platform will be the best option for a mouton fur coat.

If a fur coat is knee-length or lower, you can safely wear low shoes or even battalions, again it all depends on the weather conditions.

Mouton fur does not tolerate contrast in color; shoes should be matched as closely as possible to the shade of the fur coat, otherwise, at best, it will be simply an absurd combination.

Despite the fact that the square, stable heel is a thing of the past, it favorably emphasizes the elegance of a mouton fur coat. Perfect for women, a more youthful option is the combination of square heels and high platforms. But this option is optimal for floor-length fur coats.

An excellent solution for a classic fur coat below the knees are knee-length leather suede boots or over the knee boots. These shoes ideally complement a medium-length fur coat. The length of the fur coat reveals the shoes, and it is simply necessary that the shoes have some kind of zest. Buckles with natural stones, beautiful clasps or fake snakes will add femininity to the desired look. Everything should be in moderation, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

If we talk about shoes with heels, then the length of the shaft, by and large, does not matter. The only thing to exclude is ankle boots; they are too light for a long, voluminous fur coat.

Platform boots of any height are suitable for a fur coat below the knees. The platform adds femininity to the look and is practical to wear even in bad weather.

What to wear with a long fur coat

As practice shows, choosing shoes for a fur coat below the knees or to the floor is much more difficult than for any other. But these efforts are worth it, a long fur coat turns its owner into a queen. Such a fur coat gives a majestic look; it’s not for nothing that floor-length fur coats came from the times of kings. The main thing is not to spoil such natural beauty with incorrectly chosen shoes.

Since a long fur coat does not easily look like a king, very massive light boots or stylish ankle boots will not suit any look.

Ugg boots and warm sneakers absolutely do not fit in tandem with a floor-length fur coat. But classic boots with small heels or high stilettos will make the look unforgettable and emphasize the elegance and grace of the owner of a long fur coat.

Since a long fur coat reaching to the floor hides the shoes almost completely, the shoes, in principle, should not be decorated with various accessories or unnecessary details. Snakes, fasteners and straps will only get in the way, catching the hem of your fur coat while moving.

A long fur coat adds a couple of extra centimeters to the height of its owner, so even a short girl can easily wear boots with a low platform and without heels under such a fur coat.

As for the material of the shoes, it can be leather, suede or nabeuk, but a fabric base will be inappropriate.

Often a full-length fur coat is worn for a formal event; a beautiful evening dress is usually hidden under it. At an official reception, boots would be inappropriate under a dress, so you can safely wear classic high-heeled shoes; they will in no way spoil the outfit.

The choice of shoes for a fur coat is a purely individual process and depends on the wearing conditions and personal preferences of each person.

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Any woman wants to look beautiful and sophisticated even in winter, when it’s 20 degrees or higher outside. How to create a fashionable look if outerwear is required? People in down jackets or warm sheepskin coats look more like koloboks or colorful fat men. Men are not too concerned about their own appearance, but women want to maintain style and stand out. Fashionable fur coats help. They are warm, beautiful and there is always a huge selection. What to wear with a fur coat without a hood, how to complement the look? Is it necessary to wear a hat or is it possible to wear something else?


In winter, people need to think through several looks at once. First, choose a suit or dress that you will actually wear in everyday life. This is outerwear (a luxurious fur coat), then this is a headdress, and below are warm, comfortable shoes. When a fur coat has a hood, ladies rarely take hats or scarves. Fur hoods perfectly warm your head and protect you from the piercing wind. However, if your fur coat does not have its own hood, it’s okay.

When the temperature allows, girls walk like this, without matching a hat to their fur coat. It doesn't matter whether it's a hat or a warm scarf. At the same time, the hairstyle remains intact. However, such days are rarely seen in winter. Normal weather is 20 degrees. There is no need to risk your health for the sake of beauty. It is better to choose a beautiful and warm hat.

What to wear with a fur coat without a hood - options

For young girls, a scarf or winter bandana is suitable. They often choose lightweight, youthful models of fur coats, which are easy to match with different hats. It looks impressive, unusual and will definitely highlight your style.

Do you want something not flashy and comfortable? Does your head feel cold all the time in the cold winter? Then you should choose a knitted hat. There is a truly huge selection of models. It is advisable to choose a knitted headdress in a classic style for a fur coat without a hood. Not knowing what to wear with a mink fur coat without a hood, it is better to take a photo of it or put it on before looking for a hat. This makes it easier to imagine the finished image. Luckily, with the arrival of the winter season, there is a wide variety of hats to choose from.

Hats and classic berets make women's looks more elegant, adding additional charm. When you really want to stand out among a dozen people wearing multi-colored down jackets and warm hats.

You can also choose a fur hat to go with your fur coat. Typically, this option is preferred by mature women who want to emphasize their own status. Often women order such a headdress directly from the place where they bought the fur coat. Then the hat is selected in a similar style. The main thing is that the headdress is made of the same material as the fur coat. The finished image will look like a single ensemble. Some women believe that a fur hat is a sign of a mature lady? No. Stylists' advice will help you create a fashionable look.

The perfect fur hat

It doesn’t matter what kind of fur coat: it will be from a muton, from an arctic fox or from a mink. When choosing a headdress for it, you need to look at the color. Looks good when the hat is lighter. Preferably 2-3 tones or more. If the hat looks like an addition to the fur coat (the fur is the same, the color is the same), the image will not be memorable.

When the fur coat is ordinary in a classic style without frills of patterns or stripes, you can take a more intricate hat. For example, with buboes or braids, original leather or fabric inserts, ponytails. When choosing what to wear with a fur coat without a hood based on the photo, you can consider youth hats with rhinestones and other decor.

Blondes have no need to wear light yellow hats. Dark hats are more suitable for brunettes. When the headdress itself is close in color to the hostess’s hair, it is ugly. The whole image merges.

Fur coat material without hood

Fur coats have become popular, where there is not one, but several varieties of fur. The owner should find out how many types and what quantity were used for her particular fur coat. Then choose a hat from “rare” fur, which is the least on its product.

A knitted hat is certainly a very warm and comfortable headwear. Nowadays they make double hats or with inner fabric lining. These hats are warmer. The knitting style, patterns, and shape of the product are also different. However, stylists advise: knitted hats are more suitable for young girls. True, such restrictions will never become law for outrageous people. After all, choosing an original knitted hat will not be difficult.

Important: if the hat is bright, there is no need to complement it with other accessories. The remaining accessories (gloves or scarf) should only shade or emphasize it. This look looks great with a mink coat.

What to wear with a fur coat without a hood if you like a hat rather than a hat? Spectacular, felt, with wide brims and a clear outline? Now there are many insulated models of such hats. If necessary, some enterprising ladies wear scarves underneath them. Plain colors so as not to stand out too much.

A wool scarf is an excellent, most importantly warm option. After all, in winter, in addition to beauty, you need to think about convenience and health. Especially when the owner of the fur coat leads an active, social life and has to travel a lot. Moreover, the scarf will simultaneously perform two similar tasks: hats, and at the same time a scarf. The collar of a fur coat does not always save your neck, especially when it is very cold outside in winter.

What are the advantages of a scarf:

  • There are no age restrictions. The scarf looks great on a young girl or an elderly lady, depending on which one you choose;
  • the scarf will match any type of fur coat;
  • performs two tasks: with a scarf and a scarf is no longer needed;
  • colors and patterns of scarves will allow you to create classic or youth looks;
  • protects ears and neck from cold.

Moreover, a woolen scarf protects the chest and shoulders, if you take a large one. This is relevant when you need to think about what to wear with a fur coat without a hood and collar.

Shoes, trousers or a skirt are selected taking into account the length and model of the fur coat. When the fur coat is long, you need to choose suitable shoes. After all, only a fur coat is visible from the outside. Tall, impressive boots, skinny, fashionable jeans or warm pants look great with a short fur coat. A classic trouser suit will look good with a fitted fur coat with a belt.

Choosing accessories for a fur coat

No matter how fashionable a fur coat is, the created image will not be complete without additional accessories. What to wear with a fur coat without a hood? Models of fur coats without a hood go well with almost all types of clothing. You can choose a suitable dress, jeans, pencil skirt. Classic-cut trousers are more suitable for a knee-length fur item. Fur coats are best worn with jeans. And a long fur coat that reaches the floor is more suitable for evening wear.

It is worth remembering that the length of the product should be 5 centimeters shorter than the outerwear.

The choice of shoes is also the main emphasis in creating a fashionable look. Only shoes made from natural materials are suitable for fur products. Shoes should be suede or leather, fully matching fur coats. And you should not skimp on the quality of shoes, even if they are made of high-quality leatherette.

In terms of configuration, of all outerwear, furs raise the most questions, or rather one: what to wear with a fur coat? Most likely, this is due to the fact that once upon a time, fur was part of the classic wardrobe. It could only be worn with elegant shoes, a bag and a fur hat, ideally a hat. Therefore, young girls did not favor fur coats, even if they could afford them, it turned out very strictly and “in a sissy way.” Fortunately, everything has changed. A stylistic thaw has arrived, and wardrobe combinatorics has become an exciting activity. Although, some questions still remain. Now we will answer everything!

In this article:

A short fur coat reveals your legs and poses a challenge: what to wear under it? In the coming season, oversized models are in fashion (this is about outerwear), which means that the “bottom” in contrast should not be too voluminous. So, what to wear with a fur coat?

  • Tight leather trousers or leggings. These things are already timeless and relevant every year in the autumn-winter period. Fur against the background of glossy leather looks even more noble, and the whole set becomes stylish and daring. Beautiful fluffy coats made of bright or pastel colored fur look very harmonious with “sharp” leather trousers.
  • Jeans As old as time. Jeans today can be paired with any top. Whether it's mink or fashionable faux fur coats.
  • Costume. Pantsuits are still in trend. Warm knitted or classic tweed trousers will go well with both natural and faux fur.
  • Knitted sweater dress. A cozy, voluminous warm dress, large knit, will make an excellent match for a shortened model. If it's not too cold, you don't have to wrap yourself in a warm dress; an elegant sheath dress that fits your figure is enough.
  • Pencil skirt. A mini is not suitable for winter, but a wool or leather/suede midi skirt is just right.

What about long fur coats?

What to wear with a long fur coat

In this section we will combine knee-length and very long, floor-length models. Like a short, midi fur coat, it goes well with tapered trousers and leggings; everything here is quite simple. Difficulties arise with skirts and dresses, namely, how long should the hem be relative to the edge of the fur coat? Any! Can you imagine?! More recently, a skirt peeking out from under outerwear was considered bad manners. But not today. So, the skirt can be floor-length (then it is better if it is wide and loose enough), it can be the same length as the outerwear, or it can look out onto the palm of your hand or more. But if the skirt is shorter, then, if the realities of winter allow it, it is better for the outerwear to be unbuttoned.

With a floor-length model, everything is also simpler than it seems. It can be safely worn with wide, loose pajama-style trousers, with sports knitted trousers, and, of course, with skinny ones. There are also no restrictions in terms of skirts.

What shoes should I pair it with?

What shoes are suitable for a short model?

It turns out that we can also wear any shoes, with the exception of boots, which are taller than ankle boots, but “fall short” of over the knee boots. Surely, someday they will come back into fashion again, but not in the winter of 2018-2019.

It’s the same with medium- and maxi-length fur coats. Unless knee-length models can be worn with stiletto boots. This visually elongates the silhouette, and makes the image feminine and sophisticated.


There is an unwritten rule of dividing bags into summer and winter. We continue to stick to it. Winter bags are made of dense materials: leather, suede, fur. The color scheme, unlike the summer one, is deeper and more noble, and the size is medium or larger.

The style of the bag should be supported by the image as a whole, not just by the fur coat, or rather not by it at all. If you wear fur with sports trousers, then the bag or backpack should be in a sporty style, but if under the fur coat you have a classic trouser suit, then let the handbag maintain a strict business character.

The color can be similar to outerwear, trousers, skirt, etc. In a casual outfit with jeans, the bag can act as a color accent: burgundy, mustard or, for example, malachite.

Hats, scarves, gloves and other accessories and headwear

Hats, scarves and gloves also confuse many, but in vain. This year, as they say, accessories are everywhere. More recently, furs were combined only with leather gloves and fur caps or hats. It is beautiful and elegant and no one has canceled this rule. It’s just that a lot of options have been added to it with what you can wear a fur coat with.