Brother licked beautiful sister. — Mom, my brother and I decided to get married. “My brother should never have been born!”

Marusya was left completely alone. None of the relatives wanted to take in a girl who was already quite old. Marusya recently turned thirteen. Everyone shook their heads, tsked and felt sorry for the girl, gave her chocolates, but did not want to take her home.

Mom’s sister, Aunt Marina, said that she herself has two back-eaters, and she would like a third one. Cousin Aunt Lyuba, whom she and her parents went to visit and always helped in any way they could, also did not take the girl to her place. Why didn't she explain? Dad's brother lived in the north and perhaps did not know that his brother was no more.

Marusya was brought to the shelter. There were three girls in the room with her, two the same age as her, and one girl two years older, but they explained to her that the older girl would soon be transferred to another room.

The new girlfriends dragged Marusya to show her everyday life, where the dining room was, where the rest room was, where the library was. They didn’t ask where her parents were, and that was good, because Marusya was not ready to answer this question. Each time, the mouth twisted treacherously, the voice began to tremble and tears flowed from the eyes.

A little later, teacher Inna Ivanovna came and took the girl to the dining room, since lunch had already passed and she was hungry.

A month passed, Marusya got used to the routine at the shelter, she even began to like him and they were sometimes allowed to walk around the city alone. At night, Marusya began to sleep and almost stopped crying into her pillow for her mom and dad.

One day the older girls began to tease her.

Your relatives abandoned you because you are terrible, ha, ha, ha!

This is not true,” Marusya cried, “they died.”

“They ran away from you so as not to see you,” the girls laughed.

No, they died, they crashed in a car,” Marusya shouted.

Marusya woke up in a room on a bed, a nurse and one of her roommates were sitting next to her.

Did you wake up? Does anything hurt? - asked the nurse.

My head is spinning,” Marusya whispered.

Well, that’s not surprising, you hit your head hard when you lost consciousness,” the woman gently stroked her head.

“I remember crying,” the girl said.

“Lie down, don’t get up, otherwise it might get worse,” the nurse said and left.

Late in the evening, the same girls who laughed at her came to Marusa’s room.

Excuse us, we wanted to joke, we didn’t think you were like this,” one of them said guiltily.

“Nothing,” whispered Marusya.

What is your name? - asked another girl.

Will you forgive us? “We really didn’t want to offend you so much, we didn’t know about your parents, we just screamed,” said the first girl.

Yes. “I forgave you,” said Marusya.

Three days later, Marusya felt better and was allowed to get out of bed. She immediately went to the library to sit and read a book.

At the same time, a girl came in to apologize.

“Hey, I have a surprise for you,” she said.

Which? - asked Marusya.

I noticed in your personal file that you have an uncle and his address. The girls and I wrote him a letter and he replied that he did not know about the tragedy with his brother and that he would come and take you from the shelter as quickly as possible.

Is it true? Will Uncle Misha come for me? - Marusya was delighted.

Yes! — the girl smiled at her.

Marusya's days were now brightened by the anticipation of his uncle's arrival. One day, after breakfast, the teacher came into the room and said:

Marusya, they came to you.

Let's go and see for yourself! — the teacher did not reveal the secret.

Marusya recognized her beloved uncle from afar.

With a cry of “Bear!” she threw herself on his neck. He hugged the girl, pressed her to him, then pulled her away and looked at her.

How big you have become, Maruska! - he said admiringly, - run, pack your things, you are coming with me.

Marusya ran into the room like a bullet, collected her simple belongings, and kissed her roommates. She ran to her uncle. Halfway there, I remembered something and ran to the older girls’ room.

Thank you! — she hugged her former offender.

Are you leaving? — the girl nodded at the bag.

Yes, my uncle came for me,” Marusya said joyfully and hugged the girl again.

Marusya went with her uncle to live in the North, where he had a wife and daughter, who received the girl very warmly. And he completed the adoption documents a little later.

There are thousands of reasons why a child might dislike his brother or sister... But why does he continue to feel the same dislike as an adult?

Key Ideas

  • Envy and jealousy inevitably form part of children's relationships in families with several children.
  • To reduce aggression between siblings, it is necessary to acknowledge its existence and allow it to find expression.
  • Differences in level and lifestyle in adulthood can exacerbate hostilities experienced in childhood.

Conflicts between brothers and sisters usually end in adolescence. “After several years of furious showdown, children finally get the chance to become real brothers and sisters to each other,” says child psychotherapist Marcel Rufo. - When the younger one is just entering adolescence, and the older one, for example, is experiencing his prime, their rapprochement becomes easier. They understand each other better because each now knows what suffering is and supports the other in the fight against adults for their rights. What unites them is the realization that they have a common family past...”

However, sometimes conflicts continue into adulthood. They may flare up again during arguments over the phone, family dinners, or even during a chance meeting, with siblings attacking each other with such fury as if they had not yet truly grown up. Why are some of us unable to “bury the hatchet”?

All childhood grievances and experiences are stored in our unconscious. The slightest reason - and we again experience envy, anger, hatred. It is especially difficult for those who suffered in childhood, and as adults continue to live in the world of childhood grievances, stubbornly refusing to part with them, understand and forgive, and therefore change. Here are a few typical situations that doom us to many years of mutual hostility.


“I hated my brother as soon as my mother returned from the hospital with him,” recalls 38-year-old Elena. “I was two years old then, but I remember how they put him in my crib and how I screamed: “My bye-bye, I want my bye-bye, take him away!” I was indignant, I didn’t understand why “this” was brought here. Since then I have never been able to love him...”

“We can hardly remember exactly what happened to us at such an early age,” comments psychotherapist Ekaterina Mikhailova. “Most likely, Elena’s parents retold this story more than once, turning it into a functional family myth, and thereby more or less consciously introduced hostility into the relationship between the two children.”

Indeed, was it really necessary to put the “new” son into his daughter’s crib? The girl took this as a direct message: he will take your place. Which, from her point of view, happened later!

“A child cannot allow himself to consciously hate his mother,” continues Ekaterina Mikhailova. “But not loving your brother - although he himself is not guilty of anything - although it’s not good, it’s still possible.”

It seems paradoxical, but competition between children suits some parents: it allows them to feel their exclusive parental power, and also... to continue to settle scores with their own brothers and sisters.

“Unwittingly cultivating rivalry between their children, they get stuck in their own past,” says Ekaterina Mikhailova. “By telling their son or daughter, “This is what it’s like to be the eldest (youngest)!”, they are trying to share their pain and bitterness with their children, often without realizing how cruel they are acting.”

In large families, where there are four or five children, everyone has their own clearly defined place, and they compete less often. “Even when there are three children, the intensity of passions is somewhat less,” explains Ekaterina Mikhailova. “The birth of the third changes the relationship between the first two: it’s better to play hide and seek with Vasya, and it’s more interesting to draw with Manya, and sometimes they both ignore me... The topic of “hatred” still arises more often when there are two children.”


In his Confessions, St. Augustine describes the confusion of a little boy at the sight of his younger brother clinging to his mother’s chest. Realizing that he himself is already too big to feed on breast milk, the child nevertheless dreams about it and envies his brother’s bliss.

“To desire is to desire something else,” said psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. We often desire someone else's thing not because we like it, but because another desires it and has it. Thus, envy and jealousy in childhood relationships between brothers and sisters are inevitable.

The difference in level and lifestyle exacerbates everything that went wrong in childhood relationships

The chances of continuing to hate each other increase if we, blinded by envy and unable to give up our claims, cannot find our own desires, our own lives. When we fail, we begin to blame our sister or brother for depriving us of our due happiness and preventing us from succeeding in life.

The difference in level and lifestyle exacerbates everything that did not go well in childhood relationships. Thus, 29-year-old Alexandra was shocked not to receive an invitation to her younger sister's wedding - due to the fact that “she could make an unfavorable impression on the guests,” as the newlywed said.

When a relationship reaches such a level of hostility, the prospect of reconciliation seems very utopian. Even in the case where there are no truly exceptional circumstances such as betrayal or violation of this word.

First brotherhood, first murder

Adam and Eve's firstborn son, Cain, killed his younger brother Abel. The name Cain has become a household name, denoting a person who, out of envy, is ready to commit a crime.

If a child hates his brother or sister to the point of wishing them dead, then the mother is certainly to blame - this is what psychoanalyst Daniel Sibony believes, reading the biblical story of Cain and Abel in a new way.
The mother connected all her aspirations with her eldest son, crying out at his birth: “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” He is her “main child”, and Abel is not of particular interest to her. Nevertheless, Cain cannot bear the existence of his brother. After all, he believed that he was destined to be “everything” not only for his mother, but for the whole world too.
But, seeing Abel, he understands that this is actually just a figment of his fantasies. Then Cain takes action: Abel dies at the hands of his brother. But not all Cains are killers; as a rule, they are simply full of hatred, which they sadistically take out on their brother. This is also a way to prevent his existence!


“My parents always worried only about my sister - both when she was sick a lot as a child, and now, when their “poor baby” is already over 30 and she feels great, absolutely indifferent to everyone and to them in particular,” the 37-year-old is indignant Irina. “They believe that I myself am capable of coping with any situation, and they don’t even realize how much bitterness and sadness there is in my life and how difficult it is for me alone.”

The words “Think a little about your sister (brother)” are perceived as “She (he) needs love and protection more than you.” This is difficult for a child to bear, and difficult to accept when you become an adult: this attitude of parents devalues ​​our existence. And just like in childhood, we feel that we are not understood, not recognized, not appreciated...

“But none of the children can know exactly the motives for the selective love of their parents,” clarifies Ekaterina Mikhailova. - After all, it is quite likely that Irina’s younger sister is a “poor thing” only because her birth was, for example, an attempt to save the disintegrating marriage between her parents. So, in a sense, many years of conversations about the “poor thing” are actually a call from parents to us for help: you are strong, young, help us.


The birth of a younger child, as a rule, does not cause euphoria in the older one. At best, he feels something like this: “I like my brother (sister), but I also liked it when mom and dad had only me.” But parents cannot be satisfied with this attitude towards the newborn; they want close relationships to be established between the children from the very beginning.

“When my sister was born,” recalls 31-year-old Valery, “the first thing my grandmother asked me was: “Do you love Musya?” I was nine years old and I wondered: “How can I love someone I haven’t even met yet?” When my family realized that I was not at all delighted with Musechka, they began to talk to me coldly and hostilely, as if I had offended them. In response, I closed myself off, moved away, and over time the whole family gave up on me. Now my sister and I meet only on our parents’ birthdays, we send SMS to each other on our birthdays - and that’s all.”

Patterns of relationships between children are very stable. “If Valery’s parents had not forced him to love his sister, everything could have turned out differently,” says family therapist Alexander Chernikov. - By prohibiting children from openly expressing what they feel, parents achieve the opposite result: hidden conflicts, jealousy, envy and hostility appear. Conversely, when they understand and respect everyone’s feelings, it is easier for children to cope with their experiences and free themselves from their grievances.”


“My brother and I are ten years apart,” 34-year-old Inga writes on our website’s forum. “We have nothing to talk about with each other: we were raised differently: I was strict, but he was pampered.”

Hostility between children is greatest when the siblings are between approximately two and four years old. “Older children still have a little strength to cope with their natural negative emotions - envy, aggressiveness and anxiety, which the appearance of a rival in the house causes them,” comments Alexander Chernikov. “With a difference of more than four years, there is less aggression in relationships, except in cases where parents openly single out one of the children or, conversely, deliberately show “the same” love.”

According to our experts, it is impossible to love your children “the same”, and it is not necessary: ​​they are really different - in age, character and interests, and each of them needs to be given what he needs at the moment so that he has the opportunity live and grow. If each of the siblings receives their share of acceptance and recognition from their parents, the relationship between them will also be built on acceptance and respect for each other.

Losing parents exacerbates long-standing conflicts

“My sisters and I were the same age, we lived together, we never quarreled seriously, and our life seemed to be going well,” says 39-year-old Vladislav. - When my father died, and six months later my mother died, I found out that my younger sisters... filed a lawsuit, challenging the will, because they believed that I had no right to claim my part of the inheritance. I was shocked".
“The death of parents is an important stage in the relationship between brothers and sisters,” explains Alexander Chernikov. - If after this event the adult children become more united, it means, most likely, the relationships in the family were built on love, respect and affection for each other and none of them had serious secret grievances or complaints.
And vice versa, everything that brothers and sisters could not accept and forgive becomes aggravated after the death of their parents: they feel an insurmountable hostility towards each other, make endless mutual claims and divide inherited property for years.”

Real estate is an expensive asset. Its division often leads to scandals and even a break in relations between the closest relatives. A similar story happened in this family - and it’s impossible to say for sure who is right and who is wrong. As, however, this often happens in family conflicts over property. Rostov-on-Don resident Elena (name changed at the request of the heroine) shared her story with approx. "").

Elena grew up with her parents and two brothers in a three-ruble ruble - her father, who served in the USSR, received an apartment back in the USSR. In the early 2000s, the family began to fall apart: the children grew up, but most importantly, the parents decided to divorce. My father, who by this time had retired to civilian life but retained his old connections, was successfully engaged in business. He initiated the divorce.

“Surely he had someone,” says Elena. “But he definitely didn’t intend to get married, he just left to live his own life.” I was already 20 then, my brothers were 24 and 26. I think dad decided that he didn’t owe us anything anymore. There were no scandals, he bought a spacious one-room apartment, also in the center, and my mother, Valera, my middle brother and I stayed in the three-ruble ruble. The eldest, Oleg, had already completed his studies in St. Petersburg by that time and got married there. He and his wife didn’t have children yet, took out a mortgage and lived together.”

For another three years, the grown children continued to live with their mother - this situation suited everyone. Elena met with a work colleague, although she almost never brought him home, sometimes she spent the night with him. Valery also had someone, but also “on the side.” “Mom never said that she was against us bringing our “halves” to us, but it was somehow implied. We have one isolated room - my mother’s, one “outside” room - mine, and Valera spent the night in the hall,” the woman says. - Well, how are you going to meet here? It’s uncomfortable. I kept waiting for my brother to finally move out and live separately - a healthy man, it’s logical. But in the end I was the first to move.”

Elena got married and moved into an apartment with her husband, and they had a son. But the marriage did not last long - after a year and a half, the couple separated, and Elena and her small child returned to her mother. All this time, she periodically communicated with her father - they had a trusting relationship since childhood - and, knowing Elena’s situation, her father once said that she need not worry about the future: he would leave his apartment to her and his grandson. “The brothers didn’t have children then, Valerka generally sat on his mother’s neck all his life,” says Elena. “I can’t imagine how we would all live together in a three-ruble ruble, but then, luckily, some newcomer took him in, and got her going so much that in two weeks he packed up, rented an apartment for them and moved in.” I never saw her, according to my mother, I know that this is some kind of village thing, not at all from our circle. And three years older than my brother.”

For a couple more years, Elena, her son Nikita and her mother lived in a three-ruble ruble, then her father died of a heart attack, and the young woman moved to her own apartment - to a house from which it was a 10-minute walk to her mother’s apartment. Elena worked a regular office schedule - from 10 to 19, sometimes with overtime, so Nikita spent a lot of time with his grandmother since childhood. He was given the “outside” room where Elena used to live, and the boy usually spent his weekdays in his grandmother’s apartment, often staying overnight. At the same time, Elena says, she and her son remained registered in the “three rubles”, like brother Valery. Oleg was discharged long ago and was registered in his St. Petersburg apartment along with his wife and two children, who were born after the death of his grandfather.

“Valera never married this one, they didn’t have children either,” says Elena. - He’s already approaching 40 now, and she’s even older. My mother and I were sure that they would remain childless, although they’d been cohabiting for ten years. But my mother had three grandchildren - Oleg’s children, and most importantly, my Nikita, who is always there. And, in general, she didn’t suffer at all about this.”

Photo: Yuri Martyanov / Kommersant

A couple of years ago, Elena had a permanent boyfriend - a work colleague. At first they met on neutral territory, then they began to live together. Nikita, Elena says, likes Pavel - the boy doesn’t call his mother’s friend dad, but they get along well.

It seems that the situation developed in such a way that it suited everyone. But this precarious balance was disrupted at one point, as soon as the conversation turned to the privatization of my mother’s three-ruble ruble. The family delayed this decision, but when the mother turned 65, she and Elena decided to act. “My mother and I always believed that sooner or later Nikita would get the apartment: Oleg has his own life, far from us, Valerka lives with hers somewhere in the region. It is clear that it is necessary to privatize for four people - my mother, me, Nikita and my brother, but even if so, in the end it will be possible to sell the apartment, exchange it, and my son will have his own home, says the woman. “I don’t have any contact with my brother at all, but my mother talked to him and asked if he would be discharged, since he doesn’t live here anyway.” He said: if you want me to check out, pay. Surely his grandmother gave him this idea.”

Elena and her mother did not want to pay, and began collecting documents for privatization, hoping to arrange everything for four. However, after taking an extract from the house register, Elena found out that they had one more person registered with them. “It turns out that my brother registered a two-month-old girl with us! Where did he get it from? She hasn’t had children for ten years, she’s already over 40, and suddenly she has a child. Maybe he bought it from the Tajiks and registered it with his mother! Now we don’t know what to do,” Elena complains. - It’s also good that they are not married, but if they get married, will he register her here too? Think about us what you want, but this family is practically a stranger to us, and Valerka didn’t lift a finger to make repairs for his mother or at least pay for utilities, but an extra person is registered, and the amount increases. I don’t want them to get the living space!”

Now Elena has taken a break to think about what to do next: sue her brother or offer him money so that he can check himself and the child out of the apartment. She leans towards the first option - in her opinion, the brother did not help his mother and did not participate in the general expenses of the apartment, so he has no right to demand his share. Elena considers herself clearly the right side in this story, and regards her brother’s behavior as unlawful aggression. However, it is already clear that she will not be able to leave the apartment to her son - she will have to share.

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Evgeniya 46 years old, Ryazan.

I have three children: the eldest daughter Victoria, a slightly younger son Denis and the youngest Katya. Victoria got married at 18, met a young man in college who proposed to her and they began to live together.

But for the younger children, their personal lives could not improve for a long time. Denis is 25 years old, Katya is 23.

My daughter was already in a relationship, she even moved out of the house, but it didn’t work out and she returned back to our home. My mother even joked to them that the children would live with me at the end of their lives. Of course, no one put much pressure on them, however, this could not continue forever either.

How are you doing, Katya? - I asked sometimes.

Yes, it’s fine, I’m working and okay.

Denis also answered.

On July 9 we celebrated the anniversary of my only son-in-law Misha. He turned 30 years old. A large company had gathered, everyone was sitting and talking, and my eldest daughter, casually, decided to ask her brother and sister.

Deniska, when are you getting married? Gray hair has appeared on his head, but he is still not married.

When the cancer on the mountain whistles. Why get married at all? What if I make a mistake in my choice? What's next? Why be needlessly disappointed? And you don't have to ask me every time. Maybe I want to remain single for the rest of my life.

My mother began to reprimand Denis not to talk like that anymore, so I had to calm her down.

And you, Katka, why are you sitting on your parents’ neck? There are so many lonely guys, she took the most handsome one and married her.

You are as simple as five cents. There was already one, the most beautiful one, but he swam away. Indeed, what a mania to interrogate us. - Katya answered.

A small argument began, but everything was quickly settled down and we continued celebrating the anniversary of my only son-in-law.

But no one asked them about marriage again until last week, at least I didn’t hear. On Saturday my mother visited us.

Do you know what your dad did? Do you remember once upon a time we had a parrot? So, we didn’t throw the cage away, but left it on the balcony. I come home and what do I see? A badger sits in a cage, and this joker runs around him and meows. I haven’t laughed so much for a long time, it’s a pity I don’t know how to record it on camera, so I’d like to show it to you.

Yes, I'd like to see it. - I told my mother smiling.

How are you? What's new?

Nothing special, we live and work.

Do Denis and Katka still live with you?

Where did they go?

Who knows, it’s time for Denis to get married, and for Katya to get married!

Yes, they would rather marry each other. - I said jokingly.

And do you know what happened yesterday? One of the children, apparently, overheard my conversation with my mother and they decided to play a joke on me.

Mom, I have a serious conversation with you. - Katya turned to me.

What is it, daughter? What's happened?

I'm getting married!

Are you serious? - I have already begun to rejoice.

Yes,” the daughter answered, “My brother and I decided to get married.”

From what I heard, I fell out of my chair and hit the wall, giving myself a bump. The children immediately rushed to help me.

Is everything okay, mom? Aren't you hurt too much? - Denis asked.

Nothing's wrong! - I started screaming, - What are you planning?!

You were all waiting for us to move away from you. Here! We're getting married!

I felt even worse, I felt my blood pressure rise.

Okay, mom, excuse us, we decided to joke with you. It's not what you thought. - Denis said.

How it really turned out. Katya had a new colleague at work, with whom she became very friendly and began dating. And this colleague had an older sister who, ironically, was also single. I don’t know how Katya brought Denis together with her chosen one’s sister, but we are now preparing for two weddings.

But I remembered their joke for a long time.

“Listen,” said Kostya, my friend, sipping an amber drink from a bottle, “How old is your sister?”

— 13 and a half seems to be: What?

- No, it’s just that, as I see it, she has already turned into a real girl. Just a year ago the girl was a girl, but today I saw her: She’s already a real beauty.

“Yes, you’re right—she’ll grow up and we’ll have to drive the crowds away from her,” I answered calmly. But the friend continued:

“But it seems to me that she is already quite grown up.” Are they still not chasing her?

- Well, I haven’t noticed it yet. And my sister is a home girl, she doesn’t go out much.

“Listen, friend, don’t be offended that I’m talking about your sister like that, but now she’s got a figure that’s crazy.” And the breasts have already grown quite well. In my opinion, she is already quite mature.

- Yes, I agree with you, it has already formed like this:

For a couple of minutes we just drank beer and were silent. But then the friend started talking about my sister again.

- Listen, you’re her brother, you live with her all the time and all that: Have you seen her naked? - Kostya stunned me with his question.

— Umm: How should I tell you: Actually, I saw:

- Recently?

- Yes, literally last week.

- Under what circumstances?

“Well, I spy on her when she washes herself in the bathroom,” I answered, completely embarrassed for no reason.

- Oooh! - my friend admired, - And how is she without clothes?

“She’s very beautiful,” I answered, hoping to end our conversation there, but Kostya did not calm down. He finished his bottle in one gulp, looked at me with an admiring burning gaze and asked:

— A: she already has hair: on her pubic hair?

“Yes, I already have a little,” I answered honestly again. On the one hand, talking with a friend about the intimate details of my own sister felt somehow wrong, but on the other hand, these memories stirred up something strange in me, some kind of perverted excitement that I felt, leaning against the crack of the keyhole of the bathroom door, where My little sister swam without suspecting anything.

- Wow! - Kostya squealed, - What do you think, is she already jerking off?

- How should I know?! — I became completely indignant. “What kind of strange questions are these?” She's not my girlfriend, but my sister!

- No, you know: For example, I don’t have a sister: And I don’t have any brothers either, but that’s not relevant. I just don't understand this whole brotherhood thing. If I had such a miracle at home as you have, I would have long ago given up and tried to seduce her: to seduce her:

- That’s exactly what you don’t understand! - I snapped, - A sister is a sister, she is my closest relative, and incest is disgusting and terrible, read books.

- Why are you spying on her then? - Kostya asked with the grin of a real demon-tempter.

— Nuu: She’s very beautiful! And admiring beauty has nothing to do with incest. “I’m not going to fuck her,” I answered, and my treacherous imagination immediately painted me a picture of my sister lying with her legs spread wide apart and me slowly entering her heated vagina.

— Hmm: I would also be happy to spy on her: And not only: How I envy you! — the friend ended his speech with this and uncorked another bottle, “And yet,” he began again, “Isn’t it a shame?” You lived with her all your life, watched her grow, enjoyed her beauty, saw how every day she turns more and more from a child into a real girl: And then someone completely stranger will come and take her to him, undress her, will excite and fuck your beauty.

- Ha! Just let someone try to fuck her! I'll break his nose right away, or worse:

- And why? Out of jealousy or what?

- No, no, you’re just supposed to protect your sister.

- Well, maybe she wanted it herself, she probably already wants it:

- Doesn't matter. The first person who wants to fuck my sister should save money for plastic surgery.

- But if I, for example, want to have sex with her, will you allow me?

- Of course not! - I blurted out angrily.

- Do you know why? - Kostya asked with the same grin.

- Well, why? — I reacted angrily.

- Yes, because you will be jealous! Yes, I'm jealous! Because by peeping, you clearly know that the maximum you can do is enjoy the beauty of your sister. And then - secretly.

- What are you hinting at?

- That I can achieve much more than you ever allowed yourself to dream!

- Well, what do you mean by this?

- That it’s time for you to stop spying and reading stupid books about “disgusting and terrible” incest, and start acting and try your sister first and not then suffer all your life that some freak took her virginity.

- No, you still don’t understand our relationship with her.

- Tell me honestly, did you jerk off to her?

“Well: yes,” I admitted.

“You see, it means she still excites you.” Do you want to touch her breasts, touch her between her legs?

- Yes, of course I want to: But still, she is my sister.

“No, I still don’t understand these brothers and sisters,” Kostya threw up his hands.

- Well, okay, let’s say: She won’t want it in her life!

- And have you tried? No. Maybe she sleeps and sees, can’t wait for you to finally fuck her!

- Well, I don’t think so:

- But let's go to you and check! Don't be afraid, I won't do anything, I just want to take another look at your sister.

- Well, let's go.

Natasha’s and my parents, as always on weekends over the past three months, went to their recently acquired summer cottage to arrange it.

Therefore, my sister was completely alone at home when my friend and I, extremely determined, stumbled home.

Natasha ran out to meet us in her traditional summer clothes - a loose pink blouse that did not reach her navel and short knitted sports shorts. Moreover, her already quite good size, round and apple-hard breasts under her blouse were free from all kinds of bras and bounced slightly with every step she took.

- Oh, what guests! - my sister was delighted, pressing her whole body against me and cheerfully kissing me on the cheek, - Otherwise, I’m so bored here alone: ​​Besides, I was going to go to the shower, but I saw that you forgot your keys and decided to stay and wait for your return, but... you're already here - I'm off! - she chirped cheerfully, and briskly jumped along the corridor to her room for a change of linen and her favorite towel. On the way, she turned around and threw in our direction: “I’ll be there in a moment, don’t be bored, I’ll wash myself and feed you - after all, my mother left me in charge of the housewife!” - and disappeared into the room. My friend and I looked at each other meaningfully, and during this time my sister managed to sneak into the bathroom, locked herself in there and turned on the water.

“Listen,” my friend began, but I understood everything and said so:

- Let's go, just quickly and quietly.

We took off our sneakers and quietly, wearing only our socks, approached the bathroom door. I looked through the keyhole first. We must pay tribute, the location of the bathroom was simply ideal for peeping - right opposite the crack. I saw how my sister quickly took off all her clothes, tested the water with her hand and climbed into the bath - she stood under the shower, facing straight to the door, blissfully closed her eyes, began to rub her long brown hair with her hands - thus giving away everything that was fresh, young, virgin body to my eyes. I hardly tore myself away from the magnificent picture and waved to Kostya, who eagerly took my place. Literally immediately his jaw just dropped to the floor.

- How do you like it? - I asked in a whisper.

- Look, I literally don’t know what to say. Unless - how are you still holding back?? I wouldn’t have been able to stand it a long time ago and: ahem: her. She's a miracle!

- Quiet! - I threatened, - Otherwise our miracle will hear you! And in general, you looked and you’ve had enough, there’s no point in looking at my sister like that, you’ll rape her,” I said and pushed Kostya aside and fell, as before, to the crack.

My sister just started soaping herself up - with her hands full of foam, she crawled all over her body and incredibly erotically stroked her albeit small, but already absolutely correct shaped and incredibly beautiful breasts.

- Well, what is she doing there? - my friend was exhausted, - Have you already reached: dooooo: the same one?

“Yes,” I answered when my sister, spreading her legs and bending over, began to thoroughly soap between her legs. Her hand moved back and forth for a long time, even longer than necessary. It seems that this brought very pleasant sensations to Natasha. “Look,” I reassured, and Kostya immediately took my place.

- Oooh! — the friend practically moaned quietly, “But she’s masturbating!”

I quickly drove him away again and began to look. The sister was still gently rubbing herself between her legs, while an expression of some completely unearthly bliss clearly appeared on her face. After another minute, her head threw high up, her mouth opened wide and she most likely let out a groan, which we did not hear only due to the sound of pouring water.

For the first time in my life, seeing my sister’s orgasm, I crawled away from the door under incredible impression, next to which Kostya immediately froze. The expression of absolute happiness and pleasure on my sister’s face couldn’t get out of my head. It’s very strange that my sister had never masturbated in the bathroom before and started today.

- She finishes! - the friend whispered, and immediately the noise of fashion stopped. We quickly got to our feet and retreated to my room, where I immediately turned on some kind of music video, of which I had a huge amount of. Naturally, we could not think about anything else except about my sister, who had just shown us all her beauty, all her charms. In addition, she was about to leave the bathroom, and we had to somehow calm down so as not to look unnatural.

Literally a minute later, Natasha, it’s not clear what was more heated from the shower or masturbation, flew into our room, wearing a T-shirt similar to her previous one and with a huge terry towel on her head.

- Well, I hope you weren’t too bored here without me? — my sister cooed cheerfully and sat down on the sofa right behind us. We turned our faces to her in unison and answered in unison:

- Nooo!

This amused my sister. She laughed and fell onto the sofa, kicking her legs in the air.

“Oh, you did it so funny,” my sister explained after laughing. “Well, I’ll go get something tasty,” she reassured us, and rushed off somewhere towards the kitchen. My friend and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“I thought my heart would break when she came in,” my friend admitted to me, “Well, what are your plans?”

- What are your plans? - I asked stupidly.

- Well, how are you going to seduce her?

- Oh, have you seen her, she’s only physically developed, but mentally she’s still a child:

- Well, we saw what a child she was in the bathroom!

The image of my sister experiencing an orgasm flashed through my mind again. I shook my head to get rid of the vision.

“I think we need to loosen her up somehow first,” Kostya said thoughtfully, raising his index finger upward with the air of a teacher.

- And how do you imagine this?

“Well, maybe we’ll let her know that we saw her in the bathroom?”

- Are you crazy? She'll kill us for this! You just don't know my sister. And in general, what does “we saw” mean?

- Well: If you seduce her, won’t you allow me, your best friend, to do the same to her?

- I don’t see any connection: Eh, I shouldn’t have let you see her naked:

- What's done is done, you better think about what will be done now.

At that moment the sister returned with a huge tray of all kinds of fruit. She put it all on the table next to us, and she, with a sense of accomplishment, collapsed on the sofa with an apple.

- And what are you doing? - Natasha asked.

“Yes, we’re watching the clips,” I answered, timidly looking at my sister’s perfect body.

“Heh, not interesting,” she replied, crunching an apple.

-What would you like to do? - Kostya asked her.

- Well, maybe we can play something? - suggested the sister.

- And where did you see grown sixteen-year-old men playing games with a little thirteen-year-old girl? - I said without thinking.

- Oh-oh-oh, “sixteen-year-old men”! — my sister began to mock me, “And I’m almost 14 already!”

- Oh, you little scoundrel! — I said mockingly, jumping onto the sofa next to her, and began to fight with her, not for real, of course. All I did was not let her get up from the sofa, and she tried to pinch me harder with her tenacious fingers and jump up. We must pay tribute, in this “fight” I absolutely without hesitation pressed her with my hands lying on her breasts to the sofa. Realizing this, I seemed to accidentally move my palms so that my thumbs lay directly on her hard papillae. I moved my fingers slightly, thus massaging my sister’s nipples, and let her go.

My sister immediately sat down, all disheveled and cheerful, and pinched my nipple painfully. In response to this, I sharply extended my hand to her nipple, but with a squeal she covered them with her palms, and then I, changing the flight path of my hand, landed right between her legs and pinched my sister’s labia through the thin fabric of her panties and shorts.

Natasha squealed even more, trying to cover not only her nipples, but also her genitals, and said offendedly:

- This is unfair! It hurts too much! I missed you there:

“Okay, sorry,” I said, catching my friend’s approving glance.

- Well, you won’t mock adults anymore? - I asked.

- No, I will not. I won’t do it to adults! — Natasha answered ambiguously, grinning.

- Come on! - Kostya intervened, - I know what we will play. Let's play cards. Whoever wins chooses one of the losers and, at his request, either asks him a question, which he must answer honestly, or gives him a task, which he must complete.

- Oh, I know this game! — my sister agreed cheerfully, “The girls from my class and I played it during a camping trip.”

- Well, then bring out the cards! - I said, and Natasha rushed off in search of them, - What are you planning? - I asked my friend.

- Well, let's see what happens.

Natasha flew into the room, holding an old deck of playing cards in her hand.

We all sat on the sofa - me and Kostya on the edge, my sister, with her legs folded cross-legged, in the back between us - so that a kind of triangle was formed, she shuffled the cards and dealt them out to us.

The first time, oddly enough, it was Natasha who was lucky. She looked at me like a winner and asked:

— Question or order?

“Question,” I chose.

— Hehe: Have you ever stolen anything?

“Yes,” I admitted.

“This is the second question,” I interrupted my sister, and she, offended, shuffled the cards and dealt them to us again.

This time I was lucky. I looked for a long time, first at my sister, then at my friend, as if choosing whom to ask, and naturally I asked my sister a question:

- Truth or order?

— Ummm: Order! - the sister answered, looking as if she had managed to deceive me.

- Stand on your head near the wall and stand there for a whole minute, no matter what and without moving.

My little sister had no choice but to do it. She walked up to the wall, leaned on her hands and suddenly turned over, resting her heels on the wall. Her light short T-shirt immediately fell down, exposing her beautiful breasts. But the sister stood for the required 60 seconds without moving, only her face turned red, either from shame, or from the blood rushing to her head.

After the time had passed, she turned over, straightened her T-shirt and sat down to play with us further. And this time I was lucky too.

I again pretended as if I was going to ask Kostya, but at the last second I turned to Natasha and said:

- Truth or order?

- Is it true! - answered the sister, who had learned from bitter experience this time.

- Well, hold on! Have you ever jerked off? And if so, when was the last time?

The sister was clearly confused by this question, but there was nothing to do, she had to answer, and answer truthfully.

- And these are two questions! — she tried to make an excuse, but I interrupted her:

- But no. Because if the answer to the first is negative, you don’t have to answer the second, and if it’s positive, you can only answer the second! — I led her into a dead end with my thoughts.

- Well: Okay, I’ll answer: - Natasha lowered her eyes, blushed again and answered, “Today in the bathroom,” and immediately covered her burning face with her hands and laughed.

- Well, let's continue? - I asked and dealt out the cards.

Tellingly, Natasha won again.

- Well, truth or order? - my sister asked me insidiously.

— Um: Order.

“Well then: Stand here,” the sister pointed to the chair, “Take off your pants and panties and shout “crow” three times!

Horrified by my sister’s perverted order, I began to carry it out. I stood on a chair and pulled off my pants. My dick stood like stone. I hesitated for a second and pulled down my panties too. My sister’s eyes literally widened at the sight of my fully combat-ready dignity. I, having quickly crowed the prescribed three times, pulled all my clothes back and sat down in my place.

The sister dealt out the cards again, and this time Kostya finally won. He wasted no time asking Natasha the question required by the rules, and she answered “Order.”

“Then, listen to my command.” I order you: Take off your T-shirt. For good.

“Well, you’ve already seen everything,” the sister answered and pulled off her T-shirt. But she immediately threw her lush and long hair in front and completely covered her breasts with it.

On the next round of our game, Kostya was lucky again. But he didn't ask Natasha. He asked me. And having received “True” in response, he asked:

— Have you ever fucked a girl, and if so, who, if not, who would you like?

At this question, my sister simply burst out laughing.

- No, I didn’t. Whom I would like: I looked thoughtfully at my sister, who had not noticed this, and did not dare answer completely honestly. Instead, I said, “Natasha, from our class.”

However, upon hearing her name, my sister perked up for a second, but quickly calmed down after listening to my answer to the end.

- And I’ll tell Natasha that you want her! - the sister remarked slyly.

- And I’ll tell my mom that you’re masturbating in the bathroom! — I retorted, and, it seems, I hit the bull’s eye.

“Okay, let’s keep each other’s secrets,” my sister whispered conspiratorially.

And the next time Kostya won. He turned to my sister with a question.

- Is it true!

- And you, have you ever given yourself to a boy, and if so, to whom, if not, then to whom would you like to give yourself?

- No. And I would like: Sasha,” she said my name, but then added with a mocking smile, “From my class.”

We continued the game in silence. I won. The sister, having chosen “order”, began to wait for what I would tell her to do.

“I order you to dance a striptease in front of us, with complete undress.”

Tellingly, my sister didn’t even object. She went to the computer, turned on slow music, threw her hair behind her back, thus exposing her breasts, and began to smoothly wriggle in the dance. She turned away from us and slowly, without stopping dancing, pulled off her shorts. After some time, she again turned to face us and very, very slowly began to pull off her panties. Having done this and remaining completely naked, she immediately covered her slit with her palm.

- All! - she said and bowed, starting to pull her panties back. We applauded, and my sister climbed into her seat without wearing shorts. Only this time she sat down in Japanese, squeezing her knees close.

Our game continued. Kostya became the next winner, and having received an “order” in response, he said:

“Put your hand under your panties, put your finger inside yourself, pull it out and lick it!”

— Me: I'm afraid, I'm a virgin.

- Well, just a little! - Kostya demanded.

Natasha knelt down, spreading her legs, pulled off the elastic with one hand, and inserted the other under her panties. We saw how one finger moved a little further and, having reached the entrance to the vagina, the sister pressed it a little, inserting it literally a centimeter inside. She quickly took it out and plunged it into her mouth.

— Shall we continue? - Kostya asked with satisfaction.

And we continued. Tellingly, he won again. And he asked me again.

“An order,” I answered proudly.

— Then: Then-then-then: Get under your sister’s panties and caress her clitoris for exactly one minute! - Kostya blurted out with grief in his eyes.

- This is unfair! My sister was indignant, but she turned to me, spread her legs wide and, bashfully turning to the side, said, “Here.”

I couldn't believe my luck. With trembling hands, I touched the panties, pulled them aside and put my finger on the clitoris of my sister, who was obediently awaiting the caress. I carefully began to move my finger. It seems that only a second has passed, and Kostya has already proclaimed: “That’s it, a minute has passed!” At that moment I was ready to kill him.

We didn't continue playing. Having thrown away the cards, we began to ask each other questions in a circle.

- Now I ask! - said the sister, - Sasha, Truth or Order?

- Is it true.

- When you said about Natasha from your class: Did you honestly mean her?

“No,” I answered honestly.

“So you lied, and I can ask you again,” my sister said calmly, “Truth or Order?”

- Is it true.

—Who do you most often imagine when you jerk off? - the sister blurted out.

“You,” I answered honestly, and then asked:

- Truth or Order?

- Is it true.

- When you said about Sasha from your class, did you honestly mean him?

- So you lied:

- Yes, ask me again!

- Truth or order?

- Order!

“Take off your panties and let me,” I caught my friend’s pleading look, “Me and Kostya kiss you there.”

Natasha obediently and impatiently took off her last piece of clothing and lay down, leaving herself at our complete disposal.

I was the first to touch her incredibly fresh bud with my lips. I licked her clitoris for a long time, passionately kissed her lips and even slightly inserted my tongue into her. With great difficulty, I pulled myself away from the most fragrant intimate place of my sister and allowed Kostya to do the same. Natasha blurred in pleasure and began to breathe passionately. But now Kostya broke away from my sister and immediately asked her:

- Truth or Order?

“True,” the sister answered, calming her breathing but without changing her position.

- Would you like your brother to take your virginity?

- YES! - my sister answered and reached out to me. I hugged her and kissed her nipple. She responded with a groan.

I moved lower and began to caress her clitoris with my tongue. This time I didn't need to stop anymore. I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she could never get from anyone else. I don’t remember how I ended up without panties, I took my erect penis in my hand and began to gently stroke my sister’s pussy with it. And then, gathering his courage, he inserted his penis into her. After waiting a little, I began to press. The member overcame the obstacle extremely easily and slipped its full length inside. I took him out. There was no blood at all - apparently my sister’s hymen was very thin and small. Seeing that my sister was not in any pain, I continued. I entered it and began to make forward movements. My sister wrapped her arms around me and moaned subtly with every thrust. A little more and I would have cum inside, but I was stopped in time by the exclamation of Kostya, who was looking at us in fascination:

- Just don’t cum in your sister!

I immediately came out and burst into a fountain of sperm right on my sister’s incredibly beautiful, not yet fully formed breasts. Sperm also covered her tummy and filled her navel.

The sister was breathing heavily, but still said with a smile:

- Well, now back to the shower:

But Kostya did not let her do this. He asked:

- Do you want to come with me? After all, you haven’t experienced an orgasm yet.

“Yes,” my sister answered and looked at me questioningly. I nodded affirmatively.

Then Kostya, without wasting time, pulled his sister towards him in such a way that she was now lying on the very edge of the sofa, with her legs dangling down. Kostya slightly lifted my sister’s hips, since she was very petite and light, stood up and entered her and began his work.

My sperm slowly flowed from my breasts down onto Natasha’s neck and onto the sofa. Literally a minute later, my sister began to thrash in orgasm, Kostya lowered her onto the sofa and discharged his dose of sperm onto her body. The sister lay helplessly with her arms and head thrown back, recovering from a violent orgasm. When we all caught our breath a little, I hurried to send Kostya out, who already got more than he deserved, took my sister to the bathroom, washed her, and had sex with her again, right there, under the shower. He dried him off, wrapped him in a towel and took him to his room. Where we had sex again. This time I had no sperm left at all, and I didn’t stain Natasha at all. Having caught my breath, I again aroused my sister with my fingers and fucked her, without withdrawing my penis during my orgasm, because there was no sperm left at all. By the end of the day we had sex three more times.

And then, without waiting for their late parents, they went to bed, completely exhausted and confident that the same thing would happen again next weekend.