White spell on my husband's hair. Effective and powerful magic - love spell on hair. How to prepare for a magical procession

Strong spell for hair from drunkenness

Take a few hairs of a person suffering from alcoholism and bury them with the words:

Free online interpretation of dreams - to get results, enter the dream and click on the search button with a magnifying glass

“It is not the hair of God’s servant (name) that I will bury,
and I free his soul from the filthy potion.
The horned one offers a drink,
but the Mother of God does not give, she forbids!
God help me! Protect the soul of your servant (name)!”

Read the spell and rituals for money while combing the hair on your head, while combing

During the growing month, sit by the window and, combing your hair with a wooden comb, say:
“A star shone in the sky,
The red maiden unraveled her braid.
She combed her hair after unbraiding it.
I treated myself kindly.
There will be this house
happy and rich!”
Collect the hair that remains on the comb and hide it in a secluded place - let it be stored there until next year.

It is possible to get rid of a love spell, as well as protect yourself from new magical attacks, thanks to the improvised items available in every home.

For example, wearing a pin in a place hidden from prying eyes will provide reliable protection against love spells.

When disconnecting it from clothing, you should say the text three times:

“I remove the pin from the clothes and the love of the servant of God, the servant of God (name)

I delete the servant of Bogarab of God (name).

Then put it in a place where no one can find it.

It is best to bury it in the ground.

— Getting rid of a love spell

Read a proven hair spell for love

For a love spell, you will need a few hairs from the guy’s head and the same number of yours. The hair is woven together, saying the words:
"I love you,
and you will love me,
You will be mine forever!”
The hair is then placed under the mattress of the bed where your loved one sleeps.

An effective spell for rapid growth and for thick hair and nails during the full moon and new moon

Grow my braid
waist length.
Strengthen your nails
like a beast has claws.
Shine your eyes
like a star in the night.
Be strong teeth
Yes, redden your lips.
It will be so!

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future, which can be darkened by a transition to the dark side if you are not strong enough to keep yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, incantations, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by the higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Prayer and spell for hair growth in a child, through wheat, white magic

Take a spike of wheat and place a comb on it, which you use to comb the child, saying:
"Mother Earth"
fed the wheat.
A strong spikelet has grown,
gave power to (child's name) hair.
Spikelet to scallop,
hair to hair!”

An effective spell on the enemy's hair, on a new moon

Use scissors to cut the enemy's hair, saying the following spell:
“I take the hair,
that the enemy's voice knew.
I will destroy the enemy's machinations,
I will break evil plans.
I'm burning my hair
I return troubles to the enemies!”
The cut hair must then be burned.


Representatives of sacred knowledge who lived in ancient times already knew that a person’s hair could provide them with all the information about him. And DNA analysis has nothing to do with it, especially since no one knew about it at that time. Even then, it was not difficult for black magicians and witches to perform on hair. Basically, this was necessary in order to forcibly win the affection of the young man or girl he liked.

Unfortunately, human hair can be used in black magic not only for “machinations” on the love front, but also for causing damage. But basically, hair is used specifically for a love spell. To be someone, it is enough to have at least one of his hairs. When the hair is received, you need to choose the optimal method for the love spell. When choosing it, you need to calculate your own strengths in advance so as to bring the work you started to the end.

One of the simplest ways to bewitch a person by hair is to intertwine his hair with your own. At the same time, it is necessary to pronounce a special spell: “Let our destinies intertwine, just as these hairs are intertwined.” After this, the twisted hair needs to be rolled up in red wax, put in the left pocket and carried with you for a whole week. The final “chord” of this love spell will be the discreet placement of this twist of hair in the house of your lover (or beloved). If the hair cannot be hidden in the house, then it is thrown under the threshold.

Another way to bewitch a loved one through his hair is as follows. The hair of the person being bewitched is buried near the porch of his house, after which the words are spoken: “You will be next to me, just like your hair.” The next way to cast a love spell on hair is this. As in the first method, you need to make a twist from the hair of your loved one and your own, and then bury this hair in a pot with a houseplant. The plant must be cared for with love and care. The meaning of such a love spell is that the flower will accumulate positive energy, transferring it to the lover (or beloved).

To win over your loved one, you need to twirl his hair on your finger and read the spell: “Your hair is with me - and you (the name of the person being bewitched) are with me.” After such a conspiracy, this hair is fixed on a gold ring and is constantly carried with you. You can use a more complex love spell. For this you need cactus flowers grown with your own hands. These flowers are tied with the hair of the person being bewitched, and then dipped in the wax of a church candle. The spell is: “The spiny cactus was able to bloom in my hands. Let love bloom in your heart in the same way.” The flower, waxed, is quietly thrown into the house or under the threshold of a loved one.

It is difficult to find a person who has never experienced unrequited love in his life. The pain experienced from such a phenomenon can be compared to the bitterness of losing a loved one. To heal emotional wounds, some people turn to all sorts of rituals . A love spell on a man's hair, which you can read about in this article, is considered one of the most effective methods. This ritual is most powerful due to the fact that human hair contains a high concentration of its energy.

To achieve the effect after the ceremony, you need to follow the recommendations:

  1. It is best to cast a spell on your loved one’s hair during the new moon.
  2. For carrying out the sacrament, the hair that is best suited is the one that was personally cut by the girl from the man’s head.
  3. If there is no month in the sky, this will have a positive effect on the effect.
  4. The ceremony should not be carried out later than one day after cutting the hair.
  5. If you can’t cut the hair yourself, you need to collect the curls from the man’s headdress or comb, but so that he doesn’t guess about it.
  6. If it is not possible to secretly obtain strands, you can also ask the owner for his hairs, but do not tell him what they are needed for.
  7. The collected hair is placed in the girl's personal scarf.
  8. This love spell requires observance of the sacrament: not a single person should know about its implementation.

What is needed for a love spell

Since ancient times, in the magical environment, human hair has enjoyed a special relationship, which has been preserved to this day. This is due to the fact that curls, unlike other biological materials, contain a large amount of human energy and information about the owner is concentrated in them.

For this reason, the lover’s hair will be required to perform the ceremony. You can look for them on personal belongings, clothing or hats. The hair that the girl herself cuts off from her lover’s head has more energy.

How to make a love spell

There are many ways to perform this ritual in the world. The most effective of them will be given below.

  1. To carry out such a ritual, you will need to find three hairs of your beloved. They are mixed with a strand of hair from a girl who wants to bewitch a guy and burned to the ground. During the burning, the girl quickly pronounces a spell in which she asks higher powers for help. Ritual words can be different, it is important that they come from the heart. For example: “Higher powers, mighty powers, I, the servant of God (the girl’s name), ask you for help. Let our locks burn with fire, let (the guy’s name) and I be together.”
  1. This ritual has a very powerful effect, but at the same time, it is much more difficult to carry out. To perform the sacrament, you will need your lover's hair, a candle, a wax doll (made with your own hands), a photo of the guy and knowledge of prayers for the wedding. Hair and a photograph of the man are attached to the wax doll; it will symbolize his image. At midnight, you need to place a lit candle in front of the doll and read prayers for the wedding for half an hour. This ritual will spiritually connect two people before higher powers.
  1. To perform this ritual, even one hair of the beloved will be enough. At midnight you need to light a church candle, pick up a man's hair and a woman's hair. Then you should concentrate as much as possible on your desire to be with your lover, intertwine two hairs and say the words out loud: Like the sky with a star, like a grain with the earth, so you and I are one. Nothing in the whole world can separate us, separate us from each other.” After this, you need to burn your hair in a candle flame and go to bed. Before going to bed, be sure to visualize your desire as much as possible in order to enhance the effect.
  1. This ritual is performed if it is necessary to revive the relationship between partners. To perform it, you will need hair cut five to seven hours ago from the head of your lover by the hand of a girl. Before the ceremony, you cannot sleep all night, and before the sun rises, you need to go outside and dig a small hole near the roots of the nearest tree. You need to put a strand of hair there. At the same time the following words are pronounced: “I bury the curls of my beloved, God’s servant (name of the man), under a young tree, may he be forever deprived of peace. So that he gets bored, sad, doesn’t know a place without me.” . After performing the ritual, do not utter a word for three hours.

These are the most famous and most effective rituals. If they are carried out from sincere motives under the influence of strong love, then strong negative consequences will not be expected. As a rule, any conspiracy begins to take effect almost immediately after its execution. If five days have passed and no noticeable effect has occurred, it means that the ritual did not work and you need to repeat it again.

Love spell on hair that cannot be removed

There are also conspiracies that cannot be removed, or it is very difficult to do so. Some of them will be given below.

  1. Comb spell. To carry out this ritual, you need to ask your lover in advance for a comb (only with hair!) and forget to return it. At midnight of the same day you need to go to the nearest crossroads and utter any words that fully express the desire to attract the attention of a man. For example: “Comb-comb, you are now my best friend. You, my friend, help me, bring my beloved (man’s name) to me (girl’s name) as soon as possible!” The morning after the sacrament is completed, you need to return the comb to the man and apologize. The result will not take long to arrive!
  2. Christmas love spell with blood. It is during Christmas time that rituals are held, so during this period a person’s connection with higher powers reaches its peak. You need to secretly obtain a strand of the chosen one’s hair and save it until Christmas. On any holy night, a lock of hair should be soaked in blood from the right ring finger, and wrapped in a scarf, which is then placed at the head of the bed. The package must remain in this place for exactly seven days, and after that it must be placed next to the house of a loved one, where he will step over it.
  3. A strong love spell with your hair. To carry it out, a long strand of the girl’s hair is used, cut with a knife almost to the root. This strand is woven into a braid with a dense red thread. On a night with a full moon, you need to come to your lover’s house and bury your pigtail in front of the entrance. At the same time the following words are pronounced: “My dear hair, help me from now on. Don’t let strangers in here, promise to take care of our love. I'm not connecting hair, I'm cementing our love. Don't look at strangers, just love me alone. My word is true, the strongest.” After carrying out the conspiracy, you need to quickly go home, without looking back and not talk to anyone until the next morning.

How to bewitch a girl by her hair

There is a misconception in the world that all kinds of love rituals are performed exclusively by young girls. In real life, men are also familiar firsthand with the feeling of rejection. Young men have a strong love for those representatives of the fair sex who do not pay any attention to them. Therefore, they too can turn to magical rituals to solve their problems.

To regain your beloved’s favor or to bind your chosen one to you, you can perform a universal love spell with a candle. To perform the sacrament, you need to tie the hair of women and men in a tight knot, and then read the following words:

“Heavenly powers, mighty powers, I beg you! Unite our souls, seal them with bonds forever. From now on we will be united, forever inseparable.”

This ritual gives a very quick effect if a man concentrates on the image of his beloved and puts his whole soul into each of the spoken words.

Another love spell is performed on the full moon. You need to take a strand of a woman’s hair, go to the nearest intersection and scatter it, while saying:

“Hair fly, fly, beloved bewitch. We will be together, connected like smoke and fire. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Consequences of a love spell

There is an idea that love spells are divided into “white” and “black”. The former supposedly do not carry any negative consequences, while the latter can cause severe harm to the conspirator.

Those who regularly practice magic and esotericism most often agree that any love spell is an energy-information program, so it cannot be classified as “white” or “black.” In any case, it will have consequences, which may vary depending on the strength of the ritual. It can be:

  • slight malaise for several days after the ritual;
  • severe illness after the ceremony;
  • long-term illness and death.

That is why you need to think carefully before performing the ritual, because after it is performed it will be difficult to change anything.

You should always remember that the initial goal of any love spell is to forcibly tie a person to something he does not want. This is a kind of violence that cannot be “white” or positive by definition. A love spell creates an unnatural connection between people, in which, ultimately, no one will be happy. The one who is bewitched because of imposed feelings, and the one who is bewitched because of the awareness of the artificiality of love.

Thus, whether to perform a love spell or not is everyone’s business, but before committing it, you must weigh all the pros and cons and decide whether you really need to use magical intervention in someone else’s life.

Is there a strong love spell on hair that cannot be removed? I answer: no. There are no magical rituals whose effects cannot be neutralized. In any magical tradition there are magnificent cult rituals of getting rid of any induced ritual. In the tradition of witchcraft there is a huge layer of unique rituals to get rid of damage and any other negativity. Today my article is devoted to the field of love spell magic and working with human biological connections.

Necessary information about love spells on the hair of a loved one

An independent love spell using a guy's hair can be done using black magic methods, as well as within the framework of white magic. Hair in biological rituals plays the role of binding to the object in relation to which magical work is being carried out.

In addition to a person’s hair, any elements of his body can be used - blood, sperm, saliva, nails, etc., as well as such non-biological links as a personal item, photo or handwriting sample. You can read a love spell on a man’s hair, as well as troubles and bindings, on your own, strictly in accordance with the conditions of the ritual: at home, in an open deserted place, during sex, in a cemetery, etc.

Most of the love spells a man can perform independently, such as binding and dry spells, work on the personal strength of the performer. Moreover, such as, for example, powerful love spells on hair and other bio-bindings, are performed with an appeal to the Forces, and the results are more stable and long-lasting. This is evidenced by numerous reviews from those who have cast serious love spells to attract a loved one.

Bio-bindings in a love spell are used in some spells to make a guy sad.

Before reading love spells or even starting any magical work with a person, it is recommended to ritually cleanse his aura. Let’s say, if a man has a big grudge against you, then a home spell for melancholy may not work, or the lover’s reaction will be completely different from what you need.
Melancholy itself will not remove the resentment; it needs to be removed, like a block. Runes and wax castings work well for this. Only after cleaning and weakening the man, you can do a love spell on your hair at home. Beginners in love magic often either simply do not know about this rule or ignore it. As a result, they get an inadequate result, or do not get a result at all. I'm not even talking about the scourge of all inept magicians - reversals and kickbacks after independently casting a love spell on a guy, when they themselves become the target, and it comes to them seriously.

The best time to read the text of a conspiracy for a man’s love is the evening or morning dawn, when the sun appears on the horizon or goes beyond its edge. Morning and lover should be directed towards the sun. In the evening you should face west, towards the setting star. And now an example of a love spell for a husband, which can be done using your hair and blood.

The most powerful way to tie is a love spell on your husband’s hair and blood

10 days before the day of the full moon, buy a bottle of vodka. Put 3 of your hairs, 3 nails from your left hand and 9 drops of your blood from the ring finger of your left hand into it. There is no need to read out the witchcraft spell. Close the bottle and put it away for 10 days. This completes the first part of the husband’s love spell on hair and blood. On the full moon at midnight, take out the vodka, pour it into a clay cup, bend low, and read the words of the spell three times:

“Ancient Beelzebub, give me a key ring to open the door where the terrible beast lies. His name is melancholy. I will release him and send him to (name). Let the beast follow (name) on his heels, tormenting him with severe melancholy. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, power has been given to you. I will bow my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me your heart (name). Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Candles are not used when reading the text of a love spell on hair on a full moon.

Everything needs to be done by moonlight. After this, the vodka should be carefully poured into a bottle and stored in a dark place for 40 days. After this period, you can give vodka to the person you dare to bewitch -

  • Is it my husband?
  • lover,
  • or a candidate for lovers.

The victim must drink vodka 3 times, 50 grams each, with an interval of 1-2 days. If there is still vodka left, you cannot pour it out. In general, you cannot pour out charmed liquids; they must be used for their intended purpose, down to the last drop. Vodka can be drunk little by little to a bewitched man. This proven hair love spell starts working quite quickly. The validity period of a love spell on a guy is about a year without repetition; If you perform the black rite of magical hooping correctly, you should not expect negative consequences.

There is another version of the “Ancient Beelzebub” love spell, which is also well known to practicing magicians. You can choose any of the two. Of course, this is not a white love spell on a guy through hair and nails, but an exclusively black magic technique. Although love rituals with enchanted drinking are also practiced by white magicians.

How to make a love spell on hair - a magical ritual for drinking blood

The words of a conspiracy to love your husband using hair in this version of the love spell may sound different:

“Ancient Beelzebub, give me the ring and the key to open the door where the terrible beast lives, his name is Tosca. Melancholy gets angry, toils, rushes at the door, breaks free from chains, waits for its victim. I will put your ring on my finger, let melancholy get rid of the chains, I will open the doors and let melancholy, a fierce beast, come to (name). Let longing follow him around, torment him with thoughts about me (name). It eats into him, bites into him, pushes him in the back, directs him towards me. Melancholy torments his soul, forces him to bow to me, breaks his will. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, you have been given the Power to do evil. I will bow my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me your heart and soul (name) into endless slavery. Let it be so".

You can read the plot using red wine, but instead of hair, nails and finger blood, use 13 drops of monthly blood. Mix the blood with a small amount of wine, read the call of the Forces three times, and drink the object with this wine. If this is not possible, then a mixture of wine and blood can be dripped onto pieces of sugar and put them in his coffee.

Performing a magical ritual in this form does not last so long. The result of this magical love spell is quite impressive. On the waning moon it is possible. On the waxing moon, one of the most powerful love spells on a guy for sex is obtained, along with sexual attachments to pubic hair, vaginal discharge, or sperm.

Now to the question of how to remove a love spell on hair, blood or nails.

There is simply a colossal number of effective love spells on a man using the biological elements of the performer, as well as with the bindings of the person being bewitched. Just like in the practices of love witchcraft, there is a huge number of independent rituals aimed at getting rid of the effects of love spells cast by a rival on a beloved man. We will talk about magical cleansing in the following materials. Now let’s move on to the topic of how to make a love spell on a girl’s hair and photo on your own.

A strong love spell on a woman or young girl’s longing for hair and photographs

This proven love spell for a woman is not tied to the lunar phases. To work you will need a new small lock with keys. A girl's love spell on hair and wax is not one of those that cannot be removed without the help of a real magician. This is a simple love spell that is done at home at a distance, and therefore you can extinguish its influence with the help of simple cleanings or transfers that you can do yourself.

So, for a home love spell, take a photo of your beloved girl and any reference, for example, her hair. Burn and carefully rub the candle that will be used in your work with this ashes. On the candle write the woman's full name, as well as her middle name and last name. Insert a large needle into the upper third of the candle and hang a key on it. Light a candle and read the plot until the key falls. This is a good, effective love spell through hair and photos, with which you can influence not only your mistress, but also your wife.

“As this candle burns, so (name)’s heart hurts for me (name). I send melancholy to him, a river of fire. Hanging, melancholy, clouded, spinning over (name)’s head, following on his heels, lead him to me. Just as a candle burns and burns, so (name)’s heart burns. I would eat, I wouldn’t be sad, I would drink, I wouldn’t be sad, no matter who I was with, no matter where I was, I would still think about me and be sad. Just as wax never catches fire, so (name) fades away for me. I take the key to (name)’s heart for myself, I lock his melancholy in his heart. Gnaw him, melancholy, and burn him, sweep him with thoughts and whip him, don’t give him a free life without me. While the key is with me, (name) is on fire, melting and melting, he will not get rid of longing for me. Amen".

As soon as the candle burns out, close the lock with the key. Carry the key with you, and put the lock in a safe place, after inserting a needle into the key hole. Simply throw away the candle stub. Those who have done a love spell on hair in this form speak of it as a stable, well-functioning ritual. The reviews note that the beloved woman very actively begins to look for any contacts.

The closer the communication, the better the bewitched woman feels. If necessary, renew and enhance the effect, heat the key on the flame of the same candle, reading the love plot for the girl three times. It works on the personal strength of the performer, the victim’s reaction is noticeable in the interval from 3 to 7 days.

Diverse and multifaceted.

In love, they often use the energy of the victim, as if tying it to the customer’s field. This is a fast path that can be difficult or simple, dangerous or not so dangerous.

One of the favorite tools of magicians is hair.

The fact is that, although they grow on a person, they are not alive in the full sense of the word. Their energy is like photography.

They are a cast or snapshot of an aura that is completely connected with a person, but not with his family. That is, the safety of the method is the impact on a specific person.

Love spell on hair: which ones are used in rituals

Of course, those that you managed to get from the head of your loved one. It will work in any case. There is only a difference between hair that is cut off, fallen out, and pulled out by the roots.

The ones that are best associated with the host are those that have traces of the bulb on them.

That is, if you want the love spell to be more effective, then you just need to pull out a hair from the victim’s head. If this is possible, of course.

To establish the necessary control, more of them are needed than torn out ones. The optimal option is from three to seven hairs.

Over the course of the existence of mankind, many hair rituals have accumulated. Their main feature is to connect the destinies of very specific people.

To carry out either, you will need the hair of both. It turns out that you are performing a mutual love spell. That is, everyone becomes a “victim”.

Both people who are tied with a love spell on their hair begin to develop feelings towards each other. It doesn't matter who performs.

In any case, both “carriers of hairs” are victims of love magic.

Grannies in villages like to talk about how to bewitch a guy or girl with their hair. Believe me, they know better.

Often they perform the ritual without the consent of the “clients” and without payment. They just push young people towards each other.

Often, the couples they create become very happy.

How to cast a love spell on your loved one's hair: rustic white magic

It's done like this.

  1. Take three hairs from each.
  2. They are braided or plaited.
  3. Then they tie it into seven knots with the words:

“I crown with the forces of good and evil! The blood flows in the veins, one falls in love with the other! The first node is passion, the second and third are attack! The fourth and fifth are fate! Sixth – love! The seventh is family! God! Help. Give the young ones love! Give children and goodness! Such is fate! Amen!"

Anyone can use this method. It belongs to the white village love spells. Its essence is to arouse interest among young people in each other.

This is not an attachment, but a little love, which will then develop on its own, if the Lord allows. Or it will disappear, leaving two pleasant, unburdensome memories.

Love spell with fire

This means that a modest, shy guy (or girl) can be “burned” with such a love spell.

The energy of passion will undermine him from the inside if he (she) does not pour it out in the right direction. It is advisable to “help” the modest guy some time after the ritual, so as not to accidentally kill him with an excess of emotions.

  1. Take an equal number of hairs from the participants in the future relationship and a wax candle.
  2. The piece needs to be melted or softened.
  3. Then the hairs are rolled into wax. You will get a ball consisting of wax and hair mixed together.
  4. This ball needs to be rolled between your palms while saying the following spell:

“Transparent water, bright star, fertile land, Supreme power! I conjure and command: no matter how much you unravel the tangle, my strength is deep. As the wax melts, so does your (name) brain burn! Fire in your veins, from this moment until the grave! Holy word, it is said! Amen!"

Now you need to burn the roll to ashes.

In principle, the ritual can be simplified. Take three hairs at a time and burn them in a candle flame. In this case, you need to think about the victim of the love spell.

Thoughts should be very clear, transparent, even happy. That is, just indulge in dreams about how good you will be together.

When you feel the rise, start burning the hairs. At the same time, the image of the person being bewitched must be kept in mind.

A person should be happy, joyful. It is very important.

How to read and perform the ritual correctly

If your thoughts go in a different direction (you’ll understand from the image), then stop the ritual. You are doing something wrong. Repeat another time.

Usually visualization itself tells you whether a love spell is needed. If thoughts go in the direction of aggression, fear, simple sadness, it means that the Higher Powers are against such a turn of events.

Don't be stubborn, listen to Them. This way you will avoid a lot of trouble.

If you try to listen to the Higher Powers, then they will definitely give a sign. In a short time you will meet true love.

And if you become capricious and stubborn, like a three-year-old child demanding candy at any cost, you can turn away true great love from your path. Basically, ruin your whole life.

You won’t even know what gift fate has prepared for you! This happens if you forget that the Lord loves all his children, providing them with absolutely everything they need to be completely happy.

When you apply a love spell on your hair, keep in mind that the hair from your head is where it works. That is, they evoke higher feelings than others.

If you are only interested in hair, then you need hair from another place (it’s clear which one). The rituals are performed in the same way as described. Only the hairs must be from equivalent media.

If, for example, you use the victim’s hair from the head, and your own from the pubic area, then this will already be a black tie, and a love spell on the hair will have unpredictable consequences.